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The single, united, democratic, one-man one-vote, Republic..

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Big Al » Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:03 am

what now GR?? are you going to present your poll results to the UN security coucil?? what a joke!! a poll is conducted on a forum dominated by GC's, hardly a good cross section of the cypriot community and yet the poll still suggested any TC that voted, would have voted for either a separate state or a bicomm fed, either way they have not voted for a united one man one vote GC administration. It a good thing your poll means f*&% all, especially in the TRNC.
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Postby Gabira » Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:57 am

Yes DemocraZy with people like GR ... God help the TC's.
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Postby humanist » Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:44 am

You really cannot see that Erdogan the thief and Talat were the best you could ever get. The stage in Turkey will now be conquered by the nationalists ( same in Cyprus ) that will tell the EU to go f**k themselves when it comes to Cyprus.

Umit, perhaps they are no the best we got but the best you got :):):);)

I will ask you one thing as a favour ....... go away somewhere quietly firstly and answer the following question, is it up to TC's to solve the Cypro or is it Turkey that is pulling the strings?

Answer it quietly to yourself, then perhaps have a chat t your dad. If you feel like sharing with us, I would be happy to hear a response if not that is okay too.

In there lies the answer.

Hey btw there's six of you sharing your little place in the sun. I guess no room for me ;) :):):):):)
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Postby humanist » Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:57 am

Security body in favor of comprehensive peace on Cyprus
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ANKARA – Turkish Daily News

A National Security Council (MGK) declaration welcomed the latest peace process launched on the divided Mediterranean island of Cyprus late Thursday.

?Turkey supports efforts to reach a just and permanent solution, based on the realities on the island and the existence of two separate people and two separate democracies. Political equality of two sides, equal status of two founding states as well as protection of parameters for a new partnership state are fundamental aspects of a solution. Guarantor and alliance treaties remain in force,? read the statement. The president of the Turkish Republic of northern Cyprus, Mehmet Ali Talat, met with Turkey's foreign minister, Ali Babacan, Friday at lunch, before visiting President Abdullah Gül. Talat had earlier said that negotiations over the final political situation on the island will continue in June and urged that any conclusion on the island must be loyal to United Nations parameters.

The MGK also stated that measures against attempts to disrupt the country's peace and security will continue with decisiveness, and noted that military operations into northern Iraq to wipe out terrorist lairs of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) were successful. The MGK concluded that staying in touch with ?all Iraqi groups and formations is beneficial.?

With attitude like this I doubt we be heading very far. I guess all you need is mama Turka and your set. Waitin waitin waitin :)
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Postby Big Al » Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:20 am

humanist wrote:
Security body in favor of comprehensive peace on Cyprus
Saturday, April 26, 2008
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ANKARA – Turkish Daily News

A National Security Council (MGK) declaration welcomed the latest peace process launched on the divided Mediterranean island of Cyprus late Thursday.

?Turkey supports efforts to reach a just and permanent solution, based on the realities on the island and the existence of two separate people and two separate democracies. Political equality of two sides, equal status of two founding states as well as protection of parameters for a new partnership state are fundamental aspects of a solution. Guarantor and alliance treaties remain in force,? read the statement. The president of the Turkish Republic of northern Cyprus, Mehmet Ali Talat, met with Turkey's foreign minister, Ali Babacan, Friday at lunch, before visiting President Abdullah Gül. Talat had earlier said that negotiations over the final political situation on the island will continue in June and urged that any conclusion on the island must be loyal to United Nations parameters.

The MGK also stated that measures against attempts to disrupt the country's peace and security will continue with decisiveness, and noted that military operations into northern Iraq to wipe out terrorist lairs of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) were successful. The MGK concluded that staying in touch with ?all Iraqi groups and formations is beneficial.?

With attitude like this I doubt we be heading very far. I guess all you need is mama Turka and your set. Waitin waitin waitin :)

perhaps you'e waiting, the TC's arent.
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Postby humanist » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:40 am

yes I am waiting to see a united Cyprus what else is there?
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Postby humanist » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:47 am

Ok, so we've had the vote and the "Single, united, democratic, one-man one-vote, Republic" has clearly won as the preferred method for the political future of Cyprus.

Whilst i voted for that because I think each person is equal to another and in a political arena I see that because one perosn is equal to another and therefore their vote is equal to another. I would like acknowledge that, that would be a majoriy GC's who voted for that. Does not really give us an indication of the popularity of that vote among Cypriots.

Would also be interesting to hear from people as their reasons for voting for 5.
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:49 am

Get Real! wrote:Eric, one of the beauties of Democracy is that it will destroy Greek nationalists’ dream of ENOSIS with Greece, just as it will destroy Turkish nationalists’ dream of ENOSIS with Turkey… so I can understand you spitting the dummy in ever-increasing amplitude! :lol:

I have to agree with Nikitas that the current BBF negotiations will fail miserably it's just a matter of time, leaving just one option left for Cyprus...

The Citizen's Panacea... D E M O C R A C Y

No GR, the kind of democracy that you are after will only give the Greek nationalist the tool to vote for ENOSIS in a "legal" sense but not only the Greek nationalist as you call them, it will also give the so-called "moderate" Greek Cypriot the same "right" should they change their minds (or be forced to by the "Greek nationalists") as has happened in 63 and 74.

GR, you Greeks and GCs are famous for not keeping your word or honour
your signature on any agreement and if you think knowing this we will in any way believe anything you say you've got another think coming.

Tell me GR, if your aim is not to rule the island all on your own with us TCs as second class minorities why do you insists on this "one man one vote" crap? If you are sincere and want the best for all "Cypriots" then why not suggest something that will give us equal rights in the running of the country and a guaranteed safety for both communities?

You can't GR, because your intentions are only for the best interests of the Greeks and GCs, you want a "legal" right to do what ever you want without us TCs meddling in your "affairs".

Since that murdering priest Makarios tried to force us TCs to change the constitution and take our rights away you have been dreaming and crying to be the sole rulers of the island and it is evident that you haven't changed your mind and this "One man one vote" crap suggested by you Greeks and GCs is just another attempt at gaining sole rule of the island so that you can do what you want.

If won't work GR because there will always be "nationalists" like myself but also moderate TCs like VP, zan and Deniz who will always say no unless you change your minds and are ready to share and share alike.

If you keep this charade up GR then you are guaranteeing that the "nationalist" partitionists like myself are sure to get our wish and as you very well know I personally do not want you to stop and hope that you even demand more in the future.

I hope you don't disappoint me GR.
Get Real! wrote:Eric, one of the beauties of Democracy is that it will destroy Greek nationalists’ dream of ENOSIS with Greece, just as it will destroy Turkish nationalists’ dream of ENOSIS with Turkey… so I can understand you spitting the dummy in ever-increasing amplitude! :lol:

I have to agree with Nikitas that the current BBF negotiations will fail miserably it's just a matter of time, leaving just one option left for Cyprus...

The Citizen's Panacea... D E M O C R A C Y

No GR, the kind of democracy that you are after will only give the Greek nationalist the tool to vote for ENOSIS in a "legal" sense but not only the Greek nationalist as you call them, it will also give the so-called moderate "Cypriot" the same "right" should they change their minds (or be forced to by the "Greek nationalists") as has happened in 63 and 74.

GR, you Greeks and GCs are famous for not keeping your word or honour
your signature on any agreement and if you think knowing this we will in any way believe anything you say you've got another think coming.

Tell me GR, if your aim is not to rule the island all on your own with us TCs as second class minorities why do you insists on this "one man one vote" crap? If you are sincere and want the best for all "Cypriots" then why not suggest something that will give us equal rights in the running of the country and a guaranteed safety for both communities?

You can't GR, because your intentions are only for the best interests of the Greeks and GCs, you want a "legal" right to do what ever you want without us TCs meddling in your "affairs".

Since that murdering priest Makarios tried to force us TCs to change the constitution and take our rights away you have been dreaming and crying to be the sole rulers of the island and it is evident that you haven't changed your mind and this "One man one vote" crap suggested by you Greeks and GCs is just another attempt at gaining sole rule of the island so that you can do what you want.

If won't work GR because there will always be "nationalists" like myself but also moderate TCs like VP, zan and Deniz who will always say no unless you change your minds and are ready to share and share alike.

If you keep this charade up GR then you are guaranteeing that the "nationalist" partitionists like myself are sure to get our wish and as you very well know I personally do not want you to stop and hope that you even demand more in the future.

I hope you don't disappoint me GR. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:12 am

Get Real! wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Long Live DemocraCY

We all know Cypriot democracy, if you think we will settle for minority status then we will say long live TRNC

That was the Anglo-American Partocracy they gave us back then! :)

I see GR, what was, according to you Greeks and GCs, "forced" upon you and you didn't like and want it changed you are now trying with all your might
to force upon us.

As in the words of the man, "You can not be serious man!". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Makarios didn't have to sign GR, he could have ordered his murdering EOKA to keep fighting but he intentionally signed the agreement to get rid of one enemy so that he can concentrate on the second, us TCs, to get what he and you Greeks and GCs wanted.

There was no talk or even a mention of "democracy" and/or we are all "Cypriots" crap and today we are supposed to believe that you have "changed" your minds and want a "democratic" country where all "Cypriots" have the same rights while at the same time you keep offering us "minority" status without any guarantees.

Yeah right GR.

Most people try to pull one leg but you Greeks and GCs are trying to pull both. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby observer » Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:14 am

Little has changed in the year since this poll was carried out: ... yprus&Cr1=
The poll found that “a strong majority” of Greek Cypriots said a unitary State solution was satisfactory, but a similar proportion of Turkish Cypriots viewed such an outcome as unacceptable. Most Turkish Cypriots preferred a two-State arrangement, but most Greek Cypriots said they regarded that idea as untenable.

Yet a majority on both sides saw a federal settlement as “the second best option and would be prepared to accept such a constitutional framework, at the very least as a compromise solution,” according to a press release summarizing the poll results.

Supporters among Greek Cypriots (65 per cent) tended to regard a federal settlement as “tolerable,” whereas Turkish Cypriot supporters (70 per cent) usually viewed it as “satisfactory.” Only small minorities of either community believed the status quo was the answer.

“Rejecting a federal solution out of hand, under any circumstances and regardless of the specific plan, is not a majority viewpoint in either community,” the release added.

Some sort of federal solution is the best (or worst) that is going to happen now. Otherwise the two parts will just drift apart into permanent partion.

For the future? Cyprus is a small island, so after a while common interests may bring both sides further together if both communities see it in their common interests, or common hostility will drive the constituent parts of the federation further and further apart.

One thing that is not going to happen in the immediate future is a one-man, one-vote republic, which only a GC could describe as democratic (like hey! Why don't Cyprus and both 'mother countries' join up in a single, united, democratic, one-man, one-vote republic so that we will all have the same mother country :roll: )
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