umit07 wrote:Get Real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think we have been fighting for 44 years?????????????
WHAT have you been fighting for Umit? I want it in a HUGE font...
unitedwestand wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Long Live DemocraCY
We all know Cypriot democracy, if you think we will settle for minority status then we will say long live TRNC
Get Real! wrote:umit07 wrote:Get Real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think we have been fighting for 44 years?????????????
WHAT have you been fighting for Umit? I want it in a HUGE font...
umit07 wrote:Get Real! wrote:umit07 wrote:Get Real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think we have been fighting for 44 years?????????????
WHAT have you been fighting for Umit? I want it in a HUGE font...
We have been fighting for our right of administering this island as equal partners. Since 64" we have had our seperate administerative bodies. One just cannot put all this aside and move on not after 44 years. Whether you like it or not GR there will always be a kind of partition on the island. The question is will we all live happily in ONE united Cyprus or do it the hard way. GR we will NEVER be a minority in your GR style democracy, the man you worship ( Tpap ) says loads about what you have in store for us. Sorry GR but the "Akritas plan reloaded" will never happen.
umit07 wrote:All we need is "mama Turka" behind us GR!!! She is enough, it's people like you who really get my Turkish blood pumping in. It's people like you that will make TC's cling to the dickhead Denktash.
You really cannot see that Erdogan the thief and Talat were the best you could ever get. The stage in Turkey will now be conquered by the nationalists ( same in Cyprus ) that will tell the EU to go f**k themselves when it comes to Cyprus.
umit07 wrote:GR democracy does NOT have a fixed defention or form. What I am asking for is NOT partition!
YOu just want us to forget about everything without even acknowledging the shit you put us through. Be very very careful for what you wish for GR it might just happen.
bill cobbett wrote:umit07 wrote:GR democracy does NOT have a fixed defention or form. What I am asking for is NOT partition!
YOu just want us to forget about everything without even acknowledging the shit you put us through. Be very very careful for what you wish for GR it might just happen.
Um, go back to GR's link at the top of this page. You'll see that democraCY can be narrowed down and described pretty well.
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