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Happy Easter...

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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:42 pm

In the words of a fictitious but famous Victorian fellow Londoner, HUMBUG!
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:09 pm

xronia polla.
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Re: Happy Easter...

Postby Filitsa » Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:33 pm

Oracle wrote:
Filitsa wrote:
boomerang wrote:
pantheman wrote:
boomerang wrote:
webbo wrote:
boomerang wrote:...everybody...

Kalo Pasha and go easy with the flaounes and avgolemoni...

Epises to you boomerang and a very Happy Easter to all who are celebrating this weekend.

Flaounes - is that the multi-cheese bread - love it, but try not to have too much :lol:
Not sure what avgolemoni is though -please explain. Many thanks

Bubbles x 8)

Thanks Bubbles...

The avgolemoni is the traditional soup we have straight after the church at midnight...Its made out of egg white, lemon juice and rice...With fresh made stock made on the day...Its excellent, and I suggest you try it out some time...

Avgo = egg
Lemoni = lemon

Hey Boomers, its not the egg white, but the yoke that is used.

The white is seperated and the lemon is mixxed in with the yoke and then stirred into the rice / stock on a lower heat so it doesn't curdle.

Well, I guess the chefs of this board are going to correct me, here goes.

Kalo Pasxa to all and eat well. My Grandfather used to have a saying, and it went like this " fage, tsai tsino tha sou mini" Loosely translated it say eat as that all you will take with you. And it is so true.

If you say so m8...I was sort of guessing...i knew it had to do with eggs... :lol:

It is the egg white just as Oracle explained, but if you throw in a yolk or two, they give it a richer flavor.

Doesn't anyone eat mageritsa after Anastasi?

Kalo Pascha se oulous.

Is that the spinach and liver soup? ... I thought it was called Kokoretsi ... but come to think of it .... is that the fried liver stuff?... Oh now I feel queasy :?

Mageritsa is a soup traditionally made with lamb's liver and dill among other things and eaten following Anastasi. Kokoretsi is marinated (oil, lemon, oregano) lamb's innards that are typically grilled on skewers. This too is traditionally eaten after Anastasi.
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Postby boomerang » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:29 am

Paphitis wrote:Hristos Anesti to everyone on the forum.

Likewise, the avgolemoni was wonderful and now kicking back with another authentic Cypriot Zivania. :D I think I might have a headache tomorrow. :(

Massive headache... :lol:

and I got my youngest's 18th today with all these people lobbing around for lunch...

oouuuuuuuuuuuu it bloody hurts :oops:
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:07 am

boomerang wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Hristos Anesti to everyone on the forum.

Likewise, the avgolemoni was wonderful and now kicking back with another authentic Cypriot Zivania. :D I think I might have a headache tomorrow. :(

Massive headache... :lol:

and I got my youngest's 18th today with all these people lobbing around for lunch...

oouuuuuuuuuuuu it bloody hurts :oops:

Happy 18th Birthday to your youngest. I hope you all have a wondeful day.

There is one sure fire way to relieve that headache. All you need to do is drink more Zivania, :D then your headache will be gone. :D

I am off to the outlaws today for souvla. So I will be trying this remedy to see if it works. :D
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Postby boomerang » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:36 am

Thanks Paphitis...and cheers mate...
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:16 am

Kalo Paska to all our Orthodox friends, Esp. in Cyprus, down under the UK, velhasil in the diaspora.

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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:53 am

denizaksulu wrote:Kalo Paska to all our Orthodox friends, Esp. in Cyprus, down under the UK, velhasil in the diaspora.


And from me too , Kalo Paska ke xronia polla.
I wonder if anyone else knows of a traditional meat pie we have in Paphos , the PASKIA . Fillet with meat , mostly chicken , and the special cheese used for making flaounes. My brother who lives in Cyprus came over for our nephew's wedding yesterday and brought me a couple. Love them.
The wedding was brilliant with my old musical partner Pantelis on the guitar and a fantastic bouzouki player , Achilleas. Had a great time all the family was there including of course the T/C member of our family , as mentioned many times before .
Xristos Anesti to all !!! Time for some Easter goodies now !!
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:51 pm

happy easter to all my cypriot friends
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Postby webbo » Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:00 pm

miltiades wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Kalo Paska to all our Orthodox friends, Esp. in Cyprus, down under the UK, velhasil in the diaspora.


And from me too , Kalo Paska ke xronia polla.
I wonder if anyone else knows of a traditional meat pie we have in Paphos , the PASKIA . Fillet with meat , mostly chicken , and the special cheese used for making flaounes. My brother who lives in Cyprus came over for our nephew's wedding yesterday and brought me a couple. Love them.
The wedding was brilliant with my old musical partner Pantelis on the guitar and a fantastic bouzouki player , Achilleas. Had a great time all the family was there including of course the T/C member of our family , as mentioned many times before .
Xristos Anesti to all !!! Time for some Easter goodies now !!

Glad you had a good Easter weekend Milt.
Not too much Easter cheer now........................... :roll:

bubbles x 8)
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