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THE Dances 0f Turkish Cypriots Folk Dances

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THE Dances 0f Turkish Cypriots Folk Dances

Postby halil » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:36 pm

Our folk dances reflect all details of island’s lifestyle. The dances that are choreographed with the motifs of typical behaviours and traditional occasions, typically focus on notable events. Undoubtedly the most important among these are weddings. In a wedding environment, dances such as “ SİRTO” , “ ÇİFTETELLİ” , “KARŞILAMA” , “ZEYBEK” and others are popular.
1. KIBRIS ÇİFTETELLİSİ : This dances which is performed in the Northern Cyprus is an easy type with only a few figures and one of the most popular dances at the entertaintment festivities and wedding ceremonies. This dance is usually performed by young men and women together.
2. BEKRİ : The dance symbolized the most famous drinker, Bekri Mustafa and is usually performed by youn men and women.
3. DOLAMA : This dances is generally performed by young girls and women at the entertaintment festivites and wedding ceremonies and is accompanied by songs.
4. NISAN : This dance is only performed by young girls at the entertaintment festivities and engagement celebrations with song and different dance figures.
5. AZIZE : This dance is comprised of different, lively dance figures. It is performed by young men and women.
6. ZEYBEKs :
Dances : Zeybek1, Abdal Zeybegi, Sarhos Zeybegi, Sarı Zeybek, Kıbrıs Zeybegi, Abahor Zeybegi, Anadolu Zeybegi, Iskele Zeybegi.
These dances are performed by young men and women with different dance figure.
7. ORAK : This dance is performed by boys and using sickles. They use the sickles with their right hand show different from the harvest.
The girls bring some baskets containing food and pitcheers full of water. This is beacuse the work during harvest makes the boys with both hungary and thirsty.
Dances : Karsılama 1, Karsılama 2, Karsılama 3, Karsılama 4,
These are performed by boys and girls using different figures. Karsılama as can be understood by it is name, is a kind of dance that is performed face to face. While they perform their dance the dancers eyes meet and their emotion are stirred
. SIRTO’s :
Dances : Iskele Sirtosu, Aziziye Sirtosu, Kına Sirtosu, Seherli Sirtosu, Karagözlü Sirtosu, Feslikan.
These dances are performed are boys and girls using different figures. In this dance they use their handkerchiefs.
2. KADIN KARSILAMASI : This dances is performed only by the girls.
Dances :Arabiye1,Arabiye2
These dances are performed by the girls alone. They try to create an oriental atmosphere.
4. BAHRIYELI ÇIFTETELLISI : This dances is performed by the girl alone. The aim of the dances is to create an oriental atmosphere.
5. SUSTA : This dance is for both irls and boys. It start slowly and gradually gets
faster and faster.
6. DARI – ARABACI : These dances are performed are boys and girls. They start and finished at the same tempo.
7. KARTAL : This dance is performed only by boys. It portrays and image of an eagle struggling to hunt for things.
8. BIÇAK (KASAP) OYUNU : This is danced by two boys. It demonstrater the skinning of animal after slaughter.
9. DEGIRMENCI : This isdanced only by girls prefers to show of her physical charms and offer them to the miller, rather than pay for her wheat to be ground. Hower, the miller refuses her
10. SANDALA – MANDALA (TOPAL) : The dance enacts the story of young girl and her lame father. A young men asks the father for his dauthers hand in marriage. The father rejects him and beats him away with his stick.
11. KOZAN : This dance is performed at the henna night (KİNA). It is danced by young men and women, but seperately. At the henna night the brides friends first dance arround the pitcher which is covered by a red cloth. Then all the take the pitcher and dance with it one by one. At the end the pitcher is dropped and broken by the last of the girls

When the pitcher is broken, the men dance and try to brake the pieces in to smallerpieces.
The broken pitcher is regarded as a symbol of good luck and happines;equality the number of broken pieces can predict the number of children. The newly-married couple will have.
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Postby halil » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:41 pm



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