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My preferred political solution for Cyprus is…

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

My preferred political solution for Cyprus is…

1. An internationally recognized & independent TC state.
2. Separate zones and communities, under a federation.
3. A return to the exact 1959 London/Zurich agreements.
No votes
4. A London/Zurich arrangement with modifications.
5. A single, united, democratic, one-man one-vote Republic.
6. Status Quo – The situation to remain as is for now…
No votes
7. Other solution... (Please state)
Total votes : 42

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:12 pm

Bananiot wrote:So, all of you (including me) who proudly voted for 5, could you now tell us how we will achieve this solution? I require a full analysis, tactics, strategy, allies, foes, time limits etc.

:shock: :shock: You voted for 5. Really? :shock: :shock:

I would never of picked that. :shock: :shock:
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Postby 74LB » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:17 pm

boomerang wrote:and nice to see you, 74LB, voting for segregation...well done...I am proud of you...

I haven't voted.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:30 pm

47% for a 2 states solution, thought as much, now are you convinced that a unitary state will never be on the cards.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:42 pm

Viewpoint wrote:47% for a 2 states solution, thought as much, now are you convinced that a unitary state will never be on the cards.

Some of you keep throwing the word “never” around like it’s a given! I remember a time when the “TRNC” said… “We’ll never knock down the Ledra (footpath) bridge!” …yet it’s gone.

But anyway, thus far there are more votes FOR a single-state solution so there's nothing for you to celebrate...
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:47% for a 2 states solution, thought as much, now are you convinced that a unitary state will never be on the cards.

Some of you keep throwing the word “never” around like it’s a given! I remember a time when the “TRNC” said… “We’ll never knock down the Ledra (footpath) bridge!” …yet it’s gone.

But anyway, thus far there are more votes FOR a single-state solution so there's nothing for you to celebrate...

Stupid idea from the start but it was least a step forward, the % keeps changing, looks like the GCs who are far more on this forum have gone for unitary state, where we are forced to become a minority in a GCstate run by Gcs and TCs have opted for a 2 state solution either separately or under a federal structure, must tell you loads.
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Postby humanist » Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:07 am

Looks like there's more partitionists than not :)
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Postby michalis5354 » Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:58 am

numebr 2
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:51 am

humanist wrote:Looks like there's more partitionists than not :)

Told you ages ago this is the trend since the referendum people are slowly realizing that all this bullshit about find a solution that will bridge the chasm that exsists between our communities is just for show. The reality is that neither side has the vision, need or ability to compromise therefore the status quo will be around for a long long time to come.
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:15 am

You are not reading me boomerang. My answer to your question is 5, however, we waived our right to seek such a solution with our criminal behaviour in the past. I am sure there are many Turkish Cypriots who would be more than happy with 5, but, they are apprehensive, because they do not trust us. I am talking about good Turkish Cypriots, who put the good of Cyprus above the interests of Turkey, yet we managed the unthinkable, to alienate these people.

Under the circumstances there is no other option but option 2. It is the best we can do to salvage as much as possible. Two politically equal states under a federal umbrella. The two communities will have equal share of power in the federal government because this is the only safeguard that can work. For example, if the Turkish Cypriot federal state decides to go to war in Kosovo, this can only happen if the Greek Cypriot federal state agrees.

This solution needs to be agreed very soon indeed because we are running short of time. If we fail to do so (because we want to try our luck with other options like in the past) we can kiss good bye solution and watch the occupied parts of Cyprus become just another region of Turkey, with the blessings of the international community.

I have no doubt Papadopoulos and his followers understood this very well and because they deplored BBF, went for the second best (according to them) solution that is, agreed partition, to which of course they never admitted publicly at least. However, Papadopoulos avoided talks because he wanted to allow things to move towards the direction of partition. He knew that if he engaged in talks he would find BBF in front of him and he could not allow this to happen. Hence the impasse of almost 5 years, that got all of us worried but made Papadopoulos very happy.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:39 am

Bananiot wrote: ..... My answer to your question is 5, however, we waived our right to seek such a solution with our criminal behaviour in the past. I am sure there are many Turkish Cypriots who would be more than happy with 5, but, they are apprehensive, because they do not trust us .....

I disagree with this inference.

I think it is Democracy and Freedom that the TCs fear and not just the GCs, as there are more potent forces out there for such a tiny group of people, that view themselves so special, to compete with.

It is the reason they dissociated as soon as the Constitution was facing being made more Democratic.

So they crave the "protection" the Might of Turkey gives them, and take comfort in the lack of independence and freedom such nurturing provides.

They cannot cope autonomously; so they will become extinct. Swallowed up by the turbulence of Turkey and its 70 M.
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