BirKibrisli wrote:My choice was No 5....But I know that will never happen...So,I would like to echo Bananiot's question...How are we going to stop the worse scenario from happening??? Oh,for me the worse scenario is the Status Quo...Because if it continues withing 25 years the population of the trnc will be 1 Million settlers (give or take 30,000 real TCs)...No one has put one feasible way of how we are going to stop this from happening...make no mistake about is happening as we speak....

As stated earlier, I also voted for No 5 as I beleive this to be the most ideal and fair scenario for all concerned. So fundamentally, I beleive in 1 state with proportional representation. Unfortunately, I do not beleive that this outcome is possible under the present circumstances.
Therefore a compromise is required to achieve the best possible solution for the island.
My idea of an achievable solution is as follows:
1) The withdrawal of Turkish and Greek Troops.
2) The re-unification of the island based on a True Federal system comprising of 2 states,
3) Free movement and right of residency for all,
4) One man one vote,
5) A demilitarised island except for what is necessary for border control and law and order with a token miltary of 5000 men and women comprising of both GCs and TCs
6) TCs returning to their properties where possible,
7) GCs returning to their properties where possible,
8. No foreign influence from Turkey or Greece,
9) No guarantor powers for both Turkey and Greece,
10) A constitution that protects the rights of all individuals,
11) Public service and all bodies to comprise TC and GC input,
12) All settlers returning to Turkey with sufficient compensation, except for those that married a Cypriot or have children born on the island.
13) Each component state to have their own General Assemblies.
14) Both component states to be governed by a strong Federal State which unites both component states with proportional Federal representation.
15) Each component state to have their own police force, municipalities, education system, health system and judiciary.
16) Each component state to be responsible for the collection of taxes of their residents, the funds of which should be used for each component state's public services, education system and health system.
17) Each component state to contribute proportional funding for Defence, Customs services, border control, and Federal judiciary etc.
I also beleive that the TC component state should not be more than 18-20% of the total surface area of Cyprus.
Each component state should have their own general assemblies. A Federal government should also be based on proportional representation and the Federation should not be loose but assertive to avoid any possible collapse of the unitary state.
There should not be any veto rights as this would favour one community over the other. Changes to the constitution should only be initiated by majority vote of both communities in seperate referendum ballots.
I am also of the opinion that bilateral relations between Cyprus and Turkey should be normalized. A Cypriot Embassy should be set up in Ankara and a Turkish embassy in Nicosia. Trade and investment should be free flowing between Cyprus and Turkey to further aid cooperation, stability and friendship. Turkey's EU membership should then be supported by Cyprus.
Projects of good will should be fast tracked. A good example of this would be the Turkey to Cyprus water pipeline. These types of projects would further facilitate trust between the communities.
Cyprus should also become a member of NATO, so that alliances can be forged between Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. I am sure that Pres X would disagree with this as would most Cypriot Leftists, but I beleive that NATO membership would be a benefit to the security on Cyprus along with it's current EU membership.
That is just of the top of my head. I beleive the above is achievable. And the added benefit would be that the whole region will be much more secure and stable.
I am sure that many of you may disagree with the above. I am more than willing to accept constructive criticism and input from other members. Please keep in mind that the above is just my opinion on what I consider to be achievable.