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My preferred political solution for Cyprus is…

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

My preferred political solution for Cyprus is…

1. An internationally recognized & independent TC state.
2. Separate zones and communities, under a federation.
3. A return to the exact 1959 London/Zurich agreements.
No votes
4. A London/Zurich arrangement with modifications.
5. A single, united, democratic, one-man one-vote Republic.
6. Status Quo – The situation to remain as is for now…
No votes
7. Other solution... (Please state)
Total votes : 42

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:34 am

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Bananiot wrote:What is wrong with waiting for the balance of power to change oracle? I thought you were all for it, in the same boat as Piratis.

Viewpoint, our leaders are talking BBF and political equality and yes, the mandate of the Greek Cypriots to Christofias was to make a last ditch effort for BBF because we all realised where the Papadopoulos policy was getting us.

Bananiot I think BBF with political equality on issues sensative to both sides woudl be a great start to building trust and cooperation. Bith sides have big trust issues thats why we ask for so many safeguards, but if both sides stick to the agreement this time and display goodwill for the whole of Cyprus I think it might work. But if GCs insist on the the continuation of the "RoC" with us as a minority with no community rights we will side with Turkey and continue on as is.

First of all VP, the RoC, as it is established, does not regard the TCs to have no community rights! The same constitution that existed in 1960, continues to exist today, without being changed and regardless of the fact that it is not fully applicable at present or since 1964, due to the well known reasons and circumstances!

Second, we do not speak about a continuation of the 1960 RoC as a bi-communal unitary state, but only about the evolution of this into a bi-communal federal state! The bi-communal ingredient already exists in principle, in the 1960 constitution! The political equality of the two communities already exists in principle, in the 1960 RoC constitution; although in an unworkable and unbalanced form, which needs revisiting! The added ingredient will be the alteration of the 1960 unitary nature (one centrally administrated territory,) into a federative nature with two component states with regional governments and one central government on top.

Thirdly, if your side intents to continue with "virgin births" and the rest of the shit talk you are currently doing, chances are the status quo and your isolation will continue indefinitely, since only over our dead bodies it will ever be possible for you to get recognition (we might as well turn the whole EU upside down, and even go as far as cause its paralysis if need be;) plus mama Turka will eventually "get the boot" once and for good, from her EU accession process, an outcome that may as well casue a complete chaos internaly and hopefully your "motherland's" eventual fragmentation!

I hope my English was quite understandable this time!

I never had a problem with your English Kifeas, empty threats do not mean anything so using gets us nowhere.

The UN also backed a virgin birth scenario so dont be suprised if it rears it head once again, for us the "RoC" is dead and buried and going back would not be possible as psycologically the "RoC" was never ours and is now a GC state run by GCs. Dont pull the EU hurdle that is the last of our problems.
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Postby humanist » Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:56 am

your english is understandable, however the concepts you are putting forth are not wanted by some to be understood.
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Postby boomerang » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:34 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Bananiot wrote:What is wrong with waiting for the balance of power to change oracle? I thought you were all for it, in the same boat as Piratis.

Viewpoint, our leaders are talking BBF and political equality and yes, the mandate of the Greek Cypriots to Christofias was to make a last ditch effort for BBF because we all realised where the Papadopoulos policy was getting us.

Bananiot I think BBF with political equality on issues sensative to both sides woudl be a great start to building trust and cooperation. Bith sides have big trust issues thats why we ask for so many safeguards, but if both sides stick to the agreement this time and display goodwill for the whole of Cyprus I think it might work. But if GCs insist on the the continuation of the "RoC" with us as a minority with no community rights we will side with Turkey and continue on as is.

First of all VP, the RoC, as it is established, does not regard the TCs to have no community rights! The same constitution that existed in 1960, continues to exist today, without being changed and regardless of the fact that it is not fully applicable at present or since 1964, due to the well known reasons and circumstances!

Second, we do not speak about a continuation of the 1960 RoC as a bi-communal unitary state, but only about the evolution of this into a bi-communal federal state! The bi-communal ingredient already exists in principle, in the 1960 constitution! The political equality of the two communities already exists in principle, in the 1960 RoC constitution; although in an unworkable and unbalanced form, which needs revisiting! The added ingredient will be the alteration of the 1960 unitary nature (one centrally administrated territory,) into a federative nature with two component states with regional governments and one central government on top.

Thirdly, if your side intents to continue with "virgin births" and the rest of the shit talk you are currently doing, chances are the status quo and your isolation will continue indefinitely, since only over our dead bodies it will ever be possible for you to get recognition (we might as well turn the whole EU upside down, and even go as far as cause its paralysis if need be;) plus mama Turka will eventually "get the boot" once and for good, from her EU accession process, an outcome that may as well casue a complete chaos internaly and hopefully your "motherland's" eventual fragmentation!

I hope my English was quite understandable this time!

I never had a problem with your English Kifeas, empty threats do not mean anything so using gets us nowhere.

The UN also backed a virgin birth scenario so dont be suprised if it rears it head once again, for us the "RoC" is dead and buried and going back would not be possible as psycologically the "RoC" was never ours and is now a GC state run by GCs. Dont pull the EU hurdle that is the last of our problems.

That might be the last of your problems only because of your selfishness...You owe it to your "momma turkey=fascists state" to not stand in her way of her long awaited dream of one day becoming a true civilised European society...

But hey ho since you are the chosen race, this means nothing to you... :arrow: :wink:
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:32 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Bananiot wrote:What is wrong with waiting for the balance of power to change oracle? I thought you were all for it, in the same boat as Piratis.

Viewpoint, our leaders are talking BBF and political equality and yes, the mandate of the Greek Cypriots to Christofias was to make a last ditch effort for BBF because we all realised where the Papadopoulos policy was getting us.

Bananiot I think BBF with political equality on issues sensative to both sides woudl be a great start to building trust and cooperation. Bith sides have big trust issues thats why we ask for so many safeguards, but if both sides stick to the agreement this time and display goodwill for the whole of Cyprus I think it might work. But if GCs insist on the the continuation of the "RoC" with us as a minority with no community rights we will side with Turkey and continue on as is.

First of all VP, the RoC, as it is established, does not regard the TCs to have no community rights! The same constitution that existed in 1960, continues to exist today, without being changed and regardless of the fact that it is not fully applicable at present or since 1964, due to the well known reasons and circumstances!

Second, we do not speak about a continuation of the 1960 RoC as a bi-communal unitary state, but only about the evolution of this into a bi-communal federal state! The bi-communal ingredient already exists in principle, in the 1960 constitution! The political equality of the two communities already exists in principle, in the 1960 RoC constitution; although in an unworkable and unbalanced form, which needs revisiting! The added ingredient will be the alteration of the 1960 unitary nature (one centrally administrated territory,) into a federative nature with two component states with regional governments and one central government on top.

Thirdly, if your side intents to continue with "virgin births" and the rest of the shit talk you are currently doing, chances are the status quo and your isolation will continue indefinitely, since only over our dead bodies it will ever be possible for you to get recognition (we might as well turn the whole EU upside down, and even go as far as cause its paralysis if need be;) plus mama Turka will eventually "get the boot" once and for good, from her EU accession process, an outcome that may as well casue a complete chaos internaly and hopefully your "motherland's" eventual fragmentation!

I hope my English was quite understandable this time!

I never had a problem with your English Kifeas, empty threats do not mean anything so using gets us nowhere.

The UN also backed a virgin birth scenario so dont be suprised if it rears it head once again, for us the "RoC" is dead and buried and going back would not be possible as psycologically the "RoC" was never ours and is now a GC state run by GCs. Dont pull the EU hurdle that is the last of our problems.

VP, first, I am threatening no one! I am simply explaining, educating and warning! The only one that stupidly believes he is “threatening” and “blackmailing” us, is your TC leader Mehmet-Ali Talat, who says every five minutes that “this will be the last chance for a solution,” implying in this way that if we do not “seat” for him and Turkey and give them what they want during this round of negotiations, they will stop aiming for a solution and will promote recognition. I am simply explaining to you what the consequences will be, of such a stupidly adventurous attitude! I am simply explaining to you that -apart from a handful of third rate insignificant countries, there is a zero chance you will ever get recognition -not even a Taiwanese style one, simply because WE literally hold the hand and the pen of the EU and its member states, and that of the UN through the Security Council (Russia, China, France.) The US, forget it! They won’t go against the stance and policy of the EU on such a now purely internal EU affair! If you have forgotten it, the whole of Cyprus, under the umbrella of the RoC, is one of the EU full members with veto rights, and there is a whole treaty of accession signed by every single member and approved by the UN under international law, verifying what I have explained to you!

The consequences of your Talat’s adventurous and blackmailing attitude (I am explaining and not threatening you,) will be that the status quo will continue, your isolation will continue, and Turkey (whose EU process is very important for its internal stability) will see the exit door, already from next year (2009!) In other words (I am explaining to you,) the victims will be your community and your motherland! That is the most certain outcome of your Talat’s and motherland’s tactics of lately!

Secondly, Kofi Anan (not the UN itself) backed a “virgin birth,” but this was before Cyprus EU accession, and the end result was to receive a 76% “slap in the face” style of rejection from the GCs! "Virgin birth" is a non starter stupid invention of your side, that has zero applicability! The RoC is already an internationally established and recognized entity, and EU member state, and it cannot be dissolved! There can only be a successor that will be regarded as continuator of the RoC! Cyprus will not have to exit the EU and re-apply for a new EU membership as a “virgin-birth” new entity, and start a new EU accession process from scratch; but will continue to be a member on the basis of the already existing RoC accession! Therefore, the new state of affairs will be a continuation of the previous legally existing state of affairs, which is the RoC and its sovereignty over the entire island and its people! Stop dreaming impossible things! We won’t dissolve and abandon an internationally legally existing entity (RoC,) for the sake of accommodating the “continuation” of an illegal and invalidated entity (“TRNC!”) These things can only happen in your perverted fantasy and imagination! We may accommodate the transferring of parts of the illegally existing “TRNC” administrating apparatus and some of its “accrued” obligations and liabilities, under the RoC federal (central) government and /or the North ("TC") federative State, but that’s all! The "TC" state of the federal RoC, cannot and will not be a "continuator" or a "successor" of the “TRNC” on an "entity" level! We have international law fully on our side on this issue, therefore stop dreaming and threatening with nonsense!

Thirdly, you and a few more TC nationalists, plus the nationalists of your stupid “motherland,” may indeed have a pervasive psychological problem with the RoC! You have plenty of psychological problems anyway! However, the vast majority of the TCs, those tens of thousands that have already re-confirmed their RoC citizenship status by obtaining the RoC passports and IDs, and now pose around the world as EU citizens too, have absolutely zero psychological problems with the RoC! Only a few nationalist and irredentist perverts in your community and in Turkey have this kind of mental complications! The rest of the TCs view the RoC as their own state too, for they rightfully realize and recognise that they are de-jure an integral part of it!

I am simply explaining to you the hard core facts, and I am not threatening you! I am explaining to you the facts, so that you stop wasting your time and ours with impossible dreams and illusions, and start thinking logically and positively! The entire package of what we are already offering to you, is more that sufficient and even more than what you legitimately should have! In the end, you may lose even this which you now deem to be “too little,” purely out of your ingratitude and greediness to aim for the impossible “too much!”
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:47 am

Do not kid yourself Kifeas, you are not capable of threatening anyone. You are just a cyber tiger who has the audacity to call others defeatists. You, out of all people, who has endorsed every word Rauf Denktash has uttered and agreed with him that the best solution is partition and the creation of two separate states.

In the unlikely event that if your notion that the Greek Cypriots can be a majority in the Turkish Cypriot component state is not accepted by Talat, you will, I presume fall back on your partition or bloodshed idea.

Your attitude is also amazing. You behave just like a typical Greek Cypriot fascist of the 60's, believing that the Turkish Cypriots are thick in the brain and we can outwit them. Hence your wonderful idea of them asking for even less than 18% so that, according to your ingenious invention, they will not fear of becoming a minority, within their own component state!

Oh dear, why did I not allow the stupid Turks work this one out! Spilled the beans, but it was no accident!
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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:16 am

Bananiot wrote:Do not kid yourself Kifeas, you are not capable of threatening anyone. You are just a cyber tiger who has the audacity to call others defeatists. You, out of all people, who has endorsed every word Rauf Denktash has uttered and agreed with him that the best solution is partition and the creation of two separate states.

In the unlikely event that if your notion that the Greek Cypriots can be a majority in the Turkish Cypriot component state is not accepted by Talat, you will, I presume fall back on your partition or bloodshed idea.

Your attitude is also amazing. You behave just like a typical Greek Cypriot fascist of the 60's, believing that the Turkish Cypriots are thick in the brain and we can outwit them. Hence your wonderful idea of them asking for even less than 18% so that, according to your ingenious invention, they will not fear of becoming a minority, within their own component state!

Oh dear, why did I not allow the stupid Turks work this one out! Spilled the beans, but it was no accident!

Bananiot , I think Kifeas's last post was informative and very much on line with International thinking as regards the nation of Cyprus. In this instance Kifeas highlighted the existing European and International affiliations with the ROC and the irrefutable fact that the only sovereign power over the whole of Cyprus is as stated by the European Union , that is the ROC. He also highlighted another irrefutable fact that many thousands of T/Cs possess the ROC passport and the ROC ID.
I'm also of the belief that the vast majority of T/Cs , would have little problem in "restoring" the mental equilibrium required for them to accept that the ROC is also their republic and that the whole of Cyprus IS their country not only the part currently under Turkish occupation and indirect administration.
As one who has always passionately believed in the existence of only one nation where there are no majorities or minorities and having also expressed an ambition that I have nurtured intensely for many years now , that is the election of a T/C as the president of a united and independent of the damaging ties with the two "perceived " motherlands , I agree with every word of Kifeas's last post .
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:50 am

Miltiades, you and me are old enough (and wise enough) to know how the international community functions. True, all international institutions (from the UN to sporting bodies) recognise the RoC as the only legal entity in Cyprus. At the same time, these very institutions are pushing hard both sides to accept BBF. Should we go against them? Should we go for the desirable once again and hope for the best? I am asking these questions because you really disagree with Kifeas, who has now perhaps reverted to BBF with the "correct" content.

Miltiades, no matter how good your intentions are, there is no going back to a unitary state. We have worked damned hard to waive this option, through years of calamitous behaviour that have laid to rest the best of ideas provided by noble people like yourself.
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:37 pm

Bananiot wrote:Do not kid yourself Kifeas, you are not capable of threatening anyone. You are just a cyber tiger who has the audacity to call others defeatists. You, out of all people, who has endorsed every word Rauf Denktash has uttered and agreed with him that the best solution is partition and the creation of two separate states.

In the unlikely event that if your notion that the Greek Cypriots can be a majority in the Turkish Cypriot component state is not accepted by Talat, you will, I presume fall back on your partition or bloodshed idea.

Your attitude is also amazing. You behave just like a typical Greek Cypriot fascist of the 60's, believing that the Turkish Cypriots are thick in the brain and we can outwit them. Hence your wonderful idea of them asking for even less than 18% so that, according to your ingenious invention, they will not fear of becoming a minority, within their own component state!

Oh dear, why did I not allow the stupid Turks work this one out! Spilled the beans, but it was no accident!

No Bananiot, I do not think the TCs are thick in the brain, and thus I never tried to outwit them! What I do think though, is that it is you that is thick in the brain, otherwise you wouldn't have posted all the above nonesense, nothing of which reflects one yota of whatever I ever said and /or meant in this forum!
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Postby Eric dayi » Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:28 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Bananiot wrote:What is wrong with waiting for the balance of power to change oracle? I thought you were all for it, in the same boat as Piratis.

Viewpoint, our leaders are talking BBF and political equality and yes, the mandate of the Greek Cypriots to Christofias was to make a last ditch effort for BBF because we all realised where the Papadopoulos policy was getting us.

Bananiot I think BBF with political equality on issues sensative to both sides woudl be a great start to building trust and cooperation. Bith sides have big trust issues thats why we ask for so many safeguards, but if both sides stick to the agreement this time and display goodwill for the whole of Cyprus I think it might work. But if GCs insist on the the continuation of the "RoC" with us as a minority with no community rights we will side with Turkey and continue on as is.

First of all VP, the RoC, as it is established, does not regard the TCs to have no community rights! The same constitution that existed in 1960, continues to exist today, without being changed and regardless of the fact that it is not fully applicable at present or since 1964, due to the well known reasons and circumstances!

Second, we do not speak about a continuation of the 1960 RoC as a bi-communal unitary state, but only about the evolution of this into a bi-communal federal state! The bi-communal ingredient already exists in principle, in the 1960 constitution! The political equality of the two communities already exists in principle, in the 1960 RoC constitution; although in an unworkable and unbalanced form, which needs revisiting! The added ingredient will be the alteration of the 1960 unitary nature (one centrally administrated territory,) into a federative nature with two component states with regional governments and one central government on top.

Thirdly, if your side intents to continue with "virgin births" and the rest of the shit talk you are currently doing, chances are the status quo and your isolation will continue indefinitely, since only over our dead bodies it will ever be possible for you to get recognition (we might as well turn the whole EU upside down, and even go as far as cause its paralysis if need be;) plus mama Turka will eventually "get the boot" once and for good, from her EU accession process, an outcome that may as well casue a complete chaos internaly and hopefully your "motherland's" eventual fragmentation!

I hope my English was quite understandable this time!

I never had a problem with your English Kifeas, empty threats do not mean anything so using gets us nowhere.

The UN also backed a virgin birth scenario so dont be suprised if it rears it head once again, for us the "RoC" is dead and buried and going back would not be possible as psycologically the "RoC" was never ours and is now a GC state run by GCs. Dont pull the EU hurdle that is the last of our problems.

VP, first, I am threatening no one! I am simply explaining, educating and warning! The only one that stupidly believes he is “threatening” and “blackmailing” us, is your TC leader Mehmet-Ali Talat, who says every five minutes that “this will be the last chance for a solution,” implying in this way that if we do not “seat” for him and Turkey and give them what they want during this round of negotiations, they will stop aiming for a solution and will promote recognition. I am simply explaining to you what the consequences will be, of such a stupidly adventurous attitude! I am simply explaining to you that -apart from a handful of third rate insignificant countries, there is a zero chance you will ever get recognition -not even a Taiwanese style one, simply because WE literally hold the hand and the pen of the EU and its member states, and that of the UN through the Security Council (Russia, China, France.) The US, forget it! They won’t go against the stance and policy of the EU on such a now purely internal EU affair! If you have forgotten it, the whole of Cyprus, under the umbrella of the RoC, is one of the EU full members with veto rights, and there is a whole treaty of accession signed by every single member and approved by the UN under international law, verifying what I have explained to you!

The consequences of your Talat’s adventurous and blackmailing attitude (I am explaining and not threatening you,) will be that the status quo will continue, your isolation will continue, and Turkey (whose EU process is very important for its internal stability) will see the exit door, already from next year (2009!) In other words (I am explaining to you,) the victims will be your community and your motherland! That is the most certain outcome of your Talat’s and motherland’s tactics of lately!

Secondly, Kofi Anan (not the UN itself) backed a “virgin birth,” but this was before Cyprus EU accession, and the end result was to receive a 76% “slap in the face” style of rejection from the GCs! "Virgin birth" is a non starter stupid invention of your side, that has zero applicability! The RoC is already an internationally established and recognized entity, and EU member state, and it cannot be dissolved! There can only be a successor that will be regarded as continuator of the RoC! Cyprus will not have to exit the EU and re-apply for a new EU membership as a “virgin-birth” new entity, and start a new EU accession process from scratch; but will continue to be a member on the basis of the already existing RoC accession! Therefore, the new state of affairs will be a continuation of the previous legally existing state of affairs, which is the RoC and its sovereignty over the entire island and its people! Stop dreaming impossible things! We won’t dissolve and abandon an internationally legally existing entity (RoC,) for the sake of accommodating the “continuation” of an illegal and invalidated entity (“TRNC!”) These things can only happen in your perverted fantasy and imagination! We may accommodate the transferring of parts of the illegally existing “TRNC” administrating apparatus and some of its “accrued” obligations and liabilities, under the RoC federal (central) government and /or the North ("TC") federative State, but that’s all! The "TC" state of the federal RoC, cannot and will not be a "continuator" or a "successor" of the “TRNC” on an "entity" level! We have international law fully on our side on this issue, therefore stop dreaming and threatening with nonsense!

Thirdly, you and a few more TC nationalists, plus the nationalists of your stupid “motherland,” may indeed have a pervasive psychological problem with the RoC! You have plenty of psychological problems anyway! However, the vast majority of the TCs, those tens of thousands that have already re-confirmed their RoC citizenship status by obtaining the RoC passports and IDs, and now pose around the world as EU citizens too, have absolutely zero psychological problems with the RoC! Only a few nationalist and irredentist perverts in your community and in Turkey have this kind of mental complications! The rest of the TCs view the RoC as their own state too, for they rightfully realize and recognise that they are de-jure an integral part of it!

I am simply explaining to you the hard core facts, and I am not threatening you! I am explaining to you the facts, so that you stop wasting your time and ours with impossible dreams and illusions, and start thinking logically and positively! The entire package of what we are already offering to you, is more that sufficient and even more than what you legitimately should have! In the end, you may lose even this which you now deem to be “too little,” purely out of your ingratitude and greediness to aim for the impossible “too much!”

"will be", "won't be", "you will not", "it will not", "we will":

In other words, "we want what we want and you will accept it or".

No change to what the Kiefas' and Miltiades' of the 50's and 60's wanted and dreamed about and the reason why the island is divided.

And then: "I am not threatening you but if you don't do what we want, you MAY LOOSE what little you have".

Heil bloody Hitleras. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Still training in the gym Kifeas? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:32 pm

My choice was No 5....But I know that will never happen...So,I would like to echo Bananiot's question...How are we going to stop the worse scenario from happening??? Oh,for me the worse scenario is the Status Quo...Because if it continues withing 25 years the population of the trnc will be 1 Million settlers (give or take 30,000 real TCs)...No one has put one feasible way of how we are going to stop this from happening...make no mistake about is happening as we speak.... :( :(
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