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My preferred political solution for Cyprus is…

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

My preferred political solution for Cyprus is…

1. An internationally recognized & independent TC state.
2. Separate zones and communities, under a federation.
3. A return to the exact 1959 London/Zurich agreements.
No votes
4. A London/Zurich arrangement with modifications.
5. A single, united, democratic, one-man one-vote Republic.
6. Status Quo – The situation to remain as is for now…
No votes
7. Other solution... (Please state)
Total votes : 42

Postby Big Al » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:08 am

how long has this forum been running?
how many solutions have been aired?
has anyone ever come to same kind of concensus?
The fact that no solution has been agreed upon in this forum by all parties, lets face it we havent even come close, what makes anyone think politicans can come up with a solution that is pallatable to their community. Its about time people realised neither side is going to come out on top and both communities cannot live together. GC's perhaps have a window of opportunity to gain back some land in exchange for recognition of a TC state, thats about it. If this opportunity is not taken both sides will continue with the status quo and neither will be satisfied. I think the choice lies with the GC's at the moment.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:12 am

Eric dayi wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Oracle said:

"I think it is Democracy and Freedom that the TCs fear and not just the GCs"

Funny thing is Oracle that under a one man one vote system the TCs with 18 per cent of the vote would be the real powermakers, and have much more substantial say in all things than under any other setup. The only thing missing in such a fully democratic system is a role for Turkey, and that has been the key to this puzzle all along.

this is true...

and if we were to live bi communally, "Greeks" would play the same role in a National Assembly dominated by "Turks"; which is why three governments allows a State to be able to strongly represent its citizens as this island's dwellers, while as the island dwellers in their daily lives live, they have choices which reflect their identity as persons.

There are other options open, it is time for a Solution which may be completely different, but intuitvely much more futuristic.

...and i think it is a disgrace to ignore how humbly lucky we are to live on this island with its enormous Heritance, to tear it in two for it's wealth.

You cannot force a union repulse, it is bound to break down. When you consider that GCs do not want to live in a TC administered state then why do they want to force us to live in a GC administered state???

We never forced you anything. If you didn't want to live in an island with a Greek majority you shouldn't have come to Cyprus. You are the ones who came here to force your rule, and you continue trying to do so in illegal and undemocratic ways.

You GCs came to Cyorus as settlers and have eliminated the people who were here before you then you tried the same with us TCs but failed an you are talking about "democracy"? You don't even know the meaning of the word. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

:roll: I realize that you being a Turk means that it is hard for you to understand a few things.

When the Greeks came to Cyprus most of the island was uninhabited and they didn't eliminate anybody. Greeks created here new cities. But what would you know about creating new cities, or creating anything in general? You only know how to steal what others created, right? After all thats the only thing you have ever been good at.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:20 am

Big Al wrote:how long has this forum been running?
how many solutions have been aired?
has anyone ever come to same kind of concensus?
The fact that no solution has been agreed upon in this forum by all parties, lets face it we havent even come close, what makes anyone think politicans can come up with a solution that is pallatable to their community. Its about time people realised neither side is going to come out on top and both communities cannot live together. GC's perhaps have a window of opportunity to gain back some land in exchange for recognition of a TC state, thats about it. If this opportunity is not taken both sides will continue with the status quo and neither will be satisfied. I think the choice lies with the GC's at the moment.

We can not agree and as long as you insist on stealing our lands and Turkeyfying them we will never agree. Nothing new here.

What you don't understand thought is that your insistence on stealing our lands, not only it means that we will be back to take them at some point in the future either you like it or not, but that meanwhile you will have to live as 3rd world beggars while we will continue to progress.

So don't make the mistake to think that you can gain anything on our loss. You can't. You try to gain on our loss and you become the biggest losers of all.

So it is up to you if you want to continue the war against us in your effort to take away 1/3rd of our country. From our side we will fight this war for as long as it takes. Don't hope for our capitulation.
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Postby Big Al » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:24 am

Piratis wrote:
Big Al wrote:how long has this forum been running?
how many solutions have been aired?
has anyone ever come to same kind of concensus?
The fact that no solution has been agreed upon in this forum by all parties, lets face it we havent even come close, what makes anyone think politicans can come up with a solution that is pallatable to their community. Its about time people realised neither side is going to come out on top and both communities cannot live together. GC's perhaps have a window of opportunity to gain back some land in exchange for recognition of a TC state, thats about it. If this opportunity is not taken both sides will continue with the status quo and neither will be satisfied. I think the choice lies with the GC's at the moment.

We can not agree and as long as you insist on stealing our lands and Turkeyfying them we will never agree. Nothing new here.

What you don't understand thought is that your insistence on stealing our lands, not only it means that we will be back to take them at some point in the future either you like it or not, but that meanwhile you will have to live as 3rd world beggars while we will continue to progress.

So don't make the mistake to think that you can gain anything on our loss. You can't. You try to gain on our loss and you become the biggest losers of all.

So it is up to you if you want to continue the war against us in your effort to take away 1/3rd of our country. From our side we will fight this war for as long as it takes. Don't hope for our capitulation.

Well then i suggest you start to breed as much as you possibly can both in the RoC and Greece, once you hit a population of 80 million we can talk again. Have fun!! :wink:
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Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:46 am

It is not about population today, and it is becoming less and less matter of population.

Turkey is a torn country. Torn between Islamists and secularists, and also between Turks and Kurds. I wouldn't feel so confident if I were you.

Believe me when I say that you can not have any gains on our loss. You can harm us by illegaly keeping our lands under your rule, but you harm yourselves even more from it, and your illegality will not last for very long anyways.

So better stop acting as if you are the winners and the ones who are now eligible for the trophies of the war. Accept a fair solution with one united democratic Cyprus, where everybody returns to its own home, and where there are no racist discriminations and segregations and we will all be winners. If you insist on Turkyfying the north part of our country then we will all be losers, but you and Turkey will be the bigger ones.
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Postby Big Al » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:50 am

im trying to look at this situation from a objective point of view and cannot see how Turkey or the TRNC are the losers Piratis.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:55 am

Big Al wrote:im trying to look at this situation from a objective point of view and cannot see how Turkey or the TRNC are the losers Piratis.

I guess this is the part where we get a taste of your genius... please share the objective conclusions! :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:57 am

You can see that TCs are the losers just by looking at their standards of living. Turkey is pumping money in the pseudo state and all kind of illegal activities are going on in an effort to keep up, but still they are far far behind.

Similarly Turkey continues to be a 3rd world country. If they don't change mentality soon, then they will be kicked out of their EU accession process and lose the chance to have something better simply because they choose to continue to act criminally and violate the rights of others, instead of finally becoming more civilized and showing some respect to other nations and their own minorities.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:58 am

big Al if anything we have learned, on this island, what the world is learning now, numbers do not matter, in "non traditional warfare". you should consider that as well in Turkey for example, much suffering comes from ignoring this fact, since the Kurdish fighting cannot be abated militarliy. any frontier in Cyprus, where we remain adversaries is not sustainable because as Human beings, it is not natural. Cyprus is an island.
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Postby Big Al » Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:41 am

Piratis wrote:You can see that TCs are the losers just by looking at their standards of living. Turkey is pumping money in the pseudo state and all kind of illegal activities are going on in an effort to keep up, but still they are far far behind.

Similarly Turkey continues to be a 3rd world country. If they don't change mentality soon, then they will be kicked out of their EU accession process and lose the chance to have something better simply because they choose to continue to act criminally and violate the rights of others, instead of finally becoming more civilized and showing some respect to other nations and their own minorities.

the standard of living may be lower than the south but atleast the are self ruled :wink:
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