Supposing?...are you for real man...I am gonna suppose that I was kicked out of my ancestral land?...Get real mate...
Your example has nothing to do with the price of fish regardless how much spin you wanna put on it...
What we have here is a clear violation of my rights, hence the punishment at turkeys up for the loss of enjoyment of my property...CLAER VIOLATION and nothin is suppose...
Man srop spinning, and spit out...what you are suggesting is a negotiation for the return of my property...You got the stolen goods and you wanna negotiate...
Furter more the ECHR ain't supposing when they are finding turkey guilty in violation of my rights and while saying the ancectral deeds belong to me...which that is not even argueable...the punishment and not supposing, its clear cut, for the prevention of the enjoyment of my property while maintaining ownership...get it right and stop supposing...
You want us to negotiating with the thieves to return our stolen goods...yeah pull the other it plays jingle bells...