BOF wrote:webbo wrote:Oracle wrote:webbo wrote:Oracle wrote:webbo wrote:Oracle wrote:purdey wrote:Squaddies are not allowed firearms off base. I am allowed to shoot in the south of the island, and have also shot in the North under TC supervision and with a loaned gun. From what I can gather most shooting Brits in Cyprus shoot clays at various clubs, very few hunt.
Exactly ... we are talking about people carrying out illegal activities.
How difficult is it to obtain guns for hunting purdey?
Think you are talking out of turn here girl. I know a lot of (bases) people who have visited the Akamas region on family trips. No guns required. Several of them have actually rehomed the stray dogs mentioned by BOF
Purdey has already stated that squaddies are not allowed firearms off base and participate in clay shooting etc, so start looking closer to home for a change instead of passing the buck!

This is how I have read your post - please tell me I am wrong!

There's no passing the buck ... just looking at all possibilities if we are to sort out the problem ...
I don't turn a blind eye no matter how bad the news .....
Glad to hear that. No use living in a fantasy world is there?
Just how would you sort out this problem?
Also, about the Akamas region, we may be over there in a few weeks time. Anyone suggest the best places to go? Will we need a 4WD? Many thanks in advance
Bubbles x

4WD most definitely ... unless you are trekking / cycling.
Which way will you be entering the Peninsula, Polis or Paphos side?
Try and make Latchi for great fish restaurants by a pretty harbour. Centre of Polis is nice if you've never been.
When the hunting season starts ... the authorities will be kept on their toes again
Seriously though the Cypriot people just want to do their jobs ..... and if you treat them as Human beings, whilst making a request, they are only too happy to oblige ...
Cheers, the 4WD it is then, though we do like to walk too ( best way to take in the scenery, take photos etc)
We will be stopping off at Latchi and Polis too as we love both these towns.

Probably do the peninsula from this side.
When does hunting season start please? Do you know?
Thanks for your input
Bubbles x

Poor old british! now they are hunting in the akamas and abandoning dogs!! as purdey has stated service personnel are required to sign in and out any firearms (pistols,rifles they dont use shotguns) everytime,mainly for use on ranges here in Cyprus. you cannot just wander into the armoury and help yourself..And perhaps it should be pointed out that the much maligned SBA areas have a greater density of wildlife because of the stringent policing of the areas.
Most ENGLISH people are anti hunting, and indeed clay pidgeon shooting is a popular sport with them - skill without kill.
it was reported in the Cyprus mail that the cyprus police recently captured some hunters illegally shooting rabbits out of thats a step in the right direction!

Bubbles the hunting season starts in the autumn sometime..and goes on for about three months, so you will be safe to visit in the near future!!

no doubt someone on here will be able to give you the exact dates.
The greatest destruction to the Akamas was caused by the "poor old" British.It has not yet recovered to its former glory in the few years they have been prevented from practicing their killer tactics.
And don't pretend that just because they are not allowed firearms off the base ... that they have no other way of obtaining guns for hunting! ...... or is that why they resort to shovels with which to kill?
Now suddenly you want us all to believe you are angels.
Pass the buck ....

here's a reminder:
THE PURPOSE OF THIS OPEN LETTER is to ask you to join us in an e-mail protest against the continuation of the British Forces military exercises in the Akamas peninsula, an area of unique ecological significance and biodiversity , located on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.
Some information about Akamas:
THE AKAMAS PENINSULA , an area of approximately 250 square Km, surrounded by 12 traditional villages, displays a great variety of habitats and is home for 530 different plants (among these are 39 endemic plant species), 168 kinds of birds, 20 kinds of serpents, 12 different mammals and, 16 kinds of butterflies. Akamas is also the reproductive grounds for "Chelonia mydas" and "Caretta caretta", two species of turtles that have been identified as "near extinction" in the Mediterranean.
The British Forces Military Exercises:
FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS, THE BRITISH FORCES CARRY OUT MILITARY EXERCISES within a 25 square Km area at the NW tip of Akamas. These exercises, which utilize live ammunition, have resulted in extensive damages to the fragile ecosystem of Akamas. Fires have left extensive areas scorched. Within the firing ranges there are bare patches reminiscent of lunar landscape. Most of the area, including the surrounding sea, is littered with both spent and live ammunition. Is 1997 the year of complete devastation?? It is significant to note that within this area there are 16 main archeological and historical sites. Destruction of cultural heritage is at stake.
The Reaction:
RECENTLY THE CYPRUS PARLIAMENTunanimously, voted against the military exercises. GREENPEACE staged a protest, three years ago, within the firing range forcing the temporary postponement of the exercises. we staged a similar protest but once again only won a temporary reprieve as the British Forces continue their exercises to this date. A poll, taken on February 7, 1997, showed that the 91% of the Cypriot population is against the British Forces military exercises at Akamas. However, such messages seem to make little difference to the British Government.