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Animal Cruelty - Sign the Petition

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Postby cyprusgeoff » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:19 pm

What puzzles me is why a lot of these people keep their dogs anyway, they obviously don't care about them or their welfare. They have no regard for their neighbours or any consideration for anyone their dogs annoy by the constant barking.

I voted with my feet, I was in rented property, I pulled out of a years rental contract after only 6 months because of the dog barking noise.

I didn't want to, I stood it for as long as I could but in the end my health started to suffer and despite the help of several different people they were unable to get this selfish man to either move his dogs or control the noise problem.

I later found out that I was the third person to leave that village because of the continual dog barking noise.

I would never poison a dog no matter how angry I was but other people have a much shorter fuse than myself and are unable to move quite so easily. Imagine buying a property only to find that you were unable to get to sleep at nights due to the noise.

A nightmare without the benefit of sleep.
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:46 pm

Paphitis wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Did you email the links I posted, to your friends GG or are they not interested in American animal cruelty like yourself?

my friends are very interested in animal cruelty.
i forwarded the link about signing the petitition, becaus THAT is what THIS thread is about--animal cruelty in CYPRUS.

Thanks for being honest... :lol:

Btw, seeing you love animals so much, are there any plans to start an international petition against the United States for being the world's premier perpetrator of animal cruelty?

the USA is also the worlds leader in prosecution of people who abuse and neglect animals. but this thread is about CY and not USA, so stop trying to sidetrack the thread.

Why are you skirting around the issue yourself. Why not start a petition for cruelty to animals in the USA? I will sign that as well. Willing to sign a petition in Australia as well if that helps.

Why are you so happy to highlight animal cruelty in CYPRUS and yet overlook the USA?

the thread is about CY, not USA...that's why. maybe both you and GR should learn how to read.

Do you see a need to start a petition for the USA or not?

I for one am willing to help you guys in the USA and judging from those links, you probably need all the help you can get. My primary objective is animal welfare. Is that your primary concern as well?

this thread and this petition is about CY. the CYpriots need alot more help to catch up withthe rest of the world as far as treatment of thier pets.

I happen to think that the USA may need a lot of catching up to do as well. But there is no point in argueing with you! GR was correct in exposing your hypocricy and double standards.

Thanks and regards.

PS: I wish you all the best with this petition. Petitions such as this are useful in all countries!

like i said, at least we prosecute in the USA.
which is more than i have heard about CY.

Do you always jump so fast to what you have heard? Sorry, but I do not think that this is admissable in a court of law.

Do you care to post a link as evidence to your accusation that the RoC does not prosecute animal cruelty?

sorry it took me so long to respond. i was out taking care of all the dogs (and cats) in my neighborhood.
and i think this forum speaks for need to go back and read all the animla cruelty postings over the years here.
and when it comes to pets, yes, i do jump quickly to thier defense. thank god there are people like me out there who work towards animal welfare.
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Postby purdey » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:11 pm

I lost my temper with a woman who left her pointer chained up every day.The dog did not bark but cried, it had open sores on it's back which were covered in flys.
Yes she gave me abuse, I gave her abuse, she thretened to call the police, I invited her to. I then took a photograph of the dog and gave it to a Cypriot friend. Within two days the dog was put down by a vet. The lady still speaks to me, but when I walk away she mumbles SHIT FACE.
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:15 pm

purdey wrote:I lost my temper with a woman who left her pointer chained up every day.The dog did not bark but cried, it had open sores on it's back which were covered in flys.
Yes she gave me abuse, I gave her abuse, she thretened to call the police, I invited her to. I then took a photograph of the dog and gave it to a Cypriot friend. Within two days the dog was put down by a vet. The lady still speaks to me, but when I walk away she mumbles SHIT FACE.

you did the right thing Purdy, and i applaud you! i am sorry for the dog though.
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Postby BOF » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:20 pm

8) I see that Cyprus has come top of the stray dogs league in all the islands in the E.U.. I visited the Akamas area the other day and saw three stray dogs in a short space of time..they would not let me approach them. I also notice that the area is a game reserve and hunting is prohibited...but there are spent cartridge cases everywhere...can someone explain how this works please?
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Postby purdey » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:20 pm

Poachers, it happens in the south as well. In fact it happens all over the world. Game reserves are genrally protected areas so more game genrally frequents these areas. So a quick poaching foray genrally tuns up something, or so it should.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:30 pm

BOF wrote:8) I see that Cyprus has come top of the stray dogs league in all the islands in the E.U.. I visited the Akamas area the other day and saw three stray dogs in a short space of time..they would not let me approach them. I also notice that the area is a game reserve and hunting is prohibited...but there are spent cartridge cases everywhere...can someone explain how this works please?

This area of the island has a disproportionally high number of British people who like purdey love to hunt.

A lot of squaddies still frequent this area on their days off.
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Postby purdey » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:36 pm

Squaddies are not allowed firearms off base. I am allowed to shoot in the south of the island, and have also shot in the North under TC supervision and with a loaned gun. From what I can gather most shooting Brits in Cyprus shoot clays at various clubs, very few hunt.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:43 pm

purdey wrote:Squaddies are not allowed firearms off base. I am allowed to shoot in the south of the island, and have also shot in the North under TC supervision and with a loaned gun. From what I can gather most shooting Brits in Cyprus shoot clays at various clubs, very few hunt.

Exactly ... we are talking about people carrying out illegal activities.

How difficult is it to obtain guns for hunting purdey?
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Postby webbo » Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:21 pm

Oracle wrote:
purdey wrote:Squaddies are not allowed firearms off base. I am allowed to shoot in the south of the island, and have also shot in the North under TC supervision and with a loaned gun. From what I can gather most shooting Brits in Cyprus shoot clays at various clubs, very few hunt.

Exactly ... we are talking about people carrying out illegal activities.

How difficult is it to obtain guns for hunting purdey?

Think you are talking out of turn here girl. I know a lot of (bases) people who have visited the Akamas region on family trips. No guns required. Several of them have actually rehomed the stray dogs mentioned by BOF

Purdey has already stated that squaddies are not allowed firearms off base and participate in clay shooting etc, so start looking closer to home for a change instead of passing the buck! :roll: :roll: This is how I have read your post - please tell me I am wrong!

Bubbles :roll:
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