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Postby webbo » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:17 pm

Oracle wrote:
webbo wrote:No blackmail - emotional or otherwise!

FACT: You have made these facts public and I for one cannot understand your double standards - so I questioned them!

FACT: I asked reasonable questions about the Cypriot forces (you obviously did not like this!)

FACT: I actually agreed with part of what you were saying (Not read this part? :roll: )

QUESTION; Do you advocate the 'one rule for them and one rule for us' Yes or No?

Will the real Oracle/ Phoenix or whoever please stand up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bubbles :roll: :roll: :roll:

Forget me, stick to facts!

Get your answer loud and clear!

Enjoy your day now..................

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby purdey » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:20 pm

Sorry my above post should read dove population.
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Postby Bill » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:25 pm

webbo wrote: Kalo Xorio - a lovely village just up the mountains - is this correct?
This is exactly the point as you obviously do advocate the one rule for you and stuff the rest. Never mind your country being ruined - so long as it is by one of your own - is that what you are really saying? :shock: :shock:

Bubbles x

Hi Bubbles
Kalo Xorio or kalo chorio is a village on the outskirts of Larnaca and as it's pretty barren I wouldn't say it's lovely ~ It's like world war 3 over there on occasions ~ it puts the fear of god up my new neighbours from Iraq when there's a exercise on.

There have in the past been joint military exercises with both the British army and the national guard participating although I'm not aware of any recently .

Oracle wrote ~ How difficult is it to obtain guns for hunting purdey?

Well I can sum up that in two words "thirty pounds" ~ that's the licence fee ~~ plus the fee for the hunting licence and as I don't have one I've no idea how much that is.

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Postby DT. » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:26 pm

purdey wrote:I was just going to appologise, and say I think I may have led you up the wrong path, but true to form on this forum we seem have lost our temper.
The British are firing live rounds in Cyprus national parks with the full backing of your last and present president.Cypriots are also firing live rounds within Natoinal Parks, also within two miles of residential dwellings.
It is called Army excercises. I only wish I could drop forum a full in depth view of some of these shambolic excercises. Maybe in a few years freedom of information may inform the Cypriot people exactly what happens in Cyprus with the military.
Reality is about been there DT not reading about it in some war magazine, I have the T-shirt, the scars and all the other shit that goes with it. I was a full time soldier....

Have not lost my temper. And as any other Cypriot male have also been a full time soldier for 26 months. PM me the exercises that Cypriot troops have fired live rounds in national parks please Purdey.
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Postby Bill » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:32 pm

Oracle wrote:
The Fisheries Department are an excellent case in point and through their efforts and the support they give other groups, the turtle populations are recovering faster than imagined possible so that now sharks are re-entering the eco-system ...... All good stuff.

Are you saying that the sharks are eating the poor turtles now :shock:

Are they Cypriot sharks or nasty interfering foreign sharks :roll:

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Postby purdey » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:36 pm

As a soldier you should know that under present law doing so would land me in deep s... . It goes on DT and I will not argue with you. I respect the Cypriot national service, and I acknowledge your higher rank as discussed on a previous thread. I served six years and did two tours in a combat role.
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Postby BOF » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:37 pm

DT. wrote:
purdey wrote:I was just going to appologise, and say I think I may have led you up the wrong path, but true to form on this forum we seem have lost our temper.
The British are firing live rounds in Cyprus national parks with the full backing of your last and present president.Cypriots are also firing live rounds within Natoinal Parks, also within two miles of residential dwellings.
It is called Army excercises. I only wish I could drop forum a full in depth view of some of these shambolic excercises. Maybe in a few years freedom of information may inform the Cypriot people exactly what happens in Cyprus with the military.
Reality is about been there DT not reading about it in some war magazine, I have the T-shirt, the scars and all the other shit that goes with it. I was a full time soldier....

Have not lost my temper. And as any other Cypriot male have also been a full time soldier for 26 months. PM me the exercises that Cypriot troops have fired live rounds in national parks please Purdey.

And getting back to the original question DT as all cypriot males have been in military training i imagine they will have had training on fire control and range safety matters. so why is it that every year a number manage to shoot each other at the start of the hunting season? that is quite frightening.
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Postby purdey » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:38 pm

Remember the shark at Limassol seafront some 4 years ago. It was in the local press, I remember it was caught and sold via Limassol fish market...
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Postby purdey » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:49 pm

Bof, at the start of the season hunters travel up the mountains the day before the shooting starts. We all try for the best position, water been the best. As light breaks, this is when you realise you are surrounded by other hunters. When the birds start to move it is like WW3 everybody is shooting. Hence some accidents happen.
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Postby BOF » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:56 pm

8) And Also the basking shark "caught" recently off a popular beach and landed ashore ? The basking shark is completely harmless feeding on plankton and other microscopic is also a protected species being highly endangered. In the EU alone it is illegal to catch,bring on board and land a basking shark. It is also supposed to enjoy international protection....well thats one less then. I think we all need greater education on the world we live in and use in such a cavalier way.
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