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Animal Cruelty - Sign the Petition

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Postby purdey » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:30 pm

Bubbles, many a Cypriot has taken part or been involved in these exercises. Many still work and gain income from SBA bases. Many have also retired from working on these bases and receive pensions from the UK Government. Presumably they are traitors to the great cause.
I respect the views of the vast majority of Cypriots and understand their loathing of the British and there continued presence on the island, however I do question those who moan when they have adopted the British passport and have lived a relatively safe and prosperous life in the UK.
Live fire exercises no longer continue around the Akamas.
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Postby webbo » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:36 pm

purdey wrote:Bubbles, many a Cypriot has taken part or been involved in these exercises. Many still work and gain income from SBA bases. Many have also retired from working on these bases and receive pensions from the UK Government. Presumably they are traitors to the great cause.
I respect the views of the vast majority of Cypriots and understand their loathing of the British and there continued presence on the island, however I do question those who moan when they have adopted the British passport and have lived a relatively safe and prosperous life in the UK.
Live fire exercises no longer continue around the Akamas.

I agree with your points wholeheartedly Purdey :)
The grass is always greener on the other side though eh?

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby purdey » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:20 pm

Always, until reality hits home.
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Postby DT. » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:45 pm

webbo wrote:
Oracle wrote:[

The greatest destruction to the Akamas was caused by the "poor old" British.
It has not yet recovered to its former glory in the few years they have been prevented from practicing their killer tactics.

And don't pretend that just because they are not allowed firearms off the base ... that they have no other way of obtaining guns for hunting! ...... or is that why they resort to shovels with which to kill?

Now suddenly you want us all to believe you are angels.

Pass the buck .... :roll: here's a reminder:

THE PURPOSE OF THIS OPEN LETTER is to ask you to join us in an e-mail protest against the continuation of the British Forces military exercises in the Akamas peninsula, an area of unique ecological significance and biodiversity , located on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.

Some information about Akamas:

THE AKAMAS PENINSULA , an area of approximately 250 square Km, surrounded by 12 traditional villages, displays a great variety of habitats and is home for 530 different plants (among these are 39 endemic plant species), 168 kinds of birds, 20 kinds of serpents, 12 different mammals and, 16 kinds of butterflies. Akamas is also the reproductive grounds for "Chelonia mydas" and "Caretta caretta", two species of turtles that have been identified as "near extinction" in the Mediterranean.

The British Forces Military Exercises:

FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS, THE BRITISH FORCES CARRY OUT MILITARY EXERCISES within a 25 square Km area at the NW tip of Akamas. These exercises, which utilize live ammunition, have resulted in extensive damages to the fragile ecosystem of Akamas. Fires have left extensive areas scorched. Within the firing ranges there are bare patches reminiscent of lunar landscape. Most of the area, including the surrounding sea, is littered with both spent and live ammunition. Is 1997 the year of complete devastation?? It is significant to note that within this area there are 16 main archeological and historical sites. Destruction of cultural heritage is at stake.

The Reaction:

RECENTLY THE CYPRUS PARLIAMENTunanimously, voted against the military exercises. GREENPEACE staged a protest, three years ago, within the firing range forcing the temporary postponement of the exercises. we staged a similar protest but once again only won a temporary reprieve as the British Forces continue their exercises to this date. A poll, taken on February 7, 1997, showed that the 91% of the Cypriot population is against the British Forces military exercises at Akamas. However, such messages seem to make little difference to the British Government.


You never cease to amaze me with your anti- Brit posts!
Anyone would think you have no British blood/ had not spent the majority of your years living/growing up/ being educated/working in the U.K Have a Scottish (think that is his nationality!) husband and a son, who was, I believe also born in the UK! Your mother, correct me if I am not mistaken is also British - or has British ancestry! You have previously stated something about having business ties back home - so please tell me why? I just do not get it!!!!!

On the other hand, if what you say above is true, this issue must be addressed as a matter of urgency by both governments. It cannot continue

Out of interest - Do the Cypriots employed by the British forces participate in these exercises?
Where on the island do the Cypriot military carry out their exercises? Do they cause any harm to the surrounding wildlife etc.
You cannot advocate the 'one rule for them and one rule for us', surely? :roll:

Bubbles x

WHat absolute crap!!!

FIrstly these millitary exercies by the British have no Cypriot participaton since they are MILLITARY exercises. All Cypriots employed within the SBA's are police or admin personnel.

Secondly the Government of Cyprus does most of its exercises in Kalo Horio. This is not the point however. The GOVERNMENT OF CYPRUS CAN HOLD MILLITARY EXERCISES IN YOUR BACK YARD IF IT WANTS TO BECAUSE IT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THIS ISLAND.

No explanations need to be given to anyone on how the government of a country carries out its defence program within its own borders.
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Postby DT. » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:49 pm

webbo wrote:
purdey wrote:Bubbles, many a Cypriot has taken part or been involved in these exercises. Many still work and gain income from SBA bases. Many have also retired from working on these bases and receive pensions from the UK Government. Presumably they are traitors to the great cause.
I respect the views of the vast majority of Cypriots and understand their loathing of the British and there continued presence on the island, however I do question those who moan when they have adopted the British passport and have lived a relatively safe and prosperous life in the UK.
Live fire exercises no longer continue around the Akamas.

I agree with your points wholeheartedly Purdey :)
The grass is always greener on the other side though eh?

Bubbles x 8)

With regards to adopted passports and citizenship then we are the victims of this as well. TC"s have obtained CY assports and citizenship but pay no taxes, carry out no millitary service and continue to undermine the Republic. (of which they are citizens of with their support of the north breakaway state)

SO yes we're used to people using our documents for self gain and then showing nothing but should you. The SBA's should still be removed asap from Cypriot soil.
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Postby purdey » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:53 pm

What crap DT. I have first hand experience of manouvers and excercises on Cyprus. There has been Cypriot involvement in military excercises, maybe from a support role, but they were involved...
I also think you know there is a little more involvement on both sides when manouvers take place, and I am not talking your part time soldiers.
I am with you on return of SBA land, it is your land, I have never disputed that. Tell your Government you want it back..I do think at the moment they do not have any issues with this land or the British and other troops stationed and visiting it.
Last edited by purdey on Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:53 pm

DT. wrote:
webbo wrote:
purdey wrote:Bubbles, many a Cypriot has taken part or been involved in these exercises. Many still work and gain income from SBA bases. Many have also retired from working on these bases and receive pensions from the UK Government. Presumably they are traitors to the great cause.
I respect the views of the vast majority of Cypriots and understand their loathing of the British and there continued presence on the island, however I do question those who moan when they have adopted the British passport and have lived a relatively safe and prosperous life in the UK.
Live fire exercises no longer continue around the Akamas.

I agree with your points wholeheartedly Purdey :)
The grass is always greener on the other side though eh?

Bubbles x 8)

With regards to adopted passports and citizenship then we are the victims of this as well. TC"s have obtained CY assports and citizenship but pay no taxes, carry out no millitary service and continue to undermine the Republic. (of which they are citizens of with their support of the north breakaway state)

SO yes we're used to people using our documents for self gain and then showing nothing but should you. The SBA's should still be removed asap from Cypriot soil.

Whats new. Its just like during British rule and the Ottoman rule.
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Postby BOF » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:00 pm

Oracle wrote:
Jerry wrote:Read all about through Google,
You can make a start here

Jerry the British Military have not been allowed to carry out military practice on the Akamas since about the year 2000 (there was talk of some days exercises only).

I provided the same info. to BOF over the page but merely as a sad reminder of how destructive the British can be too, not just some Cypriot hunters ... to redress the balance as they were all going overboard with self righteous indignation and that holier than thou attitude which makes them think they were put on Earth to scold the Cypriots for their unthinking ways.

A sprinkling of balance, that's all! ..... I know how much they had that :lol:

My dear child im not going overboard with self righteous original post was that i visited the Akamas and on seeing hunting prohibited signs i wondered why there were empty cartridge cases everywhere..I fully accept that virtually evey nation on earth has at some point in its past caused destruction to the environment and the wildlife. but now there is a move afoot to either stop the destruction or reverse it..
Too many people using too many resources and putting nothing back..
I am fully in agreement that some races such as the San people (bushmen) and Eskimo and also the reindeer herders of lapland live side by side with nature and the environment and as hunter gatherers need to hunt for their existence. But IMHO if so called hunting was stopped elsewhere in the developed world how many people would starve to death?
I find myself in agreement with people like Purdey who hunts on some of the points raised in this thread.
However i actively support the training and equipment upgrading of anti poacher patrols in Africa who have a shoot to kill policy regarding poaching. Thats my bit for the environment - bloody English as i may be!
And i would also like to point out that the training areas used by the Army in the UK have some of the greatest diversity of wildlife in the UK.. thanks to the Army. Ever been to Otterburn Oracle? its in your neck of the woods.
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Postby DT. » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:10 pm

purdey wrote:What crap DT. I have first hand experience of manouvers and excercises on Cyprus. There has been Cypriot involvement in military excercises, maybe from a support role, but they were involved...
I also think you know there is a little more involvement on both sides when manouvers take place, and I am not talking your part time soldiers.
I am with you on return of SBA land, it is your land, I have never disputed that. Tell your Government you want it back..I do think at the moment they do not have any issues with this land or the British and other troops stationed and visiting it.

Why is it crap? Have you seen any Cypriot soldiers firing anything at the SBA's exercises in AKAMAS?

This particular govt has a lot of issue with the SBA land. As soon as the balance of UK help Vs UK hindrance sways too much on the other side and we have nothing else to lose, then a polite invite to evacuate the SBA's will be sent out.
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Postby webbo » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:17 pm

DT. wrote:
WHat absolute crap!!!

FIrstly these millitary exercies by the British have no Cypriot participaton since they are MILLITARY exercises. All Cypriots employed within the SBA's are police or admin personnel.

Secondly the Government of Cyprus does most of its exercises in Kalo Horio. This is not the point however. The GOVERNMENT OF CYPRUS CAN HOLD MILLITARY EXERCISES IN YOUR BACK YARD IF IT WANTS TO BECAUSE IT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THIS ISLAND.

No explanations need to be given to anyone on how the government of a country carries out its defence program within its own borders.

:? :? What is absolute crap?

I will check out the role of the Cypriots within the Forces world as I am not entirely convinced by what you write.

Kalo Xorio - a lovely village just up the mountains - is this correct?
This is exactly the point as you obviously do advocate the one rule for you and stuff the rest. Never mind your country being ruined - so long as it is by one of your own - is that what you are really saying? :shock: :shock:

Bubbles x
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