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Shooters/Hunters; Will this be you?

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Postby kafenes » Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:41 pm

Get Real! wrote:
kafenes wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
kafenes wrote:
Conservationists fear turtle dove shoot through the back door

Shoot the doves through the back door??? You must be an ace shot to be able to do that! :)

Where have you been Kafene? Haven’t you heard of the new heat-seeking infra-red micro rifles? :lol:

Yes, but that only works if the dove farts whilst in flight. :)

:lol: Now there's a thought for a technological breakthrough in hunting!

I think we better stop before the others get really pissed off for ruining their serious posts. :)
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:37 pm

Bill wrote:Bringing my gun to Cyprus was a nightmare at the UK end ( Heathrow ) but on arrival at Larnaca it arrived on the carousel with the rest of my luggage and no fuss at all at the customs or the police station when I went to register it with them.


:D :D :D
5½ years ago the police were not interested when I told them I would be turning up at Heathrow Terminal 1 with my shotgun.

I walked through the airport with it and checked it in without anybody taking any notice.

It took two months to extract it from Customs at Pafos! :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:29 pm

Oracle said:

"All those other killing methods have more risks attached for the killer ... and are not as efficient at killing.

You just have to make it difficult for people to kill others ... it's never going to be impossible.

Guns make killing easy ... and that's why they serve no purpose in society.

Even if some of you boys just like to own some toys!"

Nothing is LESS efficient at killing than a gun, which explains why armies have other things like bombs and artillery etc. They are FAR MORE Efficient at killing and as the military would say "cost effective".

Guns are easy to make, bombs even easier and the materials are close at hand and need no license to obtain.

Open your window now at Easter time and you will hear lots of little home made bombs going off. Given some intent they could be made into deadly instruments which are forensically untraceable and need no license hence do not pose any risk to the user.

Greek police think like you and impose reidiculous laws, such as the one that lays down that a knife needs a license, unless "it is used for professional or domestic purposes". So a ten inch kitchen knife is license free and a two inch pen knife needs a permit. This is pedantic nonsense because the first thing needed to do harm is the human intent, not the instrument.

Finally if society does not trust people with guns start by abolishing military service where all men learn to use far deadlier things than birdguns. Petition for the RoC to ban military service, destroy all armaments and we will believe you are sincere.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:31 pm


You ever shot a dove via the back door? I tried often and failed. Usually the dove turns around and points with both wing tips at a spot between its legs.

Just joking, I dont shoot doves, my favorite quarry is wild rabbit (not hare) on the islands. They are tough to get but taste great!
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Postby purdey » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:03 pm

I shoot doves, in Cyprus, UK and Argentina. I shot 238 on one day, before you antis get on your high horses they are a pest in Argentina. I love my shooting, and am lucky enough to live somewhere where country pursuits are still practiced un hindered.
I won't argue with you people on the rights and wrongs of hunting and hand guns, I have wasted many an hour in the past argueing. Suffice to say hunting will continue in the UK and Cyprus and I will partake at every opportunity.
As for the guys at Cyprus customs. Great guys, some of them hunt, and I never have a problem with bringing in shotguns.

Quarry shot by me 2007-2008 season.
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Postby kafenes » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:53 pm

Nikitas wrote:Kafenes,

You ever shot a dove via the back door? I tried often and failed. Usually the dove turns around and points with both wing tips at a spot between its legs.

Just joking, I dont shoot doves, my favorite quarry is wild rabbit (not hare) on the islands. They are tough to get but taste great!

In my shooting days, I used love the dove season as it's great to wake up early at that time of year and go to the county side. I used to have a particular spot at Mazotos where the sun rise between the trees was beautiful. I have also shot wild rabbits in Australia with a Winchester .22 lever action. Gave it all up now. I am enjoying classic car rallying instead.
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Postby purdey » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:57 pm

Boys toys, for most no.. works of art, yes. If you have a love for craftmanship, engineering and art there is no finer item than a fine English Shotgun.
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Postby webbo » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:57 am

purdey wrote:I shoot doves, in Cyprus, UK and Argentina. I shot 238 on one day, before you antis get on your high horses they are a pest in Argentina. I love my shooting, and am lucky enough to live somewhere where country pursuits are still practiced un hindered.
I won't argue with you people on the rights and wrongs of hunting and hand guns, I have wasted many an hour in the past argueing. Suffice to say hunting will continue in the UK and Cyprus and I will partake at every opportunity.
As for the guys at Cyprus customs. Great guys, some of them hunt, and I never have a problem with bringing in shotguns.

Quarry shot by me 2007-2008 season.

All well being a pest in Argentina, but this is Cyprus we are talking about. Do they pose such a threat here? I think it is barbaric that you shot so many in one day! What did you do with them all? Are they edible? What did you do with your other 'kills'? Do you eat them? :shock:

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby purdey » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:31 am

The population of doves in Argentina numbers upwards of 12 million. The Argentinians bring in paid hunters to protect the sunflower crops which were decimated, before paid hunters arrived, thus the poor locals either were short of food and money.
The doves are eaten by the locals, or sold to other people in the area.
Yes I eat all I shoot, in the UK every bird shot is eaten that week or frozen for another day.
If you ar a vegan I can understand your point of view, if not and you eat meat I see no difference in the killing of wild birds, and the slaughter of meat for the table, and the wearing of animal products.
In Cyprus doves are not shot on a mass basis, and are not on any protected list. I suggest if you are squirmish or believe the shooting of birds in Cyprus is cruel, you should visit the abbotoir Nr Larnaca. Have you ever seen a cow or pig when it smells it's own species blood, the panic it suffers, the reticense to follow to the slaughter line..not a pleasant sight or to hear the cries these animals make.
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Postby Jerry » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:27 am

purdey wrote:I shoot doves, in Cyprus, UK and Argentina. I shot 238 on one day, before you antis get on your high horses they are a pest in Argentina. I love my shooting, and am lucky enough to live somewhere where country pursuits are still practiced un hindered.
I won't argue with you people on the rights and wrongs of hunting and hand guns, I have wasted many an hour in the past argueing. Suffice to say hunting will continue in the UK and Cyprus and I will partake at every opportunity.
As for the guys at Cyprus customs. Great guys, some of them hunt, and I never have a problem with bringing in shotguns.

Quarry shot by me 2007-2008 season.

What a hero, what does Rook pie taste like?
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