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Shooters/Hunters; Will this be you?

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Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:50 pm

No Nikitas .... fellow animal specie are not there to provide food for you.

You are not a carnivore much as you would like to believe.

Do not eat species from your own Kingdom...

Exploit the Plant Kingdom for food ...
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:55 pm

Jerry, you multiply 15 by 365 and that gives over 5000 children shot annually which is obviously a FALSE figure and one you must have fished out from some antigun site. It is not borne out by the FBI statistics on all gunshot related deaths in the USA and it is LIE!

The USA as a whole has about 10 000 gunshot related deaths annually, half of those simply cannot be children.

Either correct your post or accept you are deliberately LYING.

As for outlawing guns, just visit the National Struggle Museum in Nicosia and look at the home made sumbmachine guns made with technology available in Cyprus in the 50s. Guns are the product of 19th century mechanical technology, and you can find all the info you need to make a gun in any 5th grade physics book and the Encylopedia Britannica. Therefore you cannot outlaw guns unless you ban these books first. Is that what you want to do?
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:00 pm

I have it on good aythority that I am an OMINIVORE, and hence able to eat all kinds of food. Our close relatives the chimps also eat meat, contrary to what the eco liars told us for years. In fact chimps kill efficiently and eat other monkeys. What is good enough for them is good enough for me.

I will eat what I damn well please and will resist forcefully any eco fascist who tries to alter my desires and my habits, for no other reason than I SIMPLY WANT TO. My desire is founded on more wisdom than the edicts of eco fascists. It is one issue on which I WILL NOT COMPROMISE. And if I cannot hunt legally I WILL POACH, therefore your choice is whether you will have me legal and regulated or totally out of control.

And to keep it in Cypriot terms, 45000 British elite soldiers did not manage to stop poaching in the 50s, a few dozen eco fascists are not goint to do it now.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:06 pm

Nikitas ... I will file you under "True Cypriot Male" ..... :lol:
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Postby Jerry » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:20 pm

Nikitas wrote:As for those who want to license and otherwise control guns, here is a question:

When was the last time you hypocrites asked for a licensing system for chainsaw? Which would you prefer to be attacked with, a gun with two shots or a chainsaw that can keep going for hours?

A moot questions, so why dont you ask for licensing of chainsaws? Because you dont really give a damn, that is why.

Guns are made to hit and destroy a target, they have no other useful purpose. Chainsaws, well do I need to spell it out? In the UK if you operate a chainsaw commercially (certainly for the forestry people) you must attend a training course. I think most guns have a greater range than a chainsaw, I'd certainly fancy my chances more being chased by a chainsaw than a gun. Not a very convincing argument Nikitas.
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Postby Jerry » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:30 pm

Nikitas wrote:Jerry, you multiply 15 by 365 and that gives over 5000 children shot annually which is obviously a FALSE figure and one you must have fished out from some antigun site. It is not borne out by the FBI statistics on all gunshot related deaths in the USA and it is LIE!

The USA as a whole has about 10 000 gunshot related deaths annually, half of those simply cannot be children.

Either correct your post or accept you are deliberately LYING.

As for outlawing guns, just visit the National Struggle Museum in Nicosia and look at the home made sumbmachine guns made with technology available in Cyprus in the 50s. Guns are the product of 19th century mechanical technology, and you can find all the info you need to make a gun in any 5th grade physics book and the Encylopedia Britannica. Therefore you cannot outlaw guns unless you ban these books first. Is that what you want to do?

I don't tell lies Nikitas

Try Google "Americans killed accidentally guns."

I was always taught to never argue about facts - look them up

Annie, give up your gun: `more Americans died from gunshots in the ...Fifteen American children are killed by guns every day; children who accidentally shoot themselves or another child usually do so with a gun they have found ...
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 2:24 am

Your figures are wrong Jerry. The Google searches return figures for all gun related accidental woundings and that includes wounds caused by semi toy guns like air soft guns and paintballs.

As for the usefulness of a gun, well it is about on par as a fishing rod, or a spear gun used for fishing. They are one puprose items. THey are the only means of hunting allowed in some EU countries because they are selective in the choice of target and limited in that the can engage one target at a time. Traps are far more useful means of hunting but the eco fascists prohibited them for Cypriots and Greeks while they allow them for the French, the Spanish and British (who also can use snares, lurchers, and gas against vermin).

If you have a problem with criminal use of firearms then you must also have a problem with criminal use of cars. It is interesting that the Greek terrorist organization November 17 had never carried out any action which did not involve the use of a motorcycle. The simplistic argument that they would not have killed anyone if they did not have a gun applies equally to the motorcycles they used to get to and from their hits.

By the way, their favorite timing device for setting off bombs was a garage door remote. So let us outlaw those too!

And you have not commented on the ease with which a firearm can be made by anyone with access to hand tools and a source of suitable metals, ie a scrapyard and elementary knowledge of physics. Obviously the opposition you have is against the lawful possession of firearms for hunting and target shooting, and you are not really concerned with the criminal use of guns. It is a typical puritan approach, if others enjoy it, let us ban it.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 2:49 am

Annual Deaths Due to Unintentional Injuries, 2000 data from the US National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2001 Edition, pp. 8-9, 84)

Accident Type Age 0-4 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65-74 75+ Total
[b]Firearms 20 60 150 190 110 30 40 600

The above table, badly formatted as it is, proves the lies that Jerry has posted on this forum about 15 child deaths daily in the US from guns. The figures are from an official US government body and they prove that Jerry has been posting crap.

The USA, has almost exactly the same rate of overall accidental death as the UK, one person per 3000 of population, and that figure is from the United Nations.

It really is amazing to see to what extents neo puritans and ecofascists will go to repress people!

So lay off the lies!
Last edited by Nikitas on Sun Apr 20, 2008 2:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CopperLine » Sun Apr 20, 2008 2:55 am

Sure, Nikitas, some people are puritans and the motive for banning what others find pleasurable is some daft religion-derived dogma.

But the motive for banning guns might just be that people with guns kill. And some people don't like the idea let alone the actuality of being killed. Nothing puritanical about that motive.

I'm happy to accept that some gun owners/users are responsible. That they're safety conscious and considerate in their use of sporting guns. (I can't however see any argument for the ownership/use of non-sport firearms). But there are many who do not act responsibly; and I insist that I as an individual and society in general is protected from those people (just as I expect some protection from people who recklessly use other machines that can kill, such as cars).

And sporting guns and field sports. I'd go along with the idea that you only shoot what you can eat. Don't shoot what you can't/won't eat. But I also think that birds and other wildlife need protection and there is something pretty suspicious when hunters claim to know what's best for the hunted, said the fox to the chicken.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 3:12 am


Biology is based on the simple fact that the hunter does indeed know what is best for the quarry.

It might sound unlikely in the situation where the hunter is human, but that is exactly what an Arizona Wildlife Service Biological survey determined. As game becomes scarce hunter interest wanes, the game recovers and hunter interest picks up.

The Americans have a very solid system of biological surveys and game counts and their findings are a guidepost for the rest of the world's game biologists.

Now as to owning guns for non sport purposes, well I assume that colecting old and antique guns comes under sport, leaves the whole realm of self defence. I gather you are a proponent of the state monopoly on force, which I abhor. For the simple reason that you can never find a cop when you need one and the right to defend ones life and the life of others is paramount. Ialso firmly believe that the risk of committing a crime should beborne by the criminal during the commission of the crome and not by the victim.

The justification for government agencies to bear arms comes from the theoretical foundation of popular sovereignty, thus these agencies are exercising the people's right to bear arms. It would be funny to use this foundation to arm a police force and disarm the people, who are the bosses of the police.

Citing irresponsibility or lack of knowledge for the prohibition of firearms for self defence reflects on the society that prohibits, since it is not capable of teaching its citizens the use of these very simple machines, but is willing to trust its people with cars which are infinitely more complex and deadlier.
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