No Nikitas .... fellow animal specie are not there to provide food for you.
You are not a carnivore much as you would like to believe.
Do not eat species from your own Kingdom...
Exploit the Plant Kingdom for food ...
Nikitas wrote:As for those who want to license and otherwise control guns, here is a question:
When was the last time you hypocrites asked for a licensing system for chainsaw? Which would you prefer to be attacked with, a gun with two shots or a chainsaw that can keep going for hours?
A moot questions, so why dont you ask for licensing of chainsaws? Because you dont really give a damn, that is why.
Nikitas wrote:Jerry, you multiply 15 by 365 and that gives over 5000 children shot annually which is obviously a FALSE figure and one you must have fished out from some antigun site. It is not borne out by the FBI statistics on all gunshot related deaths in the USA and it is LIE!
The USA as a whole has about 10 000 gunshot related deaths annually, half of those simply cannot be children.
Either correct your post or accept you are deliberately LYING.
As for outlawing guns, just visit the National Struggle Museum in Nicosia and look at the home made sumbmachine guns made with technology available in Cyprus in the 50s. Guns are the product of 19th century mechanical technology, and you can find all the info you need to make a gun in any 5th grade physics book and the Encylopedia Britannica. Therefore you cannot outlaw guns unless you ban these books first. Is that what you want to do?
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