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Part prices from TC Toyota agent!!!

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Part prices from TC Toyota agent!!!

Postby umit07 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:41 pm

I just took a 96 Toyota Corolla for a service to the TC agent of Toyota. They ended up giving me a list of many parts that had to be changed if I accepted the total bill for parts alone came to around 2700 TL ( 1350 euro) excluding labour. I was shocked with the amount and would like to ask what forum members think of the bill bellow. The car is at about 140,000 km.

1. Time belt 210 TL = 105 euro ( had been changed at 90,000 km but was advised to replaced due to not being original )

2. V belts ( set of 3 ) : 166 TL = 135 euro

3. Axle bellows: 253 TL * 2 = 506 TL = 253 euro ( this seems extremely expensive for a piece of rubber )

4. Automatic Gearbox oil: 100 TL = 50 euro

5. Front brake pads: 165 TL = 83 euro

6. Rear brake shoes : 112 TL : 56 euro

7. Rear shock absorbers: 286 * 2 = 572 TL = 286 euro ( for 2 )

8. Rear shock absorber seals: 82 * 2 = 162 TL = 82 Euro ( for 2 )

9. Rear crank felt: 73 TL = 36 euro

10. Front shock absorbers ( 2 ): 248 TL * 2= 496 TL = 248 euro (for 2)

11. Front shock absorber rubber dust seals: 48 TL * 2 = 96 TL = 48 euro ( for 2 )

In total for about 1350 Euro bill for parts for a car which drivers with no problem at all!!!!
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:39 pm

Shit happens when you live in the "TRNC". Why don't you just drive it out of there and get another quote to compare?
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Re: Part prices from TC Toyota agent!!!

Postby halil » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:45 pm

umit07 wrote:I just took a 96 Toyota Corolla for a service to the TC agent of Toyota. They ended up giving me a list of many parts that had to be changed if I accepted the total bill for parts alone came to around 2700 TL ( 1350 euro) excluding labour. I was shocked with the amount and would like to ask what forum members think of the bill bellow. The car is at about 140,000 km.

1. Time belt 210 TL = 105 euro ( had been changed at 90,000 km but was advised to replaced due to not being original )

2. V belts ( set of 3 ) : 166 TL = 135 euro

3. Axle bellows: 253 TL * 2 = 506 TL = 253 euro ( this seems extremely expensive for a piece of rubber )

4. Automatic Gearbox oil: 100 TL = 50 euro

5. Front brake pads: 165 TL = 83 euro

6. Rear brake shoes : 112 TL : 56 euro

7. Rear shock absorbers: 286 * 2 = 572 TL = 286 euro ( for 2 )

8. Rear shock absorber seals: 82 * 2 = 162 TL = 82 Euro ( for 2 )

9. Rear crank felt: 73 TL = 36 euro

10. Front shock absorbers ( 2 ): 248 TL * 2= 496 TL = 248 euro (for 2)

11. Front shock absorber rubber dust seals: 48 TL * 2 = 96 TL = 48 euro ( for 2 )

In total for about 1350 Euro bill for parts for a car which drivers with no problem at all!!!!

Umit ciğim ,
abiciğim get new car .... use it for 4 years than change it again .
good luck.
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Re: Part prices from TC Toyota agent!!!

Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:50 pm

umit07 wrote:I just took a 96 Toyota Corolla for a service to the TC agent of Toyota. They ended up giving me a list of many parts that had to be changed if I accepted the total bill for parts alone came to around 2700 TL ( 1350 euro) excluding labour. I was shocked with the amount and would like to ask what forum members think of the bill bellow. The car is at about 140,000 km.

1. Time belt 210 TL = 105 euro ( had been changed at 90,000 km but was advised to replaced due to not being original )

2. V belts ( set of 3 ) : 166 TL = 135 euro

3. Axle bellows: 253 TL * 2 = 506 TL = 253 euro ( this seems extremely expensive for a piece of rubber )

4. Automatic Gearbox oil: 100 TL = 50 euro

5. Front brake pads: 165 TL = 83 euro

6. Rear brake shoes : 112 TL : 56 euro

7. Rear shock absorbers: 286 * 2 = 572 TL = 286 euro ( for 2 )

8. Rear shock absorber seals: 82 * 2 = 162 TL = 82 Euro ( for 2 )

9. Rear crank felt: 73 TL = 36 euro

10. Front shock absorbers ( 2 ): 248 TL * 2= 496 TL = 248 euro (for 2)

11. Front shock absorber rubber dust seals: 48 TL * 2 = 96 TL = 48 euro ( for 2 )

In total for about 1350 Euro bill for parts for a car which drivers with no problem at all!!!!

Was that quote from the Ottoman Repair Co. ? :?

(Automan = Ottoman :lol: )
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:55 pm

Absolute rip-off Umate. What stands out is the price of the gear oil, which must be a bog standard auto gear oil. Surely you must know of a local garage who can undercut these ridiculous prices.
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Postby umit07 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:35 pm

The thing is that I want the car to be fitted with genuine parts, but these dickheads are trying to sell'em to me at crazy prices. They said the car has to stay with them for two days to get all the work carried out. I reckon the total bill would be around 2000 euro with labour. The funny thing is that I don't feel like there is anything wrong with the car.

Where is the Toyota agent located in southern nicosia? I tried to finding their website but nothing came up.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:39 pm

umit07 wrote:The thing is that I want the car to be fitted with genuine parts, but these dickheads are trying to sell'em to me at crazy prices. They said the car has to stay with them for two days to get all the work carried out. I reckon the total bill would be around 2000 euro with labour. The funny thing is that I don't feel like there is anything wrong with the car.

Where is the Toyota agent located in southern nicosia? I tried to finding their website but nothing came up.

Yeah ... but umit ..... what about my joke? :?
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Postby umit07 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:45 pm

I took the car to an independant mechanic after getting this ridiculous quote, he said the only thing wrong with it was a busted rear shock absorber, and the various seals and bellows ( basically pieces of rubber ) needed changing. The thing is that most of these mechanics use very shitty parts which don't even have a country of origin on the box. They buy the parts for next to nothing and sell them to you at near original prices and you nearly always end up having trouble with the parts.
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Postby umit07 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:48 pm

Oracle wrote:
umit07 wrote:The thing is that I want the car to be fitted with genuine parts, but these dickheads are trying to sell'em to me at crazy prices. They said the car has to stay with them for two days to get all the work carried out. I reckon the total bill would be around 2000 euro with labour. The funny thing is that I don't feel like there is anything wrong with the car.

Where is the Toyota agent located in southern nicosia? I tried to finding their website but nothing came up.

Yeah ... but umit ..... what about my joke? :?

Ok oracle good joke :P . But I really ain't in the mood after today. I reckon that at least half the bloody TC business men would go bankrupt if the Cyprus problem was ever solved.
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Re: Part prices from TC Toyota agent!!!

Postby umit07 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:50 pm

halil wrote:
umit07 wrote:I just took a 96 Toyota Corolla for a service to the TC agent of Toyota. They ended up giving me a list of many parts that had to be changed if I accepted the total bill for parts alone came to around 2700 TL ( 1350 euro) excluding labour. I was shocked with the amount and would like to ask what forum members think of the bill bellow. The car is at about 140,000 km.

1. Time belt 210 TL = 105 euro ( had been changed at 90,000 km but was advised to replaced due to not being original )

2. V belts ( set of 3 ) : 166 TL = 135 euro

3. Axle bellows: 253 TL * 2 = 506 TL = 253 euro ( this seems extremely expensive for a piece of rubber )

4. Automatic Gearbox oil: 100 TL = 50 euro

5. Front brake pads: 165 TL = 83 euro

6. Rear brake shoes : 112 TL : 56 euro

7. Rear shock absorbers: 286 * 2 = 572 TL = 286 euro ( for 2 )

8. Rear shock absorber seals: 82 * 2 = 162 TL = 82 Euro ( for 2 )

9. Rear crank felt: 73 TL = 36 euro

10. Front shock absorbers ( 2 ): 248 TL * 2= 496 TL = 248 euro (for 2)

11. Front shock absorber rubber dust seals: 48 TL * 2 = 96 TL = 48 euro ( for 2 )

In total for about 1350 Euro bill for parts for a car which drivers with no problem at all!!!!

Umit ciğim ,
abiciğim get new car .... use it for 4 years than change it again .
good luck.
arabayı haşat etmişsin.....

Arabayı haşat etmedim sorun o zaten!

translation: I haven't fu**ed up the car , thats the problem :?
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