It seems a good deal but I cannot get it (centre of Limassol pretty much but website says no for my postcode). Plus there is no decent reports I have seen on how reliable it is. Main reason why I stayed with Cyta is because all the reports from people I read online said even though it was slower it was more reliable for businesses and they didn't throttle at all. Whereas at the time (end of 2006) Primetel (their biggest competitor at the time with quite a few rave reviews like this one) tended to get the odd report of breakdowns in the link and throttling. I couldn't have that because I work on a constant VPN link to a company in the UK.
So far (nearly a year and a half), and apart from two very short outages (and resetting modems now and again, but this happens everywhere with ADSL it seems) it has been fine with Cyta. Not even with the business package. Fair enough is slow (I was on 10mbps in UK) and expensive, but I can't afford to muck around.
By the way, a lot of well hyped rave review posts are all over a few forums in the last few days, but suspiciously is all from newly created accounts from people with broken caps lock keyed keyboards (99% UPPER CASE and about 1% all lower case).