by Warning » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:13 pm
Serious warning. This page is the third result in Google when searching for Cablenet reviews. I have had inCapablenet since summer 2013. Internet has been shitty forever. I mean pings on a regular 300, on bad days it would climb to a frigging 1 second ping. On Google. I have spent so many hours with their "technical support", that they should hire me. . To make them bother with my situation, my word wasn't enough. I had to extensively PROVE that the problems were not caused by my home network. I babysat their router, I hoarded speedtests, I sent them traceroutes proving that the delay was on their own network. After a year of fighting them, I got them to accept to change my modem. Of course the old modem was shitty, and the situation got somewhat better. I periodically had good internet. Periodically, as in some time during the day. I tried to talk them into looking at the problem. They asked me if the problem I was referring to was having 9 Mbps instead of 10, and if it happened once a month or less frequently. Yes, Unablenet, this is why I'm calling you for the 4th time this week. They simply don't care. Today, on the 28th of October 2014, the internet is shit. I called their number, and of course they are not working. Serious fucking warning. If you want stable internet, or good customer service, Disablenet is not the company you are looking for.