Nikitas wrote:"No Piratis Cyprus was never part of Greece or ever a Greek island"
And Ankara was not part of Turkey before 1923. Greece as a nation state came about in the 1820s. So the same argument could be used against all parts of Greece, or Turkey, or any other nation state.
As for it being part of the larger concept of the Greek world, well it was part of several Greek empires and dynasties, including the Byzantine empire which lasted about one thousand years. That is good enough to determine the nature of the island's culture and ethnic makeup. And this has endured successive invasions and conquests. Trying to deny this is not exactly the best way to make friends and influence people VP.
Nikitas, arguing history with the Turks, is worst than banking your head on a brick wall! Give up with them, like I did! They are the masters of historical revisionism! Did you know that Homer (Homiros) was not a Greek, but an ancient Turk? It comes from ...Omer, like Omer Brionis Pasha!