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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:54 pm

humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Kifeas put forward a proposal for a balance in power which was acceptable, he allowed for us the ability to stop decisions where we felt it was sensative and more negative for either community. Thats all we ask for as there is no trust and things should not be left to chance, we will not accept anything less, so the sooner GCs get thrit minds around this red line the better it will be for a future solution.
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:00 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Kifeas put forward a proposal for a balance in power which was acceptable, he allowed for us the ability to stop decisions where we felt it was sensative and more negative for either community. Thats all we ask for as there is no trust and things should not be left to chance, we will not accept anything less, so the sooner GCs get thrit minds around this red line the better it will be for a future solution.

He he he! That is unfortunately not the only thing you ask! You ask way more, most of which is completely and totally illegitimate!
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Postby Piratis » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:09 pm

No Piratis Cyprus was never part of Greece or ever a Greek island, you are deluding yourself, the island has been bastardized enough times to honestly claim that the remenents which are us the Cypriots have the same DNA but choose to seperate ourselves and call ourselves either Turkish or Greek before Cypriot, there are ofcourse people who truely believe they are just Cypriots. So as soon as you get of your high horse in claiming that Cyprus is more yours than mine the sooner we will see each other as equals not as as individuals but also as communities, this will help build a stronger balance and understanding between the 2 communities until a time comes where they wish to one and known just as Cypriots.

We fought against all the odds to survive against you enosis dream, your ignoring this fact makes you less a person in my eyes. The fear displayed by the older TC generation has to be experienced to understand that their concerns were bery real back in our dark history, maybe you need to speak to some of these people to wipe away your warped perception that we did nto suffer and that the numbers game you play will wash away guilt.

It is not about DNA Viewpoint. If it was about DNA then "Turks" would have been considered an extinct kind, unless you know many oriental looking people living in Asia Minor.

What makes somebody what he is, is his language and culture.

What you fought for was to keep Cypriots enslaved under British and Turkish rule. You have never been under any threat from the dream of Cypriots to be free. On the contrary it is you who attacked Cypriots and threaten them that you would annihilate them from the north part of their country if they dared to fight against the Colonialists. Apparently it was fine for you if Cyprus was under the Turks or the British, but not fine if Cyprus was part of a free Greek state which is what Cypriots themselves wanted.

If you wanted to live in Cyprus as equal Cypriot citizens, then why didn't you propose it? It was Makarios who first proposed independence for Cyprus, not you. And what Makarios meant by independance was one free Cyprus, with no foreign troops and where all Cypriots would be equal.

But you didn't accept that you are just Cypriots, did you? You said that you are different "peoples". And along with the UK and Turkey you forced division and segregation in Cyprus.

You have never accepted to be just Cypriots. I am several years in this forum and you have always claimed that you are different, not just Cypriots. This is the same thing you are saying since the 50s. Have you changed your mind now?

If you changed your mind and you are now ready to accept my proposal for one united democratic Cyprus where all Cypriots citizens would be equal without any discriminations then I would be more than glad to sacrifice my "Greekness" as long as you sacrifice your "Turkishness".

But what I am guessing is that you want us to sacrifice our Greekness, while you will continue to insist that you are not just Cypriots, but the "great" Turkish Cypriots who should be distinct and segregated from all the rest. Am I wrong?
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:12 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Kifeas put forward a proposal for a balance in power which was acceptable, he allowed for us the ability to stop decisions where we felt it was sensative and more negative for either community. Thats all we ask for as there is no trust and things should not be left to chance, we will not accept anything less, so the sooner GCs get thrit minds around this red line the better it will be for a future solution.

He he he! That is unfortunately not the only thing you ask! You ask way more, most of which is completely and totally illegitimate!

Details please, allowing that 1974 chnaged everything in Cyprus forever.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:16 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Kifeas put forward a proposal for a balance in power which was acceptable, he allowed for us the ability to stop decisions where we felt it was sensative and more negative for either community. Thats all we ask for as there is no trust and things should not be left to chance, we will not accept anything less, so the sooner GCs get thrit minds around this red line the better it will be for a future solution.

He he he! That is unfortunately not the only thing you ask! You ask way more, most of which is completely and totally illegitimate!

Details please, allowing that 1974 chnaged everything in Cyprus forever.

And a solution is what will change everything forever again. Right? Or you want to keep what you stole? But that wouldn't be a solution for anybody else than you.
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:20 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Kifeas put forward a proposal for a balance in power which was acceptable, he allowed for us the ability to stop decisions where we felt it was sensative and more negative for either community. Thats all we ask for as there is no trust and things should not be left to chance, we will not accept anything less, so the sooner GCs get thrit minds around this red line the better it will be for a future solution.

He he he! That is unfortunately not the only thing you ask! You ask way more, most of which is completely and totally illegitimate!

Details please, allowing that 1974 chnaged everything in Cyprus forever.

Ha …ha …ha! “Allowing that 1974 changed everything in Cyprus!” In other words, “allowing for all the illegalities and human rights violations that Mama Turka committed in Cyprus, with the use of force and aggression, to be accommodated and passed as irreversible fait accomplices, only because they favor the Turkish /TC irredentist cause!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Kifeas on Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:20 pm

Piratis wrote:
No Piratis Cyprus was never part of Greece or ever a Greek island, you are deluding yourself, the island has been bastardized enough times to honestly claim that the remenents which are us the Cypriots have the same DNA but choose to seperate ourselves and call ourselves either Turkish or Greek before Cypriot, there are ofcourse people who truely believe they are just Cypriots. So as soon as you get of your high horse in claiming that Cyprus is more yours than mine the sooner we will see each other as equals not as as individuals but also as communities, this will help build a stronger balance and understanding between the 2 communities until a time comes where they wish to one and known just as Cypriots.

We fought against all the odds to survive against you enosis dream, your ignoring this fact makes you less a person in my eyes. The fear displayed by the older TC generation has to be experienced to understand that their concerns were bery real back in our dark history, maybe you need to speak to some of these people to wipe away your warped perception that we did nto suffer and that the numbers game you play will wash away guilt.

It is not about DNA Viewpoint. If it was about DNA then "Turks" would have been considered an extinct kind, unless you know many oriental looking people living in Asia Minor.

What makes somebody what he is, is his language and culture.

What you fought for was to keep Cypriots enslaved under British and Turkish rule. You have never been under any threat from the dream of Cypriots to be free. On the contrary it is you who attacked Cypriots and threaten them that you would annihilate them from the north part of their country if they dared to fight against the Colonialists. Apparently it was fine for you if Cyprus was under the Turks or the British, but not fine if Cyprus was part of a free Greek state which is what Cypriots themselves wanted.

If you wanted to live in Cyprus as equal Cypriot citizens, then why didn't you propose it? It was Makarios who first proposed independence for Cyprus, not you. And what Makarios meant by independance was one free Cyprus, with no foreign troops and where all Cypriots would be equal.

But you didn't accept that you are just Cypriots, did you? You said that you are different "peoples". And along with the UK and Turkey you forced division and segregation in Cyprus.

You have never accepted to be just Cypriots. I am several years in this forum and you have always claimed that you are different, not just Cypriots. This is the same thing you are saying since the 50s. Have you changed your mind now?

If you changed your mind and you are now ready to accept my proposal for one united democratic Cyprus where all Cypriots citizens would be equal without any discriminations then I would be more than glad to sacrifice my "Greekness" as long as you sacrifice your "Turkishness".

But what I am guessing is that you want us to sacrifice our Greekness, while you will continue to insist that you are not just Cypriots, but the "great" Turkish Cypriots who should be distinct and segregated from all the rest. Am I wrong?

Piratis its not just about Turkish or Greek its 99% about trust and can we live together, there is absolutely no trust and thats why safeguards are demanded to ensure the majority do not run over the minority, these may seem unfair but if you have no intention of breaking these agreement then what have you got to fear? we will noway accept being forced to live in a GC state run by GCs, we want to share the island equally as 2 partners, you want the whole island for yourselves with us as a minority taking our chances living under GC rule. Well if your mindset is the majority and I understand it is you have no alternative but to wait for that swing in power you long for so you can finish off the job you could do back in 1963 to 1974
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:25 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Kifeas put forward a proposal for a balance in power which was acceptable, he allowed for us the ability to stop decisions where we felt it was sensative and more negative for either community. Thats all we ask for as there is no trust and things should not be left to chance, we will not accept anything less, so the sooner GCs get thrit minds around this red line the better it will be for a future solution.

He he he! That is unfortunately not the only thing you ask! You ask way more, most of which is completely and totally illegitimate!

Details please, allowing that 1974 chnaged everything in Cyprus forever.

Ha …ha …ha! “Allowing that 1974 changed everything in Cyprus!” In other words, “allowing for all the illegalities and human rights violations that Mama Turka committed in Cyprus, with the use of force and aggression, to be accommodated and passed as irreversible fait accomplices, only because they favor the Turkish /TC irredentist cause!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kifeas and Piratis, do you claim that today Cyprus is the same as it was in 1974? 34 years have passed many factors have changed and find a solution is more difficult than ever as those factors have to be accomadated is we want to resolve this matter. Please see the reality before you we cannot wave a magic wand and turn back the clock you have to accept the situation as it is and negotiate from there otherwise the current situation will continue well after we are all dead and buried.
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:29 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Kifeas put forward a proposal for a balance in power which was acceptable, he allowed for us the ability to stop decisions where we felt it was sensative and more negative for either community. Thats all we ask for as there is no trust and things should not be left to chance, we will not accept anything less, so the sooner GCs get thrit minds around this red line the better it will be for a future solution.

He he he! That is unfortunately not the only thing you ask! You ask way more, most of which is completely and totally illegitimate!

Details please, allowing that 1974 chnaged everything in Cyprus forever.

Ha …ha …ha! “Allowing that 1974 changed everything in Cyprus!” In other words, “allowing for all the illegalities and human rights violations that Mama Turka committed in Cyprus, with the use of force and aggression, to be accommodated and passed as irreversible fait accomplices, only because they favor the Turkish /TC irredentist cause!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kifeas and Piratis, do you claim that today Cyprus is the same as it was in 1974? 34 years have passed many factors have changed and find a solution is more difficult than ever as those factors have to be accomadated is we want to resolve this matter. Please see the reality before you we cannot wave a magic wand and turn back the clock you have to accept the situation as it is and negotiate from there otherwise the current situation will continue well after we are all dead and buried.

Thanks for admitting that the reason your Denktash and mama Turka had been dragging their feed during all these years since 1974, ("Cyprus problem was solve in 1974," according to Denktash and Ecevit;) was so that you would have come in year 2008, to try and "sell" us the above little story! :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS: VP, perhaps you have not been able to realize yet that the GCs -due to their 4,000 years of long existence all over this country, do not think in terms of years but only in terms of centuries and millenniums, and that 34 years in our calendar is just one minute of time for our history!
Last edited by Kifeas on Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby humanist » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:41 pm

Kifeas put forward a proposal for a balance in power which was acceptable, he allowed for us the ability to stop decisions where we felt it was sensative and more negative for either community. Thats all we ask for as there is no trust and things should not be left to chance, we will not accept anything less, so the sooner GCs get th

VP you are right there is no trust. What saddens me more than anything is that there is no willingness to even contemplate future trust or anything else.

The GC's have got it, VP. Nothing is to be left to chance but how about fairness. And be assured the majority of GC's will not move back.
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