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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby umit07 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:11 pm

humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Well Andreas ( I hope it's ok I call you with your name ) , when we talk about peace on the island and "unification" it ain't reunification with the current RoC !!!! This is something that GC's don't seem to understand, we have been isolated from the RoC since 64" and have NO intension of going back to it no matter what. Anything new deal will mean "a new slate" , in which WE govern the island together in which there are no borders like now and everyone can go live wherever they like . We haven't been seperated for 44 year for nothing.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:15 pm

And our fathers used to say:

Τούρκος καλός μόνο νεκρός and Ο Τούρκος γιοφύρι και να γίνει μην περάσεις από πάνω του.

Are we going to stick to these or are we going to move forward?
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:20 pm

umit07 wrote:
humanist wrote:How is it propaganda Umit? Think about mate and think about it well. In a democracy as I hope Cyprus will be if unification occurs and you have your little state in the north. How can you ensure who in the future buys sells and exchanges their property? What will you do if a TC sells his land to a GC sorry you cannot live here because you have a happened to have a GC background. Is that the democracy you are proposing for our country.

The reality is TC sight is so narrow minded that you are going to create another 1974 in 50 years time. Because none of you are able to think broadly and allow for a one Cyprus one peopl nation.

Well Andreas ( I hope it's ok I call you with your name ) , when we talk about peace on the island and "unification" it ain't reunification with the current RoC !!!! This is something that GC's don't seem to understand, we have been isolated from the RoC since 64" and have NO intension of going back to it no matter what. Anything new deal will mean "a new slate" , in which WE govern the island together in which there are no borders like now and everyone can go live wherever they like . We haven't been seperated for 44 year for nothing.

Umit, I suggest you go and learn better the positions of your leadership and your "motherland," instead of talking nonsense in the forums! What you have described above may well be your imagination, but it has absolutely no relationship with what your side wants!
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:21 pm

Bananiot wrote:And our fathers used to say:

Τούρκος καλός μόνο νεκρός and Ο Τούρκος γιοφύρι και να γίνει μην περάσεις από πάνω του.

Are we going to stick to these or are we going to move forward?

I do not know if your father has said any of these to you, but I had no such father that said any of the above!

As for your last sentence, I must tell you that Ataturk's slogan is still painted over mountains in Turkey and in occupied Cyprus, as well as taught to pupils in their schools!
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:34 pm

So, their father is Kemal Ataturk but our fathers are our biological fathers, according to Kifeas. Typical of the man who has finally made up his mind that Rauf Denktash was right all along in wanting partition as the best solution for Cyprus. Is 20% okay with you Kifeas? Perhaps we should draw the (red) line at 19.75%?
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Postby humanist » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:46 pm

Well Andreas ( I hope it's ok I call you with your name ) , when we talk about peace on the island and "unification" it ain't reunification with the current RoC !!!! This is something that GC's don't seem to understand, we have been isolated from the RoC since 64" and have NO intension of going back to it no matter what. Anything new deal will mean "a new slate" , in which WE govern the island together in which there are no borders like now and everyone can go live wherever they like . We haven't been seperated for 44 year for nothing.

Umit I have no problem with you calling me by name. It is my name after all and I am happy to stand by with what i say on this forum and anywhere else for that matter.

econdly I think you under estimate GC and their willingness unify their country and live with TC's. We are all very understanding that the RoC as such will cease to exist and a new nation will be built. So long as you (and I use the term to describe TC community in the occupied areas) are pushing for your own state (though I do not get the concept but accept it for the sake of unifying the Island) I fail to see equality. I urge you to think about this concept of equality do some research perhaps even go sit in phylosophy class at the university if lecture theatres are open to any one just like here.

The second issue that concerns me about Cyprus is this notion of minority vs majority. Like Miltiades said unless the RoC kills off half its citizens to make the numerical numbers even we will forever be stuck as a nation no matter what form it takes.

For me political equality means one person one vote any Cypriot who wants and has aspisrations to ru the country to have the right to do so. I have said it before and I will say it again. I support communist ideology as written by Marx not the bastardised version of the former USSR. Therefore if a TC had a party that promoted that notion I would vote them as opposed to GC whose political ideology I disagree with.

Your comments above appear honourable to me, however I think Talat and Turkey have other things in mind. Talat has not yet annunced that as a good will gesture he will stop promoting an independent trnc, he has not taken the initiative to move toward educating his people about a united Cyprus, he still has not taken down the sign at the crossing promoting the trkish republic of Cyprus.

Mind you the RoC government has a long way to go also. For example I would have thought Mr Christofias would have pushed for Cyprus anthem even if its temporary till we create one together as a new nation, noe has he spoken to Greece about no Greek flags to be flown on Cyprus as a step to unification.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:48 pm

Bananiot wrote:We should all accept that the two communities are politically equal and that together we will run this country within United Europe.

There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING equal between GCs and TCs so it is therefore NOT in the TCs interest that the Cyprus Problem be approached using the ethnic “principle”!

There is only ONE way forward that can do justice for both minorities and majorities and that is none other than a modern EU democracy.

Non-democratic arrangements have failed miserably in the past and anyone who still insists on them is either too stupid to add one and one together or does NOT want the island of Cyprus to move forward.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:48 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Can someone analyse this concept of the two communities being politically equal and how this works in combination with the principle that all individuals are equal? This is NOT a rhetorical question. It is a genuine inquiry.

One TC is worth four to five GCs.

Oracle and Nikitas, you should feel lucky that the TCs believe 1 TC equals only 4-5 GCs! Imagine if they would have strictly followed their father's advice that: "Bir Turk Dunya'ya Bedeldir..!" :lol:

Bir Türk Bir Dünya'ya Bedeldir...!
One Turk Substitute For World...!

..... then he held one TC (worth only 4-5 GCs in Cyprus) in very low esteem compared to one Turk (worth=World).
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Postby humanist » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:53 pm

Bananiot My grandparents never uttered those words to me.

In fact my maternal grandfather died in a ninning accident trying to save his colleague a TC and yes we lived in a mixed village sorta. We lived in Xeros with high TC population and of course Lefke not to far.

I think GR has hit the nail on the head above.

The question for all Cypriots, Greek/ Turkish speaking alike is what vision do they have for their country.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:56 pm

umit07 wrote:The man of reason speaks once again. Good on you Bananiot.

Start using your head...

If I were to give you a loaf of bread to share among 10 starving people on a deserted island, but decide that you and your friend should eat 50% of it while the remaining 8 have to share the other half, you'd be VERY STUPID to accept it because even though you’d sleep on a full stomach… chances are that you and your friend won't be alive in the morning.
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