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More light shed on the events of 1963

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby michalis5354 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:14 pm

Oracle wrote:I really object to this as I know my father fought for the British in WWII thinking we would then gain Independence .... Independence was on the agenda for many Cypriots.

If ENOSIS was considered it was because they thought with the help of Greece, they would get rid of the British faster.

Do u mean achieveing union with Greece and then Shifting to Independence? First time to hear this. Why not Independence from the begining?

Divide and rule was a common Practice by the British upon decolonisation, e.g. India, Sri Lanka.

I can understand that but why not fight for Independence and not union with Greece. The choice of Independence was never put in front of the GCs and TCs to decide by the EOKA boys. EOKA boys imposed their will to the rest instead of embracing the culture of their own country. They wanted to get rid of the British NOW not after a rational time scale.What did you expect for the British to do?

The EOKA suporters diclined after Independence was achieved in 1960 but even that was not enough to create the chaos and violations that have followed.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:14 pm

Here , in Sri Lanka that is , the British gave the majority the Sinhalese , some 74% the right to self rule .
The Tamils numbered about 13% and originated from Southern India . The British it seems can not win.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:48 pm

michalis5354 wrote:
Oracle wrote:I really object to this as I know my father fought for the British in WWII thinking we would then gain Independence .... Independence was on the agenda for many Cypriots.

If ENOSIS was considered it was because they thought with the help of Greece, they would get rid of the British faster.

Do u mean achieveing union with Greece and then Shifting to Independence? First time to hear this. Why not Independence from the begining?

Divide and rule was a common Practice by the British upon decolonisation, e.g. India, Sri Lanka.

I can understand that but why not fight for Independence and not union with Greece. The choice of Independence was never put in front of the GCs and TCs to decide by the EOKA boys. EOKA boys imposed their will to the rest instead of embracing the culture of their own country. They wanted to get rid of the British NOW not after a rational time scale.What did you expect for the British to do?

The EOKA suporters diclined after Independence was achieved in 1960 but even that was not enough to create the chaos and violations that have followed.

Mihalis, Cypriots have always had a siege mentality which stems from being invaded, conquered and oppressed for the majority of their history. It is this siege mentality that made them beleive that they needed to aim for ENOSIS to overthrow the British quicker with the aid of Greece. Most Cypriots could never beleive that they could fight the British, a superpower in the 50s, with any degree of success. When the Zurich agreement was announced, EOKA stopped the armed struggle. So Independance was an acceptable scenario to EOKA, however there was some resistance to the Zurich agreement as many beleived that it was designed for the demise of the Cypriot people and to serve external interests such as SBA's for the UK.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:49 pm

michalis5354 wrote:
Oracle wrote:I really object to this as I know my father fought for the British in WWII thinking we would then gain Independence .... Independence was on the agenda for many Cypriots.

If ENOSIS was considered it was because they thought with the help of Greece, they would get rid of the British faster

Do u mean achieveing union with Greece and then Shifting to Independence? First time to hear this. Why not Independence from the begining?.

NO ... Michalis you have this (outdated) idea of ENOSIS so firmly entrenched in your mind :roll: ... It was always Independence from the beginning. Turkish propaganda (for TAKSISM) clouded the issue and the fact that Grivas later made it this objective AFTER they got (semi-) Independence from Britain.

If ENOSIS was on the agenda before Independence from Britain was achieved, you can be sure Britain and Greece would have been at war too!
michalis wrote:
Oracle wrote:Divide and rule was a common Practice by the British upon decolonisation, e.g. India, Sri Lanka.

I can understand that but why not fight for Independence and not union with Greece. The choice of Independence was never put in front of the GCs and TCs to decide by the EOKA boys. EOKA boys imposed their will to the rest instead of embracing the culture of their own country. They wanted to get rid of the British NOW not after a rational time scale.What did you expect for the British to do?

The EOKA suporters diclined after Independence was achieved in 1960 but even that was not enough to create the chaos and violations that have followed.

These statements just duplicate the above and it is because you do not believe that Independence was the PRIME objective of EOKA; and that the British upon decolonisation, put into practice, divide and rule ...... (please see links given to Miltiades).

As a Cypriot, why are you so concerned about ENOSIS in this day and age? when it can NEVER be! ... since we have a great situation in the EU being two countries; Greece and Cyprus, with one veto each! .... That makes TWO! :lol:

Why would we EVER give that up to become one country? ... we don't need to!

So let's be positive on this, and avoid being diverted by the Turks who want to keep bringing something up to cause bad feelings between Greece and Cyprus and weaken their partnership ... ie the Turks are practicing DIVIDE and RULE on Cyprus and Greece ...

So don't be another victim of this tactic :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:56 pm

Oracle wrote:
michalis5354 wrote:
Oracle wrote:I really object to this as I know my father fought for the British in WWII thinking we would then gain Independence .... Independence was on the agenda for many Cypriots.

If ENOSIS was considered it was because they thought with the help of Greece, they would get rid of the British faster

Do u mean achieveing union with Greece and then Shifting to Independence? First time to hear this. Why not Independence from the begining?.

NO ... Michalis you have this (outdated) idea of ENOSIS so firmly entrenched in your mind :roll: ... It was always Independence from the beginning. Turkish propaganda (for TAKSISM) clouded the issue and the fact that Grivas later made it this objective AFTER they got (semi-) Independence from Britain.

If ENOSIS was on the agenda before Independence from Britain was achieved, you can be sure Britain and Greece would have been at war too!
michalis wrote:
Oracle wrote:Divide and rule was a common Practice by the British upon decolonisation, e.g. India, Sri Lanka.

I can understand that but why not fight for Independence and not union with Greece. The choice of Independence was never put in front of the GCs and TCs to decide by the EOKA boys. EOKA boys imposed their will to the rest instead of embracing the culture of their own country. They wanted to get rid of the British NOW not after a rational time scale.What did you expect for the British to do?

The EOKA suporters diclined after Independence was achieved in 1960 but even that was not enough to create the chaos and violations that have followed.

These statements just duplicate the above and it is because you do not believe that Independence was the PRIME objective of EOKA; and that the British upon decolonisation, put into practice, divide and rule ...... (please see links given to Miltiades).

As a Cypriot, why are you so concerned about ENOSIS in this day and age? when it can NEVER be! ... since we have a great situation in the EU being two countries; Greece and Cyprus, with one veto each! .... That makes TWO! :lol:

Why would we EVER give that up to become one country? ... we don't need to!

So let's be positive on this, and avoid being diverted by the Turks who want to keep bringing something up to cause bad feelings between Greece and Cyprus and weaken their partnership ... ie the Turks are practicing DIVIDE and RULE on Cyprus and Greece ...

So don't be another victim of this tactic :wink:

Oracle , do not embarrass your self my dear. ENOSIS and only ENOSIS was the prime objective of the struggle , right from the start the words ENOSIS , EOKA , MAKARIOS were the the most prominently used symbols of the struggle. ANEXARTISIA WAS NEVER used. Learn the facts.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:21 pm

To cut a long story short…

The indisputable immediate aim of EOKA was the removal of the British colonialists from Cyprus. Now, if some or all of these EOKA members also had an additional underlying nostalgia to unite Cyprus with Greece at a later date, is something we’ll never know as nobody ever got that far, but everyone DID witness EOKA members fighting off the British.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:26 pm

I agree with GR!

If some of the EOKA fighters also had other long term aims that was their prerogative.

They did us a great favour in risking their lives to gain some Freedom for Cyprus from Colonial Rule.

Don't judge the past by today's standards, things usually have layers of complexity.

The end result was (semi) Independence and that was a great achievement. Onwards!
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Postby unitedwestand » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:37 pm

Get Real! wrote:To cut a long story short…

The indisputable immediate aim of EOKA was the removal of the British colonialists from Cyprus. Now, if some or all of these EOKA members also had an additional underlying nostalgia to unite Cyprus with Greece at a later date, is something we’ll never know as nobody ever got that far, but everyone DID witness EOKA members fighting off the British.

What a load of rubbish. Of course you had to fight and remove the Brits first before you could get to plan B. And we all know what that was. Exterminate the TCs and then ENOSIS with Greece. Any GC who deny this must be certifiable.
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Postby unitedwestand » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:38 pm

Oracle wrote:I agree with GR!

If some of the EOKA fighters also had other long term aims that was their prerogative.

They did us a great favour in risking their lives to gain some Freedom for Cyprus from Colonial Rule.

Don't judge the past by today's standards, things usually have layers of complexity.

The end result was (semi) Independence and that was a great achievement. Onwards!

But of course you would agree with GR. You are his lapdog. :roll: :roll:
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Postby Oracle » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:50 pm

unitedwestand wrote:
Oracle wrote:I agree with GR!

If some of the EOKA fighters also had other long term aims that was their prerogative.

They did us a great favour in risking their lives to gain some Freedom for Cyprus from Colonial Rule.

Don't judge the past by today's standards, things usually have layers of complexity.

The end result was (semi) Independence and that was a great achievement. Onwards!

But of course you would agree with GR. You are his lapdog. :roll: :roll:

Lame attempt at starting a fight ....

Don't forget; I know you have a softer side now, so you can't rile me up so easily! :lol:
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