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More light shed on the events of 1963

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:25 pm

As noble a gesture as that might be, to die for your country and its freedom; I would prefer that be relegated, not just to last resort, but to an avoided scenario all together.

Of prime importance is to aim for a diplomatic solution so that this stalemate could end ASAP; so that the next generation do not inherit our outdated, primitive conduct of invade and occupy (Turkey guilty here, Not Cyprus).

Cyprus has too small a population to lose another 10,000 + people (rounded) based on the last Turkish invasion ... whereas Turkey has a vast disposable resource of people.

So we have to be wise. Cypriots have to be 100% sure of success ... develop a weapon so threateningly deadly to the Turks, that they have no choice but pick up their troops and sail away ....

Think think think ...... :?
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:26 pm

Cyprus has been a Greek island for 1000s of years, just like every other Greek island. Nobody asked from you to leave from Cyprus. We simply asked for our freedom, whats wrong with that?

Could you provide us with the exact dates of when the island was "GREEK", the island has been conquered so many times the ethnic fabric of the people is very mixed and claiming it was Greek or Turkish is irrelevent in 2008, the important issue is who are the indigenous people and how they shoudl run their own country. Imho both GCs and TCs are indigenous and therefore have just as much rights as each other. How we choose to build a structure where both communities are not disregarded in the decision making process and where we cannot agree and why we will be divided for many many years to come.

And I ask you again: Should no Greek island or territory be liberated and part of a free Greek state because the Ottomans spread some minorities of their kind on our lands?

If the minorities are of a considerable size then they have to be taken into account prior to enosis and not brushed to one side or anniahalated, as experienced in Cyprus, Crete and other now Greek islands.

Was it fine when Cyprus was part of the British and Ottoman empires against the will of the Cypriots, but it was a "crime" if Cyprus was part of the free Greek state which is what the great majority of Cypriots wanted?

The island has been conquered time and time again and the effect of this meant that you were no longer alone in the decision making process you had to take into account all the population not just those that wanted to take a decision that would put part of the population at risk, you can disregard this as you will have civil unrest as we saw on our own island that lead to division. You are still suffering from withdrawal symptoms in understanding that if you did not have this desire to turn this island into a Greek island we would not be divided today.

The fact is that we have done absolutely nothing wrong. We fought for our freedom like the many other territories that where under colonial (British,Ottoman,French etc) rule. We have done nothing more than fight for our rights.

This really sums up GC mentality and why there will never a solution, they believe that they have all the rights and no one else can stand up for what they believe is right or even fight for survival.
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:40 pm

Piratis wrote:When your human rights are violated and you are oppressed, living in a territory which is ruled some British or Turkish governor instead of being ruled democratically by its own people, then you know what freedom means very very well. And people have every right to fight for their freedom.

Of course the foreign oppressors will always threaten the people, telling them that if they dare to revolt they will kill them, or, in the case of Cyprus partition our island and ethnically cleanse us. Does this mean that the people should be afraid of those threads and just accept to be slaves and not fight against their oppressors?

Yes, our enemies will do everything to keep us enslaved and steal our lands. But we will never surrender to them. We know what freedom means very very well, and we will always fight for it regardless of the odds.

EOKA group went against the will of a group of GCs some have also been killed .I dont believe it was a thoughtful strategy and that they had this right to annex Cyprus to Greece.

Your enemies are in your imagination . you invent enemies in order to keep the island divided You violated the Zurich agreements in the 60s against the will of the majority and now you will do the same if you get the chance.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:02 pm

michalis5354 wrote:
Piratis wrote:When your human rights are violated and you are oppressed, living in a territory which is ruled some British or Turkish governor instead of being ruled democratically by its own people, then you know what freedom means very very well. And people have every right to fight for their freedom.

Of course the foreign oppressors will always threaten the people, telling them that if they dare to revolt they will kill them, or, in the case of Cyprus partition our island and ethnically cleanse us. Does this mean that the people should be afraid of those threads and just accept to be slaves and not fight against their oppressors?

Yes, our enemies will do everything to keep us enslaved and steal our lands. But we will never surrender to them. We know what freedom means very very well, and we will always fight for it regardless of the odds.

EOKA group went against the will of a group of GCs some have also been killed .I dont believe it was a thoughtful strategy and that they had this right to annex Cyprus to Greece.

Your enemies are in your imagination . you invent enemies in order to keep the island divided You violated the Zurich agreements in the 60s against the will of the majority and now you will do the same if you get the chance.

I know this is aimed at Piratis and I look forward to his well-thought out response ..... but personally I am outraged Michalis at your continued denial that this island is currently divided, is currently occupied and is in dire need of a radical solution to reverse this oppression, restore democracy to the whole island and establish a Nation that is comfortable and stable.

How was the Zurich Agreement violated? .... because an improvement was sought? :roll:

Should no one have bothered to amend the Slave Trading Laws simply because they existed and they should not be violated ?.....

Are you in your right mind?..... because to me you sound more and more like the enemy itself ...
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:34 pm

Yes I am in my right mind. Personally I express my thoughts here. you support Enosis and gifting the island to Greece I dont so why does that makes me a traitor?

Why did dome GCs have been killed by EOKA or you didnt even bother to investigate?
Last edited by michalis5354 on Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:36 pm

You are the enemy oracle, not michalis. Only the truth serves the national interests and those that do not serve the truth are serving the enemy. Ignorance, by the way, is not a valid excuse and when you claim that EOKA did not aim at enosis or that in 1963 we merely tried to improve the 1959 Agreements (albeit unilaterally), you are either distorting the truth or you do not have a clue.
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Postby growuptcs » Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:18 pm

Only the truth serves the national interests and those that do not serve the truth are serving the enemy.

Mind my ignorance, but who is the enemy?

And what has to get done to make Cyprus right again to live like a normal country that most of us are used to?
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Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:22 pm

michalis5354 wrote:Yes I am in my right mind. Personally I express my thoughts here. you support Enosis and gifting the island to Greece I dont so why does that makes me a traitor?

Why did dome GCs have been killed by EOKA or you didnt even bother to investigate?

What ENOSIS am I supporting? :?

For Greece and Cyprus to half their total veto ....

Crazy cat!
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Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:24 pm

Ermm ... who brought up traitor in this thread ... because I certainly did not!
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:29 pm

Its the response from Piratis who refers to Cyprus as a Greek island and he had this right to UNION. havent you seen above all these references he made about Greece and Cyprus .
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