I'm hurt VP!
I apologise cannedmoose, you should be included in that list, your postings are very objective and interesting to read.
Viewpoint wrote:cannedmooseI'm hurt VP!
I apologise cannedmoose, you should be included in that list, your postings are very objective and interesting to read.
How do you feel some of us 'Yes' supporters are disrespecting the will of the majority? Can you please give me an example or two of how we've done that?
Then, once this has been achieved (perhaps after many years), we can work on a 'real' solution together
Bananiot wrote:Try convincing the world that the Greek Cypriots that said NO really want a solution and that the Turkish Cypriots that said YES really do not want a solution!
Piratis wrote:What I have a problem with is with people like Bananiot that claim things such as:
1)People that voted "no" were misinformed (= stupid). Therefore what is needed is to change leadership (=kick Papadopoulos) and "educate" people in order to make them vote "yes". This is an insult for us to say the least.
2) Papadopoulos doesn't want solution, Papadopoulos wants partition etc etc. Whats the aim of this? To help the propaganda of our enemies that say that our rejection to the plan means rejection to a solution? They might disagree with Papadopoulos, but they have to understand that we want solution as much as everybody. The only difference is that we believe a different tactic (the one of Papadopoulos) is better than the tactics of Cleredes/Vasiliou that failed (because they brought to us something the great majority considers as unacceptable).
Piratis wrote:I believe your optimism borders with utopia in this case. If people were able to understand by themselves that they have too much and they should give up something to those that have less, then this would be the perfect world without rich and poor, powerful and powerless etc. However this is not the perfect world. If TCs can not see today the unfair of their demands, it is utopian to expect them to come in some time in the future and voluntarily give up some of their privileges and power. Personally I am 1000% convinced that such thing will never happen. What can happen is what happened in Yugoslavia or Chehoslovakia. Once we recognize that TCs will have their own confederal state with their own flag, citizenship, national anthem etc, then at some point in the future they might decide that they want to totally brake off. (and yes, the constitution of Chehoslovakia and Yugoslavia prohibited such thing also).
Can you not picture this scenario as actually happening?
MicAtCyp wrote: The party of defeatists and psychopaths.
Jimmy wrote: Everyone has the right to support any party they wish.
Everyone does NOT have the right to characterize others 'defeatists' and 'psychopaths' because they think they know which party people support.
St. Jimmy wrote: Seriously, the UNOPS funds are all accounted for in USAID's report, and only $14,000 have been allocated to the 'Yes' campaign, for fliers that were handed around in the streets.
Bananiot wrote: First he claimed that the people that voted yes, 24% and more than 100 000, were traitors and later he claimed that we were paid by foreigners.
wrote: This is pathetic when it comes from a President
Bananiot wrote: I challenge anybody to point to one lie I said about Papadopoulos. I would like to summarise:
1. Papadopoulos has rejected every plan proposed for the solution of the Cyprob since 1955.
2. He was the vice president of the treacherous Akritas Plan that aimed at "cleaning" the TC community in one night.
3. Various prominent AKEL leaders of the past have characterised him as a Turk hater.
4. He sent a letter to the American Ambassador in 1964 warning that "if the Turkish fleet enters Cyprus waters, we have the PLAN and the MEANS to clean up all the TC's".
5. He is double faced. He accused, on numerous occasions, the late Kyprianou of being a psychopath whom foreign leaders laugh when they hear him, but now he reads the obituaries in his memorial services, telling us all what a great man he was!
6. He admitted publicly that partition is better than the A Plan.
7. His policies since becoming President have deguildified (cannedmoose, does such word exist?) Turkey.
8. Because of him we have lost many friends. We are now considered the intransigent part by all international institutions.
9. We have a President who is not respected internationally and this scares me.
10. He will not make known the changes he would like to the A plan despite numerous call by the UN to do so.
11. He introduces so many prerequisites before talks can be convened that practically makes the convening of talks impossible.
12. He hand picks the journalist that would interview him in his first major interview since becoming a President.
13. He is very divisive, labelling those that disagree with him traitors and paid agents of foreign powers.
14. He has open fronts with all the major powers of the world and his supporters think that this is a heroic stance.
15. The list can go on and on, but I will terminate it here and I kindly ask people to tell me where I am wrong.
Bananiot wrote: He has written numerous articles on his envisioned solution to the Cyprob. Never has he accepted that a bicommunal, bizonal federation which will be formed by two politically equal communities is a realistic option for solution. I
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