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Household for sale

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Moderator: Piratis

Household for sale

Postby l_shep2008 » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:15 am

1. HI-FI Sony - £60/€102
2. Fan - £5/€9
3. Gas heater with a bottle - £25/€43
4. Gaz cooker with a bottle - £20/€34
5. PC (Intel® 4CPU 2.40 GHz 2.41 GHz, 0.99 GB of RAM), Windows XP, Photoshop 6, Photoshop 7, Symantec Antivirus, -£150/€256
(Woofer and stereo speakers – free)
6. PC flat monitor LG 17” - £ 60/€102
7. PC desk - £10/€17
8. 2 stands for clothes - £10 each/€17
9. Phone - £7/€12
10. Fridge POLARIS 130x60 cm - £80/€137
11. Plastic table with 2 chairs for the garden - £10/€17
12. Iron MOULINEX (Iron board – free) - £10/€17
13. Washing machine CANDY - £50/€85
14. Synthetic carpet (black&white) (Small fluffy black carpet – free)- £10/€17
15. Duvet (full bed size) - £15/€26
16. 5 sofa pillows and 2 bed pillows - £15/€26
17. Car radio - £15/€26
18. Ladder - £5/€9
19. Artificial Xmas tree 130 cm (decorations – free) – £10/€17

Everything is in good or excellent condition. Prices are negotiable.
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