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Civil Registry and Migration Department is breaking the Law

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Civil Registry and Migration Department is breaking the Law

Postby eucommunity » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:31 pm

Dear Sirs,
We, the undersigned, represent the thousands of non-EU Citizens who are married to EU Citizens and live in the Republic of Cyprus, and need you attention because we face serious difficulties in our everyday lives.
The Civil Registry and Migration Department, Ministry of Interior, is exercising racial discrimination by breaking the Cyprus Law. Namely “The Right of Union Citizens and their Family Members to Move and Reside Freely within the Territory of the Republic of Cyprus Law of 2007”, especially in Annex III, ARTICLE 12(1) and Annex IV, ARTICLE 13(1). According to these Articles the Residence Card for non-EU Citizens Family Members of Union Citizens shall be valid for five years from the date of issue.
In practice, the Civil Registry and Migration Department issues Certificates of Registrations for non-EU Citizens Family Members of Union Citizens who got married in Cyprus only for ONE year. This procedure started from the beginning of this year. Although before, the Civil Registry and Migration Department followed the Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004, and issued the Residence Card for non-EU Citizens Family Members of Union Citizens for five years irrespective of where and when the couple enter into a marriage.
It is obvious that there is racial discrimination with respect to non-EU Citizens Family Members of Union Citizens who live in the Republic of Cyprus.
We would kindly ask you to protect our rights by exerting your influence on the Civil Registry and Migration Department and using all your power and authority, to oblige this department to stop breaking the laws of the Republic and stop exercising racial discrimination.

Yours faithfully,

Community of non-EU Citizens
Family Members of Union Citizens in Cyprus


P.S. This letter will be send to all EU organizations inside/outside the Republic, to all the parties in Cyprus, to all Cypriot newspapers and TV channels, etc.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:04 pm

I couldn’t make out what your gripe is. Grammar errors, bad paragraphing, overuse of jargon, and vague expression, all contributed to that. :?

Anyway, if it were not for THOUSANDS of con artists trying to acquire illegal citizenship through marriages of convenience there wouldn’t have been such laws that test the authenticity of a marriage.

All these hurdles may not be convenient for you but they are there to protect the country and its genuine citizens.
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Postby purdey » Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:02 pm

Does this refer to EU citizens or non EU. Seems a bit cofusing to me. What is your situation ?
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Postby zan » Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:I couldn’t make out what your gripe is. Grammar errors, bad paragraphing, overuse of jargon, and vague expression, all contributed to that. :?

Anyway, if it were not for THOUSANDS of con artists trying to acquire illegal citizenship through marriages of convenience there wouldn’t have been such laws that test the authenticity of a marriage.

All these hurdles may not be convenient for you but they are there to protect the country and its genuine citizens.

I shall quote this as I see fit :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:
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Postby greek.god » Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:37 pm

What he/she is trying to say is that Non-EU spouses of EU citizens are not afforded the 5 year residence and work permits that EU spouses are.

Not sure how they came to that my spouse is a Non-EU member, from Kosovo who the Cypriot government doesn't even recognize yet she has a Cypriot I.D. Card and permission to stay for 5 years.

Hire a laywer.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:45 pm

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I couldn’t make out what your gripe is. Grammar errors, bad paragraphing, overuse of jargon, and vague expression, all contributed to that. :?

Anyway, if it were not for THOUSANDS of con artists trying to acquire illegal citizenship through marriages of convenience there wouldn’t have been such laws that test the authenticity of a marriage.

All these hurdles may not be convenient for you but they are there to protect the country and its genuine citizens.

I shall quote this as I see fit :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:

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Postby Bill » Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:06 pm

purdey wrote:Does this refer to EU citizens or non EU. Seems a bit cofusing to me. What is your situation ?

It refers to non EU citizens marrying Cypriots or folk from other EU countries whilst in Cyprus Purdey.

There have been a huge number of Eastern Europeans and a few other non EU nationalities marrying Cypriots and other EU country citizens just for the right to stay in Cyprus and or to have the right to work within the EU .

To quote eucommunity's post
The Civil Registry and Migration Department issues Certificates of Registrations for non-EU Citizens Family Members of Union Citizens who got married in Cyprus only for ONE year

I personally can't see why eucommunity has a problem with the immigration rules because if everything is above board and there is nothing to hide the non EU person will soon get the right to live in Cyprus permanently and I think the Cyprus government / immigration have taken a sensible approach to the problem .

It's only when there's something to hide does this restriction become a major problem ~ it's not affecting those already married before coming to Cyprus just those marrying in Cyprus.

I know that the immigration also checks on the address where the couple live and also checks with neighbours to make sure the happy couple are actually living together at the address given ~ I say it again if you have nothing to hide it's only a minor inconvenience

It's a pity the UK didn't enforce similar rules years ago when marriages of convenience were a regular occurrence ~~ perhaps Cyprus has learnt from the UK's mistakes and as Cyprus is an island with a small population making those checks into the validity of the marriage is much more manageable than could ever be achieved in the UK with it's nearly 70 million inhabitants and that's the ones we know about :shock:

So sorry mr or mrs eucommunity I don't agree with your complaint and if you are as I suspect a non EU national married to another EU country citizen you will eventually get your rights in Cyprus once the checks have been made and the immigration is convinced you are a genuine case ~ it just takes a little time .

In the mean time don't worry about the little things and your perceived rights ~ just get on with your wonderful life in Cyprus and enjoy.

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Postby greek.god » Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:03 pm


I have a connection at the Migration department in Nicosia if you need help. The woman helped me with my wife's permit...let me know what you need if it's kosher and I will see what I can do. Quid pro quo.
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Postby DANGAMAN » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:I couldn’t make out what your gripe is. Grammar errors, bad paragraphing, overuse of jargon, and vague expression, all contributed to that. :?

Anyway, if it were not for THOUSANDS of con artists trying to acquire illegal citizenship through marriages of convenience there wouldn’t have been such laws that test the authenticity of a marriage.

All these hurdles may not be convenient for you but they are there to protect the country and its genuine citizens.

No Offence but I also fully agree
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Postby DT. » Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:07 am

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I couldn’t make out what your gripe is. Grammar errors, bad paragraphing, overuse of jargon, and vague expression, all contributed to that. :?

Anyway, if it were not for THOUSANDS of con artists trying to acquire illegal citizenship through marriages of convenience there wouldn’t have been such laws that test the authenticity of a marriage.

All these hurdles may not be convenient for you but they are there to protect the country and its genuine citizens.

I shall quote this as I see fit :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:

Try quoting it to Talat.."How not to overrun the place with settlers" I'm sure he needs the pointers.
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