zan wrote:miltiades wrote:Likns available to anyone wanting to marvell at the happenings in Zan's new modern world !!!
"""Forced marriage, in contrast to arranged marriage, has been described as 'any marriage conducted without the valid consent of both parties and [which] may involve coercion, mental abuse, emotional blackmail, and intense family or social pressure. In the most extreme cases, it may also involve physical violence, abuse, abduction, detention, and murder of the individual concerned' (2 June 2004).
Based on research in the eastern and southeastern regions of Turkey, WWHR reported that 50.8 per cent of women "were married without their consent although the consent of both the woman and the man is a precondition for marriage according to Turkish Law" (Apr. 2002). Corroborating information on the prevalence of forced marriage in Turkey could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.
Amnesty International characterizes forced marriage as a form of violence against women by family members, that takes various expressions within Turkish Society: "early marriage, berdel (the barter of women to avoid paying dowries and other marriage expenses) and besik kertmesi (a form of arranged marriage in which families barter newborn daughters, forcing them to marry as soon as they are considered old enough)" (2 June 2004).
Young girls living in rural areas, specifically in eastern Anatolia, face difficulties, in trying to oppose forced marriage since under tribal custom they are considered the property of either their father before marriage or by their husband afterwards and if they resist social pressure from the community, "they do so at their peril" (MEI 11 Jan.2002). Similarly, according to one of the leaders of WWHR, rural women are likely to be marginalized in the context of changes induced by the new Civil Code, including the raising of the legal age for marriage to 18, as they "must contend with traditions and customs, [including underage marriage] that have little to do with the legislative revisions their urban sisters enjoy" (Women's Enews 13 Jan. 2002). ""
Oh NO!!!! We are doomed..One side we have the TUrks and the other murdering GCs that were in the EOKA movement that even killed their own by the thousand and blamed it on Turkey......Slimey bastards....
You are sick mate ,you are unable to offer one iota of coherent value , your consumed by the past . 1963 EOKA , ENOSIS , KEPT OUT BY TPAP.
Not one bloody word of reconciliation and common sense. Bullshit and more bullshit , you are the KING BULLSHITER .