denizaksulu wrote:boomerang wrote:I will start it for you you go, seeing you are too lazy to do it
my finitial post
boomerang wrote:Now let us move on and try and see what actually means to be a turk...As far as history is concerned the Ottomans were people of mixed up origin...
We have established the indigenous people of Australia, Cyprus etc...but the question remains what constitudes a turk...
What are the people of modern "turkey=fascist state" are made from?
According to brother Gul...the turks are todays continuation of the Byzantium era...somehow I don't buy it...

...That would make you Greeks...

So people lets hear it...your thoughts on this...
and shahmaran=shitforbrains responce
shahmaran wrote:The Greeks are Ottomans!
You can squeal all you like "boomers=absolute idiot" but you cannot deny the Ottoman blood running through your veins, we owned your asses and now you are a part of us!

Now I can go furter Deniz, but in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall your wisdom what do you think...
Show some spine man and answer how did it degenerate...
Degenerate it did. No need going to put out a fire with kerosene.
Go and sleep it OFF, Boomers. Thats a good boy.
Jesus Christ...
Its simple what point did it could a question be gegeneration...
admit it man the answer to the question started the degeneration...have some bloody spine for gods sake...
Firstly you dictate what to post now you are telling me to go to sleep...any more commands my master ffs
I will ask you again Deniz with no spine, who the hell died and put you in charge? think you could answer this one?..This question is an easy one...even for you