shahmaran wrote:boomerang wrote:shahmaran wrote:TRNC is not a race you goon, its a Republic.
On the other hand you claim you are a Cypriot, which pretty much equals to whoever has passed by here throughout history and dominated you poor souls.
So which one is it GR, who are you people?
Don't tell me you are STILL Greek, that was 3000 years ago
we already established this fact we are Cypriots...stop qoing around in circles, my little Ottoman Cypriot "shahmara=shitforbrains"... and you established in this thread No I am not...yes I who is confused? tell me...
I never denied that i am of Turkish descendant "boomers=utter idiot", Ottomans are not a race, they are a family who's members are still alive, so your claims are utter shit "boomers=utter idiot".
What the hell are you trying to prove anyways, are you just bored?
Now we can both be "Cypriot", regardless of our ethnic background or we can sit here arguing about who is who, because your past is actually a LOT more confusing than mine, mine is traceable, yours is lost in history amongst the many people who ruled you, no one EVER ruled the Turks and NEVER will, that's what makes us so special
I would prefer that you said CYPRIOTS without the inverted commas and you got a deal...
By the way I said your mum is calling you and you took it to the next you are not being honest here...
now as far as my past is concerned this is the question that needs answering...
Do Greeks look like Chinamen or Italians ?
and tell me what do Turks look like ?
and have you ever heard of the expression una fatsa una ratsa? you would do well to look it up my little ottoman cypriot "shahmaran=shitforbrains"
Next time when some one calls you an Ottoman, do not spend time denying it like a little girl...capiche?
and I never said the ottomans are a race...please show me where I did...otherwise I will put it down, you, playing with your little willy, like No I am not and now i am...

Now bck to the topic
who is a turk
PS...Ottomans are excluded from answering