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Technically there are no Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby purdey » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:14 pm

Come on Get real proof is not in the written word, history has been telling us that for years.
There is no proof on who discovered or first inhabited Cyprus, there never will be. Cypriots are a mix of races, more than likely Persian based, but of course that is only speculation.
Out of interest as you seem to have a fixation with Tesco's I do not shop there, I do however shop at Booths, they sell very nice Halloumi imported from Cyprus.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:16 pm

Those people, whose traces have been found by archaeologists to date to 8,000BC, and who later at around 3,500BC traded with the Greek Spartans, had the FIRST CONTACT with the island of Cyprus and therefore automatically acquire the exclusive title


Suffice to say that they are among us today... :D
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Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:18 pm

... and by the same logic of this fascinating thread Agapenor the Arkas, founder of Pafos, was not Greek because there was no Hellenic Republic.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:Those people, whose traces have been found by archaeologists to date to 8,000BC, and who later at around 3,500BC traded with the Greek Spartans, had the FIRST CONTACT with the island of Cyprus and therefore automatically acquire the exclusive title


Suffice to say that they are among us today... :D

as are all the numerous other civilisations of which you are aware. :lol:
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:20 pm

humanist wrote:boomerang
Theoretically speaking they arean't any Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus...Considering "turkey=fascist state" became a fascist country in the early 1900...

What we have here are Ottomans...So they should be refered to as the Ottoman Cypriots...

To be called a Turkish Cypriot, you must come from "turkey=fascist state" after 1920 and settled in Cyprus...

If the Ottomans claim they have been in Cyprus for over 400 years then how could they be known as Turkish Cypriots?

Boom's that is a very interesting position you have put forth. Perhaps academics would like to look into it further. Ofcourse the average Turk may reject this point.

Theoretically speaking "boomers=absolute idiot" is just twisting and playing with words to make himself believe that we have an identity crisis, and of course "phoenix=another idiot" would be right at the front line clapping his sorry ass because this happens to be right up her racist street, i think "boomers=absolute idiot" has been spending some quality time behind the scenes with "phoenix=another idiot" because it seems like it has rubbed off on him.

Well "boomers=absolute idiot", you and "phoneix=another idiot" can hold hands and skip your way to lalaland to sit around and pull out ridiculous theories from your backsides all you like, it will not change anything because we know who we are. Oh and don't forget to take "GR=idiot goddess" with you too or he might feel left out and sob. :roll:

I think the academics will probably laugh at "boomers=absolute idiot" with their assholes and tell him to leave history to the grownups and stick to lalaland where everything is possible with just a bit of imagination :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:20 pm

purdey, there is a lot more proof about the origin of Cypriots than the origin of the English and most others, since the time that we had a civilization and we could write to record our history, people of Britannia where still living in caves eating roots. So please don't try to teach us our history. Better investigate yours which is a lot less clear than our.

If you want to learn about the history of Cyprus then open a few books instead of making totally uneducated speculations.
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Postby unitedwestand » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:What a bunch of idiots. Who gives a shit about the past. The fact is we are here, call us Ottomans or Turks, we consider ourselves Cypriots. All that you are doing is cementing partition with such ridiculous debates.

You hate us and want a Cyprus without us. That will never happen as we have every right to be here. Deal with it. Bloody losers :roll: :roll:

An insecure response from a man awakening to the realities of the Cypriot identity... :lol:

This is pointless. I am not having an identity crisis. I am Cypriot. It is you who is questioning my identity.

I am simply CLEARING and HIGHLIGHTING that which is true about Cyprus and every Cypriot, regardless of ethnic background, must acknowledge her history.

Acknowledging history is one thing starting a provocative thread is another. I always believed religion and history is the perfect ingredient to start conflict between communities.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:24 pm

Don't forget to add some racism and sinister agendas against your fellow countrymen.

That would pretty much make the recipe for the average GC :lol:

Oh yes and a big fat nose! :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:26 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A pilgrimage to the ancient Sotira and Choirokitia to honor our ancestors is in order!

Who’s up for it? :)
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Postby purdey » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:31 pm

See that's the problem with you Piratis, always on the defensive. I was born in the UK but been born there bears no resemblance to my family history or to my heritage. British caves, whatever.. it has no bearing on my views. If I cannot ask a simple question or air a different view then I am considered illeterate..genrally the way it works with you.
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