humanist wrote:boomerang
Theoretically speaking they arean't any Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus...Considering "turkey=fascist state" became a fascist country in the early 1900...
What we have here are Ottomans...So they should be refered to as the Ottoman Cypriots...
To be called a Turkish Cypriot, you must come from "turkey=fascist state" after 1920 and settled in Cyprus...
If the Ottomans claim they have been in Cyprus for over 400 years then how could they be known as Turkish Cypriots?
Boom's that is a very interesting position you have put forth. Perhaps academics would like to look into it further. Ofcourse the average Turk may reject this point.
Theoretically speaking "boomers=absolute idiot" is just twisting and playing with words to make himself believe that we have an identity crisis, and of course "phoenix=another idiot" would be right at the front line clapping his sorry ass because this happens to be right up her racist street, i think "boomers=absolute idiot" has been spending some quality time behind the scenes with "phoenix=another idiot" because it seems like it has rubbed off on him.
Well "boomers=absolute idiot", you and "phoneix=another idiot" can hold hands and skip your way to lalaland to sit around and pull out ridiculous theories from your backsides all you like, it will not change anything because we know who we are. Oh and don't forget to take "GR=idiot goddess" with you too or he might feel left out and sob.
I think the academics will probably laugh at "boomers=absolute idiot" with their assholes and tell him to leave history to the grownups and stick to lalaland where everything is possible with just a bit of imagination