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Technically there are no Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:27 am

In your second paragraph...Not thnk the aboriginals of OZ, are the indegenous people of Australia...they came from somewhere or you think they materialized out of thin air...never the less it does not discount the fact that theay are the indegenous people of the OZ...

Greeks were the first to inhabit many of the areas of Cyprus which until then were uninhabited. Same with a few others, like the Phoenicians. If we had "Phoenician Cypriots" today they would also be native.

Since then those people, and those those that came after, either just to settle or as populations transferred here by a ruler, were all eventually assimilated into Cypriots.

The TCs were not allowed to be assimilated, although the process had already started when they suddenly told them that they are special and if they fight against the rest of Cypriots several privileges will be granted to them as a reward.
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:28 am

observer wrote:Boomerang
I'm not arguing, because I don't even know what your point is. Aboriginies are surely the indigenous people of Australia. I don't think anyone denies it.

But to lead from there to say that the indigenous people of Cyprus are Greek (if that is what you are saying) is nonsense just from considerations of geography and history.

Hang on...what makes the aboriginals indigenous and the Cypriots not Observer?

Anyway I am not saying that at all...I am saying CYPRIOTS are the indegenous people of Cyprus...All of us...same as the aboriginals in communities you get my drift?
There ain't any tcs...not after 400 odd are as turkish as I am greek, which really amounts to sweet fuck all...
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:30 am

purdey wrote:It has nothing to do with fish

good then your post is meaningless... :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:33 am

purdey wrote:It has nothing to do with fish, but it trys to explain that Cyprus is no longer the sole domain of Cypriots. Piratis your comments are correct regarding the British and the occupancy of
land on Cyprus, but again your Government feels no need to expell or ask the British to leave, and Europe seems to follow suit.
All this posturing and argueing regarding the bases, never seems to enter any Goverment agenda, why I wonder ?

Because Cyprus has 37% of its land occupied by Turkey and it doesn't want to anger the AngloAmericans by asking them to leave as that would make the UK/USA even more pro-Turkish.

Basically we exchange the Bases with the non-recognition of the pseudo state. So to put it even more blunt, there is an indirect blackmail that if we attempt to remove their bases they will help the Turks to officially steal from us 1/3rd of our country.
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:33 am

Piratis wrote:
In your second paragraph...Not thnk the aboriginals of OZ, are the indegenous people of Australia...they came from somewhere or you think they materialized out of thin air...never the less it does not discount the fact that theay are the indegenous people of the OZ...

Greeks were the first to inhabit many of the areas of Cyprus which until then were uninhabited. Same with a few others, like the Phoenicians. If we had "Phoenician Cypriots" today they would also be native.

Since then those people, and those those that came after, either just to settle or as populations transferred here by a ruler, were all eventually assimilated into Cypriots.

The TCs were not allowed to be assimilated, although the process had already started when they suddenly told them that they are special and if they fight against the rest of Cypriots several privileges will be granted to them as a reward.

Piratis let us look at it from a different angle...

1...There were people in Cypus prior to the greeks arriving
2...The greeks colonized us same as every other ruler...something similar to what the british did to the Aboriginals of OZ...nothing different...they speak english and have the british traditions...

That does not make them british by any thought of the imagination

What about if the british never came to OZ...what would have happened to the Aboriginals today...somehow the english language and traditions wouldn't have been on the table...don't you agree?
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Postby purdey » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:34 am

I think geography is the short answer... Cyprus has been visited since man walked the earth, it was always well placed to visit for every pirate, invader, tourist since man discovered the boat.
There is no proof available that Cypriots are the indegenous people of Cyprus....
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Postby purdey » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:37 am

Do you honestly believe that Piratis. So in short, nothing will ever happen, the British will remain and Turkish troops will always be in Northern Cyprus..
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:40 am

When the Greek merchants first arrived on the island of Cyprus they DID NOT find a vacant land mass or they would not have had anyone to trade with!!!

It is high time that people ACKNOWLEDGE the presence of a people on the island of Cyprus who go back to 8,000BC.

These are the people who have FIRST CONTACT with Cyprus and NOT the Greeks or the Turks.

The ignorance and raping of the Cypriot inheritance must cease!
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:42 am

purdey wrote:I think geography is the short answer... Cyprus has been visited since man walked the earth, it was always well placed to visit for every pirate, invader, tourist since man discovered the boat.
There is no proof available that Cypriots are the indegenous people of Cyprus....

yeah and the aboriginals of OZ, just dropped out of the sky get your ass over to OZ and tell them that...

Fuck me man I had you down for an educated dude...but with your above comments I am seriously beginning to think that you are a pseudo intelectual...
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Postby unitedwestand » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:43 am

What a bunch of idiots. Who gives a shit about the past. The fact is we are here, call us Ottomans or Turks, we consider ourselves Cypriots. All that you are doing is cementing partition with such ridiculous debates.

You hate us and want a Cyprus without us. That will never happen as we have every right to be here. Deal with it. Bloody losers :roll: :roll:
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