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Technically there are no Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:24 am

Technically it sounds more accurate to call Turkish Cypriots "Ottoman Cypriots" and the fact that they are not mixing well with mainland Turks is yet another tale-tell sign...
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Postby free_cyprus » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:26 am

there is nothing thecnical about the whole thing there is no turks or greeks in cyprus, what we have in cyprus is blood that is sooo diluted but becouse they speak the language of turks and greeks they think they are turks and greeks, and this comes down to wanting to have an identity but while they search for identity they abandon our birthright our true identity and they sell us to turkey and greece,and whole of cyprus is guilty of this, not only are they all guilty of this but they are relentless in their quest to justify this false beliefe.
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Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:30 am

boomerang:[quote]I think you rushed your answer here...the 1960 constitution didn't really ammount to anything...As you can see in Oz we have a constitution as well but there no reason denying the fact that the indigenous people of Australia are in fact the aboriginals...[/quote]

I'm just quoting your reply because otherwise the entry gets far too long.

I think that you would find a lot of people, TCs especially, who would say that your statement (shared by a number of GCs) that the 1960 Constitution didn't really amount to anything was a principle factor leading to the Cyprob today.

The reality is that very few GCs, if any, could trace their way back to a Greek ancestor who landed in Cyprus anytime BC. I'm not sure what an indigenous Cypriot is in ethnic terms, but given the successive waves of invaders and settlers before the era of ID cards and censuses, common sense would say that it is probably pretty mixed.
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Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:34 am

boomerang wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
observer wrote:
boomerang wrote:Further more I am not denying that you have no place in Cyprus as a Cypriot...What I am denying is that you are not did not originate from "turkey=fascist state" as "turkey=fascist state" didn't exist...

...and you can not be Greeks as you did not originate from the Greek state which did not exist.

Tell that to the Greek arse kissing traitors on this island...

I have no problem doing this Observer and if you have followed all my posts in this forum I have always claimed my Cyprus ancestry...simply put I am a Cypriot...Can you claim the same with the ass kisses from your side?...Since I see you as a Cypriot?

Why not jump in and tell it as it is...

Anyway we are drifting and getting back to this thread, and the facts are that you are an Ottoman, and not a Turk... :lol:

The Ottoman Empire finished nearly 30 years before I was born. I could not even apply to be an Ottoman if I wanted to be one. :)
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Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:41 am

The question, which I asked many times without a clear answer so far, is when the "Turkish Cypriot community" was created in Cyprus.

There are many ancient references about the (Greek) Cypriots. But when was the first reference about "Turkish Cypriots"? Apparently even in 1923 they were referred to as "Turkish nationals resident in Cyprus" (if that in the Treaty of Lausanne indeed refers to TCs)

So when were these "other Cypriots" created in Cyprus? Maybe when Britain decided to divide our island in order to serve their own interests and created the "Turkish Cypriot community" out of the Muslim minority that remained in Cyprus after the end of the Ottoman rule?

The fact is that Cyprus had many rulers, and the populations that those rulers brought to Cyprus were gradually assimilated into Cypriots. During that time everybody within the Muslim minority in Cyprus spoke Greek, and for some of them Greek was their first language.

The reason that this minority not only was not allowed to fully integrate with the rest of the Cypriot society, but was instead pushed in the opposite direction and was made the "other Cypriots", was solely the interests of Britain and Turkey on our island.
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Postby free_cyprus » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:48 am

as i have said many times in this forum lets ask the cypriot population to have a DNA test and let see who is greek and turkish this simple test will clear all this confusions regarding our identity as for me, when i say we are mixed when i say we are an island of bastards when i say our blood is so diluted people take offence to this observetion.and there is nothing to be ashamed of here whole of cyprus history points to this fact soooooooooooooooooooo how comes only the cypriots dont see it
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Postby purdey » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:57 am

Piratis, while I acknowledge your references to history and your ongoing culture of blame aimed at Turkey and Britain. May I also remind you times are changeing and have changed.
The Nationlist days have gone, you are now part of a large family, whose rights are the same as those of the Cypriot people. Cypriots no longer can regard Cyprus as "our island " you forefitted those exclusive rights when you joined the European family. Just like your Cypriot counterparts who moved and remained in other parts of Europe, and were welcomed and treat their new found countries as home..
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Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:58 am

as i have said many times in this forum lets ask the cypriot population to have a DNA test and let see who is greek and turkish

Ethnicity is not something that can be found in genes. The conclusion would be that we are all (mostly) Mediterranean. The other conclusion I believe would be that people of Cyprus have more similar DNA with each other, in the same way that the native people from Crete, or from Athens or from Ankara have more similar DNA to each other.
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Postby free_cyprus » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:01 am

so piratis given the history of cyprus can we safely say we are neither greeks and turks but we speak their language, or do we still relentlessly try and convince ourselves and the world that we are greeks and turks
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Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:05 am

purdey wrote:Piratis, while I acknowledge your references to history and your ongoing culture of blame aimed at Turkey and Britain. May I also remind you times are changeing and have changed.
The Nationlist days have gone, you are now part of a large family, whose rights are the same as those of the Cypriot people. Cypriots no longer can regard Cyprus as "our island " you forefitted those exclusive rights when you joined the European family. Just like your Cypriot counterparts who moved and remained in other parts of Europe, and were welcomed and treat their new found countries as home..

First of all the Nationalist days are not gone. Otherwise how can you explain that one EU Nation (UK) can still maintain part of our country under colonial rule against our will, and support Turkey (a non "family" member) instead of Cyprus?

EU is just an association of separate and independent countries with the aim to serve the common interests, but when the interests are not common each country does whatever is best for her, without caring much about the other members of the "family".
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