boomerang wrote:Get Real! wrote:observer wrote:boomerang wrote:Further more I am not denying that you have no place in Cyprus as a Cypriot...What I am denying is that you are not did not originate from "turkey=fascist state" as "turkey=fascist state" didn't exist...
...and you can not be Greeks as you did not originate from the Greek state which did not exist.
Tell that to the Greek arse kissing traitors on this island...
I have no problem doing this Observer and if you have followed all my posts in this forum I have always claimed my Cyprus ancestry...simply put I am a Cypriot...Can you claim the same with the ass kisses from your side?...Since I see you as a Cypriot?
Why not jump in and tell it as it is...
Anyway we are drifting and getting back to this thread, and the facts are that you are an Ottoman, and not a Turk...
as i have said many times in this forum lets ask the cypriot population to have a DNA test and let see who is greek and turkish
purdey wrote:Piratis, while I acknowledge your references to history and your ongoing culture of blame aimed at Turkey and Britain. May I also remind you times are changeing and have changed.
The Nationlist days have gone, you are now part of a large family, whose rights are the same as those of the Cypriot people. Cypriots no longer can regard Cyprus as "our island " you forefitted those exclusive rights when you joined the European family. Just like your Cypriot counterparts who moved and remained in other parts of Europe, and were welcomed and treat their new found countries as home..
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