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Technically there are no Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:40 am

Get Real! wrote:
observer wrote:Since 1923, which seems to be the starting used on this thread, neither Greece or Turkey have colonised Cyprus. Prior to 1923 all Cypriots were technically Turkish. Between 1923 and 1960 all Cypriots were technically British. After 1960 all Cypriots were citizens of independent and sovereign Republic whose constitution allowed for Greek and Turkish communities.

Right, so did the French, Italians, or Greeks become Germans when Nazi Germany occupied them?

Are the Iraqis now Americans because the US has invaded and occupied them?

Your theory that a people lose their ethnicity or origins when occupied by an invader is clearly nonsense.

No, I was speaking technically.

Between 1923 and 1960 Cypriots were technically British subjects. Somewhere I have an old passport from the 1950s which is a British passport issued in the Colony of Cyprus.

If you want to discuss linguistic, cultural, ethnic, or any other definitions of nationality don't do it on a thread that starts discussing technical definition of nationality.
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Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:42 am

"Cypriots were never turkish as "turkey=fascist state" never existed prior to how could the Cypriots be turkish if the country was not around?..would you like to elaborate on this one?"

"The Ottoman Empire (1299–1922) (Old Ottoman Turkish: دولت عالیه عثمانیه Devlet-i Âliye-yi Osmâniyye, Late Ottoman and Modern Turkish: Osmanlı Devleti or Osmanlı İmparatorluğu), was a multi-ethnic and multi-religious Turkish-ruled state. The state was known as the Turkish Empire or Turkey by its contemporaries."
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:43 am

observer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
observer wrote:Since 1923, which seems to be the starting used on this thread, neither Greece or Turkey have colonised Cyprus. Prior to 1923 all Cypriots were technically Turkish. Between 1923 and 1960 all Cypriots were technically British. After 1960 all Cypriots were citizens of independent and sovereign Republic whose constitution allowed for Greek and Turkish communities.

Right, so did the French, Italians, or Greeks become Germans when Nazi Germany occupied them?

Are the Iraqis now Americans because the US has invaded and occupied them?

Your theory that a people lose their ethnicity or origins when occupied by an invader is clearly nonsense.

No, I was speaking technically.

Between 1923 and 1960 Cypriots were technically British subjects. Somewhere I have an old passport from the 1950s which is a British passport issued in the Colony of Cyprus.

If you want to discuss linguistic, cultural, ethnic, or any other definitions of nationality don't do it on a thread that starts discussing technical definition of nationality.

And what do you think I’m speaking metaphorically? :roll: Ethnicity and citizenship are two distinct things!
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Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:46 am

Oracle wrote:
observer wrote:I'm afraid that you are not totally clear, Bommerang, but if I understand you correctly:

Since 1923, which seems to be the starting used on this thread, neither Greece or Turkey have colonised Cyprus. Prior to 1923 all Cypriots were technically Turkish. Between 1923 and 1960 all Cypriots were technically British. After 1960 all Cypriots were citizens of independent and sovereign Republic whose constitution allowed for Greek and Turkish communities.

Technically, I don't think any Cypriot has ever been Greek as Cyprus has never been ruled by Greece (excluding any Greeks who have acquired Cypriot nationality since 1960).

Good point ... so why all this fear for an ENOSIS with a country that we have always had self-determination from? :lol:

It was the ones which took away Cypriot self-determination like the Ottomans and the British that we have to gain our Human Rights back from .... and now Turkey.

Good observation. :D

The fact that Cyprus has never been ruled by Greece does not detract from the fact that in the middle of the last century there was a sustained campaign to make Cyprus part of Greece.
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Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:51 am

Get Real! wrote:
observer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
observer wrote:Since 1923, which seems to be the starting used on this thread, neither Greece or Turkey have colonised Cyprus. Prior to 1923 all Cypriots were technically Turkish. Between 1923 and 1960 all Cypriots were technically British. After 1960 all Cypriots were citizens of independent and sovereign Republic whose constitution allowed for Greek and Turkish communities.

Right, so did the French, Italians, or Greeks become Germans when Nazi Germany occupied them?

Are the Iraqis now Americans because the US has invaded and occupied them?

Your theory that a people lose their ethnicity or origins when occupied by an invader is clearly nonsense.

No, I was speaking technically.

Between 1923 and 1960 Cypriots were technically British subjects. Somewhere I have an old passport from the 1950s which is a British passport issued in the Colony of Cyprus.

If you want to discuss linguistic, cultural, ethnic, or any other definitions of nationality don't do it on a thread that starts discussing technical definition of nationality.

And what do you think I’m speaking metaphorically? :roll: Ethnicity and citizenship are two distinct things!

I think that is what I said.

This thread started with a "technical" argument that TC's could not be Turkish because prior to 1923 they were not "technically" Turkish as the Turkish state did not exist - actually untrue, the Turkish Republic was founded in 1922 so for a brief period before becoming British they were, argueably, Turkish citizens.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:54 am

To Whom It May Concern:

The earliest civilizations discovered in Greece are the Minoan in Crete (2700..1450 BC) and the mainland Helladic (2800..2100 BC). Turkey’s Hittite Empire (1900-1300 BC) is also a baby compared to the Cypriot settlement "Choirokoitia" (3,500 BC) added to Unesco's World Heritage List in 1998.

By contrast the first Greeks to arrive on the island were Myceneans (people from the southern part of Greece called “Sparti”) at around 1500BC with the aim of trading their goods. Some of these Greeks stayed and lived on the island and in time their influence was successful enough to shape language, religion, and the culture of Cyprus.

Cypriots occupied Cyprus for over 5,000 years before the very first Greek showed up. It looks something like this...

Cypriots (Cypriots) 7000 BC +5,500 years
Greeks (Myceneans) 1500 BC +3,070 years
Turks (Ottomans) 1570 AD

Civilization wise:

Turkey (Hittite Empire) 1900-1300 BC
Greece (Minoan in Crete) 2700..1450 BC
Greece (Mainland Helladic) 2800..2100 BC.
Cyprus (Choirokoitia) 3,500 BC

So, who do you suppose discovered who? :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:57 am

observer wrote:Boomerang:
"Cypriots were never turkish as "turkey=fascist state" never existed prior to how could the Cypriots be turkish if the country was not around?..would you like to elaborate on this one?"

"The Ottoman Empire (1299–1922) (Old Ottoman Turkish: دولت عالیه عثمانیه Devlet-i Âliye-yi Osmâniyye, Late Ottoman and Modern Turkish: Osmanlı Devleti or Osmanlı İmparatorluğu), was a multi-ethnic and multi-religious Turkish-ruled state. The state was known as the Turkish Empire or Turkey by its contemporaries."

Hang on a minute...It was the Ottoman empire...No ammount of wilki is gonna change this fact...

I will quote you something better than that...The dispute of the Armenian genocide...and the "turkish=fascist government's claim let us open the Ottoman archives...Observer you can't have it both ways mate...This straight from the top...What about "It wasn't the turks it was the Ottomans" excuse...

In any case why are you denying your ancestry?
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:58 am

tessintrnc wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I wander what tessintrnc will call herself? :lol:

Hmm... a Royal Otto? :?

I thought I had already been christened "turkish-tart" on a previous thread??? But Ottoman princess has a nice ring don't you think?? :lol:

That wasn't me calling you that. As for an Ottoman princess... I don't know, you might want to research and find out what they did to them first! :lol:
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Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:01 am

Get Real! wrote:To Whom It May Concern:

The earliest civilizations discovered in Greece are the Minoan in Crete (2700..1450 BC) and the mainland Helladic (2800..2100 BC). Turkey’s Hittite Empire (1900-1300 BC) is also a baby compared to the Cypriot settlement "Choirokoitia" (3,500 BC) added to Unesco's World Heritage List in 1998.

By contrast the first Greeks to arrive on the island were Myceneans (people from the southern part of Greece called “Sparti”) at around 1500BC with the aim of trading their goods. Some of these Greeks stayed and lived on the island and in time their influence was successful enough to shape language, religion, and the culture of Cyprus.

Cypriots occupied Cyprus for over 5,000 years before the very first Greek showed up. It looks something like this...

Cypriots (Cypriots) 7000 BC +5,500 years
Greeks (Myceneans) 1500 BC +3,070 years
Turks (Ottomans) 1570 AD

Civilization wise:

Turkey (Hittite Empire) 1900-1300 BC
Greece (Minoan in Crete) 2700..1450 BC
Greece (Mainland Helladic) 2800..2100 BC.
Cyprus (Choirokoitia) 3,500 BC

So, who do you suppose discovered who? :lol:

If it is argued (as this thread started with) that there could be no Turkish Cypriots because the Republic of Turkey had not been founded before Cyprus was given to Britain at the Treaty of Lausanne (actually untrue, the Republic of Turkey was founded the year before and the Treaty was signed in its name) then I think you have just proved that there are no Greek Cypriots as the Republic of Greece was definitely not around any time BC. :)
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:03 am

Further more I am not denying that you have no place in Cyprus as a Cypriot...What I am denying is that you are not did not originate from "turkey=fascist state" as "turkey=fascist state" didn't exist...
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