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Technically there are no Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:28 am

An even dimmer than usual thread. I remind you of Article 1 of the Cyprus Constitution which comes after all the other documents quoted:
Article 1 []
The State of Cyprus is an independent and sovereign Republic with a presidential regime, the President being Greek and the Vice-President being Turk elected by the Greek and the Turkish Communities of Cyprus respectively as hereinafter in this Constitution provided.
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:35 am

observer wrote:An even dimmer than usual thread. I remind you of Article 1 of the Cyprus Constitution which comes after all the other documents quoted:
Article 1 []
The State of Cyprus is an independent and sovereign Republic with a presidential regime, the President being Greek and the Vice-President being Turk elected by the Greek and the Turkish Communities of Cyprus respectively as hereinafter in this Constitution provided.

So when did "turkey=fascist state" colonize the island?...on the other hand as we have been reminded so many times, was colonized by Greeks...

So in theory one part of the constitution is correct while the other part ain't...wouldn't you agree?
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Postby humanist » Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:55 am

Theoretically speaking they arean't any Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus...Considering "turkey=fascist state" became a fascist country in the early 1900...

What we have here are Ottomans...So they should be refered to as the Ottoman Cypriots...

To be called a Turkish Cypriot, you must come from "turkey=fascist state" after 1920 and settled in Cyprus...

If the Ottomans claim they have been in Cyprus for over 400 years then how could they be known as Turkish Cypriots?

Boom's that is a very interesting position you have put forth. Perhaps academics would like to look into it further. Ofcourse the average Turk may reject this point.
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Postby observer » Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:57 am

I'm afraid that you are not totally clear, Bommerang, but if I understand you correctly:

Since 1923, which seems to be the starting used on this thread, neither Greece or Turkey have colonised Cyprus. Prior to 1923 all Cypriots were technically Turkish. Between 1923 and 1960 all Cypriots were technically British. After 1960 all Cypriots were citizens of independent and sovereign Republic whose constitution allowed for Greek and Turkish communities.

Technically, I don't think any Cypriot has ever been Greek as Cyprus has never been ruled by Greece (excluding any Greeks who have acquired Cypriot nationality since 1960).
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:05 am

observer wrote:I'm afraid that you are not totally clear, Bommerang, but if I understand you correctly:

Since 1923, which seems to be the starting used on this thread, neither Greece or Turkey have colonised Cyprus. Prior to 1923 all Cypriots were technically Turkish. Between 1923 and 1960 all Cypriots were technically British. After 1960 all Cypriots were citizens of independent and sovereign Republic whose constitution allowed for Greek and Turkish communities.

Technically, I don't think any Cypriot has ever been Greek as Cyprus has never been ruled by Greece (excluding any Greeks who have acquired Cypriot nationality since 1960).

I beg to differ on this point with you observer...

Cypriots were never turkish as "turkey=fascist state" never existed prior to how could the Cypriots be turkish if the country was not around?..would you like to elaborate on this one?

Greeks might not have ruled Cyprus, but as are well and trully reminded, and on daily basis, they did colonize it...So I will agree with you that we are not Greeks but Cypriots...Same as the Aboriginals in Australia...The English did "discover" Australia but there were people here before the English came around...It doesn't mean that they became white overnight....
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Postby Oracle » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:07 am

observer wrote:I'm afraid that you are not totally clear, Bommerang, but if I understand you correctly:

Since 1923, which seems to be the starting used on this thread, neither Greece or Turkey have colonised Cyprus. Prior to 1923 all Cypriots were technically Turkish. Between 1923 and 1960 all Cypriots were technically British. After 1960 all Cypriots were citizens of independent and sovereign Republic whose constitution allowed for Greek and Turkish communities.

Technically, I don't think any Cypriot has ever been Greek as Cyprus has never been ruled by Greece (excluding any Greeks who have acquired Cypriot nationality since 1960).

Good point ... so why all this fear for an ENOSIS with a country that we have always had self-determination from? :lol:

It was the ones which took away Cypriot self-determination like the Ottomans and the British that we have to gain our Human Rights back from .... and now Turkey.

Good observation. :D
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Postby tessintrnc » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:14 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I wander what tessintrnc will call herself? :lol:

Hmm... a Royal Otto? :?

I thought I had already been christened "turkish-tart" on a previous thread??? But Ottoman princess has a nice ring don't you think?? :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:25 am

humanist wrote:boomerang
Theoretically speaking they arean't any Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus...Considering "turkey=fascist state" became a fascist country in the early 1900...

What we have here are Ottomans...So they should be refered to as the Ottoman Cypriots...

To be called a Turkish Cypriot, you must come from "turkey=fascist state" after 1920 and settled in Cyprus...

If the Ottomans claim they have been in Cyprus for over 400 years then how could they be known as Turkish Cypriots?

Boom's that is a very interesting position you have put forth. Perhaps academics would like to look into it further. Ofcourse the average Turk may reject this point.

Maybe we need to open the Ottoman archives :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:28 am

tessintrnc wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I wander what tessintrnc will call herself? :lol:

Hmm... a Royal Otto? :?

I thought I had already been christened "turkish-tart" on a previous thread??? But Ottoman princess has a nice ring don't you think?? :lol:

Christened and Turkish does not somehow fit together :lol:

I don't use the word "tart" except in a nice way ... eg apple tart

.... so whoever called you "tart" with their own connotation, kindly take up with them!

And your delusions of "princess" have about as much validity as the illegal "Fairyland" you exist in.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:29 am

observer wrote:Since 1923, which seems to be the starting used on this thread, neither Greece or Turkey have colonised Cyprus. Prior to 1923 all Cypriots were technically Turkish. Between 1923 and 1960 all Cypriots were technically British. After 1960 all Cypriots were citizens of independent and sovereign Republic whose constitution allowed for Greek and Turkish communities.

Right, so did the French, Italians, or Greeks become Germans when Nazi Germany occupied them?

Are the Iraqis now Americans because the US has invaded and occupied them?

Your theory that a people lose their ethnicity or origins when occupied by an invader is clearly nonsense.
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