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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby free_cyprus » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:04 am

tessintrnc wrote:I think that most parents teach their children to have confidence - children are all different though, you cannot put them in a class and treat them all the same! The only way to have a perfect society where everyone is (supposedly) equal etc is PURE communism. But...........history has shown that communism is far too perfect in its pure form for us imperfect human beings. Teaching children not to hate and look down on others because of race, religion or colour SHOULD be taught in the home and school but as is clear on this forum for example - theres and awful lot of hate, anger and predudice that must surely be being passed on to the children ?? Maybe the ideology put forward on the video could be achieved, but not I fear in this or the next generation. Lena I am sure that you are an excellent teacher and I would be very happy for someone like you to teach my children.

who ever you are you are talking rubbish espcialy regards to comunism ect iam talking about free spirits your talking about enslavement, iam talking about super confidence your talking about parents who dont have confidence themselves to be giving confidence to their chilldren,

how many adults do you know or you met that have confidence in life????????????? confidence and being positive is completly different
its a completely new language that you have to learn
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:21 am

free_cyprus wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:I think that most parents teach their children to have confidence - children are all different though, you cannot put them in a class and treat them all the same! The only way to have a perfect society where everyone is (supposedly) equal etc is PURE communism. But...........history has shown that communism is far too perfect in its pure form for us imperfect human beings. Teaching children not to hate and look down on others because of race, religion or colour SHOULD be taught in the home and school but as is clear on this forum for example - theres and awful lot of hate, anger and predudice that must surely be being passed on to the children ?? Maybe the ideology put forward on the video could be achieved, but not I fear in this or the next generation. Lena I am sure that you are an excellent teacher and I would be very happy for someone like you to teach my children.

who ever you are you are talking rubbish espcialy regards to comunism ect iam talking about free spirits your talking about enslavement, iam talking about super confidence your talking about parents who dont have confidence themselves to be giving confidence to their chilldren,

how many adults do you know or you met that have confidence in life????????????? confidence and being positive is completly different
its a completely new language that you have to learn

Actually the pure form of communism does not enslave people - but capitilism does - wheres theres bosses theres workers and workers get resentful sometimes of the greater wealth that their boss enjoys - wealth that they have created for the Boss. And the fact that you call everyone with an opinion either stupid or tell them that they are talking rubbish does not exactly create confidence does it? If I were a person with low self esteem/confidence such comments would surely make me feel even worse? can I respectfully suggest that you practice what you are trying to promote? Thank you.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:23 am

Oracle wrote:Confidence in children comes from living in a healthy society where they see by example, how to respect the Law, Human Rights and other people's property.

And I pray that you will make every effort o contribute to a society where love and understanding is instilled ito the children of the future. Teach them love, not hatred, esp. the kind that is preached on this forum. It is a great injustice to our future. Teach them to learn from past mistakes and to put their energies into positive action. I find that a bit of humility will go a long way. Mistakes have been made in the past, but let us make everyeffort to put them right, right? :lol:
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:23 am

Oracle wrote:Confidence in children comes from living in a healthy society where they see by example, how to respect the Law, Human Rights and other people's property.

Quite right. I also think that children should be encouraged to be individuals and free thinkers.
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Postby free_cyprus » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:29 am

tessintrnc wrote:
Oracle wrote:Confidence in children comes from living in a healthy society where they see by example, how to respect the Law, Human Rights and other people's property.

Quite right. I also think that children should be encouraged to be individuals and free thinkers.

everything i am talking about here is to do with free thinking free spirit when one becomes and understand th working of the mind and when they become a fre spirit they will have gained a new language that speaks of peace love understanding better relations with family and friends and workmates, better understanding of oneself is this so bad for children to learn from an early age when you look at all the parent thay dont have forgiveness in their hearts they have hate towards others they lack the free spirit so how is a child going to learn anything if its not tought to them at primary schools so they can have a faundation of self confidence positive thinking to change the world and to live in amore harmonious world.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:39 pm

tessintrnc wrote:
Oracle wrote:Confidence in children comes from living in a healthy society where they see by example, how to respect the Law, Human Rights and other people's property.

Quite right. I also think that children should be encouraged to be individuals and free thinkers.

The more you say, the more you condemn yourself as a hypocrite.

..... But perhaps that is the example you are setting your children.
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Postby LENA » Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:16 am

tessintrnc wrote:I think that most parents teach their children to have confidence - children are all different though, you cannot put them in a class and treat them all the same! The only way to have a perfect society where everyone is (supposedly) equal etc is PURE communism. But...........history has shown that communism is far too perfect in its pure form for us imperfect human beings. Teaching children not to hate and look down on others because of race, religion or colour SHOULD be taught in the home and school but as is clear on this forum for example - theres and awful lot of hate, anger and predudice that must surely be being passed on to the children ?? Maybe the ideology put forward on the video could be achieved, but not I fear in this or the next generation. Lena I am sure that you are an excellent teacher and I would be very happy for someone like you to teach my children.

Thank you Tess
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Postby webbo » Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:20 am

LENA wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
LENA wrote:Will get back later... I really have to go now :oops:

Is nature calling? :?

Female nature ... shopping! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shopping for what so late at night may one ask? :wink:

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Postby LENA » Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:20 am

free_cyprus wrote:
LENA wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
LENA wrote:
purdey wrote:I believe from experience, I have a 12 year old daughter. Children today are maturing quickly. There child like days seem to end before the last year of primary school. They seem to have a confidence and are more aware of what is happening in the world. This maybe down to Tv, internet, and alike but on the whole they seem far more mature.
In secondry school the approach seems different, more emphasis is put on interaction with the child, rather than quoting constantly from books, views are sought even if it contradicts what is written. Conversation in general is more adult themed and expression is not frowned upon.
I am delighted with the education my daughter recieves, she enjoys school and has likes and respects the teaching staff.
There are downsides of course, I am not wholly in favour of some of the sex education classes taught, but on the whole the learning process seems to more relaxed with attention focusing on attaining good results in exams.

You are so right! Yes technology and social changes make the children grow up earlier. I mean how early did you know about sex stuff in a way children know these days? But because of all that (technology etc) school cant just stay where it was in the past ... need to modernize as well. Need to prepare at some point those children to go out in the society as proper adults. My brother went to primary school this year and they have a program that teach them about hygiene etc. But when parents went to some small presentation of what their children are been taught to the school through that program we found out that in 2nd, 3rd and up to 6th grade they are taught about different things like how to control their emotions and anger, how to say no to smoking, drinking and drugs and also how to respect their body and see breast, ass and other parts of the body as normal things and not think of them in a sexual way. I found it quite interesting and very informative myself too. And guess what I am not against to that program at all.

During the two last years at hight school/lyceum I took an optional class about taking care infants/children, pregnancy etc etc and a part of it was about contraception. Guess what? We did not know most of them, and some of the girls had already sexual contact so I dont see it as a bad thing but as a good thing as well and I hope it keeps being taught to schools. If they going to help children in their adult life why not? But always need to be said in the right age, in the right way.

lena all i said to you is you dont know how your mind works i never labeled you racist or anything else you said all that

School though cannot be stuck in the past and close the eyes in frond of the dangers that the future adults will find in frond of them as adults or teenagers or just children.

like i said before they teach the children all the knowladge there is but they dont teach them to love themselves and be positive thats why you have soo much racism so much bullying and if you ask me about parents today they lack not only education about themselves but they lack confidence and they lack the most important aspect of being a human and that is to love themselves as they are regardless if they are rich poor educated uneducated thin fat ect ect and the list goes n

Let me get that right you call me racist, stupid and with parents that they lack knowledge, confidence etc etc. Oh and stupid since I dont even know how my mind works. Right? Did I wrote everything or do you have anything else to add here? :roll:

free-cyprus read again your previous post to me...and if it was not personal let me remind you that I grow up in that system you describe and its not long that I left school. So in one way or the other you did call me racist
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Postby LENA » Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:31 am

webbo wrote:
LENA wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
LENA wrote:Will get back later... I really have to go now :oops:

Is nature calling? :?

Female nature ... shopping! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shopping for what so late at night may one ask? :wink:

bubbles x 8)

My brother...I went to Hobbycraft ... 19:45 and they were shut at 20:00. In 15 min I finished shopping payed and I was back in the car with 70 pounds less in my wallet. :oops: :lol:

By the way that post was made in the afternoon that had to go to the bank and go for shopping for myself since I had to get a dress for my cousin's daughter christening. :D (90 pounds less after that! :oops: )

Leaving UK is costing me looooots of money :lol:
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