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Why Are the Turkish Generals Suddenly Rushing to Cyprus???

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Eric dayi » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:12 pm

humanist wrote:GR
Learn to accept and respect the CYPRIOT Eric and move on to Turkey if you don't like it because this IS Cyprus!!!
your being very kind there GR. I would have told the c____ to piss of. Crap like this does not belong anywhere in the world. Can you imagine it among decent everyday Turkish men and women trying to make it in this life like the rest of us????

Ita pitty Turks don't tie bommbs around their wastes he be great self scrificing bomber. Do it eric we will praise you for ever.

And leave the whole of Cyprus to you GCs/Greeks, not on your nelly pal. I'll stick around to watch you lot sob a little while longer......across the border in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:50 am

zan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Murataga wrote:Firstly, there is nothing wrong about country inviting/hosting immigrants. This is economically, politically and strategically a methodology for moving forward in many countries (with the U.S.A. leading them) around the world and it is an absolute necessity for the TRNC given our special circumstances.

Secondly, as a person who has attended graduate school in the U.S.A., I can confidently tell you that thousands of people every year from around the world (including many of European heritage) get and education in the U.S. and choose to stay there afterwards. The root causes of this phenomenon are numerous and often much more complicated than what you try to make it sound above.

But since you brought it up: I would be very interested to compare the statistics of the return rate of TCs educated abroad once the embargo is lifted – an embargo which you know very well started way before the TRNC was established and way before 1974.

There is nothing wrong with having guest workers or migrants in one's country...But show me one other country in the world,Murataga,where the guest workers and migrants outnumber the natives 2 to 1...
And show me one country which gives their guest workers,who can just come into the country at will,without a passport or health or police checks,the vote....And gives away her people's political will....

The embargo started way before 1974 as you say,but there is a sting in its tail...True, between 1963 and 68 the GCs were responsible for the embargo.. But Makarios lifted it in 1968,the TCs were free to move around the island at will...But this time the TCs applied the embargo to their own people....In the areas controlled by the TCs,no TC were allowed to leave the enclaves unless there was a very special reason to do so...So between 1968 and 74 we were responsible for our own embargo....
And lets not forget the "From Turk to Turk" campaign which began in 1957,and forbade any TC from doing business with a GC...We have to be fair,Murataga,when we talk about embargoes,the knife cuts both ways...

Still only telling part of the story Bir :roll: :roll: :roll:

How about the reasons for the above :?:

Again...You are willing to give the country over to the Greeks but we are not and the fact that Makarios only gave the TCs freedom of movement was because they, thanks to the Akritas plan, had control of the government. If we had gone along with it then we would have been responsible for the handing over of our rights as a fate acompli to the Greek tricks played on the UN and us.....There is no difference to what is happening now........This is why I don't trust what you say Bir....You know very well that this is the case and you leave out important facts and act as craftily as Kikapu in trying tio trick us into accepting something that is wrong........You claim to be an expert and try to tellus that we are wrong but then try to trick us....Why is that Bir???..You told me you had no bad intentions
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

It is very difficult having a sensible discussion with you and,to an extend,with Murataga...Because you both are hell bent on seeing the world from the TC Propaganda point of view...On top of that you are paranoid about my motives...You think I am trying to trick you into something...

To you I appear to be telling only one side of the story...You are right. I am telling that side of the story you guys would not even consider admitting even in your dreams...The action of our side,the TC side,and that of Turkey,which resulted in the mess we find ourselves...I am trying to open your eyes beyond all the propaganda and nationalist bullshit you appear to have swallowed whole...The simple fact is we are as guilty as the GCs in falling for the Taksim trap to their Enosis trap...We are as guilty as the GCs in assassinating our newly born independent republic...
The difference now is that theGCs have moved on from Enosis,and they now consider it laughable that anyone might still wish for union with Greece...We on the other hand have actually achieved de facto partition,and seem to be quiet happy presenting part of our country and all of our political will to Turkey on a plate....We are happy to justify this by claiming that our personal security is at risk from some imaginary GC threat...We are prepared to be assimilated into the great Turkish sea,hence losing our unique identity as Turkish Cypriots,for fear of being discriminated against by the GC majority. It is all fear fear fear. Paranoia,paranoia,paranoia...Your minds are totally shut to any sensible discussion or even to the realities of today's changing global conditions.

Once again,I am not trying to trick you into anything. I have no bad intentions...I am trying to save you from yourselves. To stop you from becoming the willing participants in our own cultural and identity genocide..To stop you from selling out your country of birth,the only place on earth we can really call HOME...To stop you from betraying your own brothers and sisters,your countrymen and women,by siding with a foreign country you consider "Motherland". I know I am wasting my breath. Like sheep you will all follow each other over the precipice. Those of us who refuse to follow will not gloat over your disappearance. We will cry our eyes out for you. But you will never know it... :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby zan » Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:22 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
zan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Murataga wrote:Firstly, there is nothing wrong about country inviting/hosting immigrants. This is economically, politically and strategically a methodology for moving forward in many countries (with the U.S.A. leading them) around the world and it is an absolute necessity for the TRNC given our special circumstances.

Secondly, as a person who has attended graduate school in the U.S.A., I can confidently tell you that thousands of people every year from around the world (including many of European heritage) get and education in the U.S. and choose to stay there afterwards. The root causes of this phenomenon are numerous and often much more complicated than what you try to make it sound above.

But since you brought it up: I would be very interested to compare the statistics of the return rate of TCs educated abroad once the embargo is lifted – an embargo which you know very well started way before the TRNC was established and way before 1974.

There is nothing wrong with having guest workers or migrants in one's country...But show me one other country in the world,Murataga,where the guest workers and migrants outnumber the natives 2 to 1...
And show me one country which gives their guest workers,who can just come into the country at will,without a passport or health or police checks,the vote....And gives away her people's political will....

The embargo started way before 1974 as you say,but there is a sting in its tail...True, between 1963 and 68 the GCs were responsible for the embargo.. But Makarios lifted it in 1968,the TCs were free to move around the island at will...But this time the TCs applied the embargo to their own people....In the areas controlled by the TCs,no TC were allowed to leave the enclaves unless there was a very special reason to do so...So between 1968 and 74 we were responsible for our own embargo....
And lets not forget the "From Turk to Turk" campaign which began in 1957,and forbade any TC from doing business with a GC...We have to be fair,Murataga,when we talk about embargoes,the knife cuts both ways...

Still only telling part of the story Bir :roll: :roll: :roll:

How about the reasons for the above :?:

Again...You are willing to give the country over to the Greeks but we are not and the fact that Makarios only gave the TCs freedom of movement was because they, thanks to the Akritas plan, had control of the government. If we had gone along with it then we would have been responsible for the handing over of our rights as a fate acompli to the Greek tricks played on the UN and us.....There is no difference to what is happening now........This is why I don't trust what you say Bir....You know very well that this is the case and you leave out important facts and act as craftily as Kikapu in trying tio trick us into accepting something that is wrong........You claim to be an expert and try to tellus that we are wrong but then try to trick us....Why is that Bir???..You told me you had no bad intentions
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

It is very difficult having a sensible discussion with you and,to an extend,with Murataga...Because you both are hell bent on seeing the world from the TC Propaganda point of view...On top of that you are paranoid about my motives...You think I am trying to trick you into something...

To you I appear to be telling only one side of the story...You are right. I am telling that side of the story you guys would not even consider admitting even in your dreams...The action of our side,the TC side,and that of Turkey,which resulted in the mess we find ourselves...I am trying to open your eyes beyond all the propaganda and nationalist bullshit you appear to have swallowed whole...The simple fact is we are as guilty as the GCs in falling for the Taksim trap to their Enosis trap...We are as guilty as the GCs in assassinating our newly born independent republic...
The difference now is that theGCs have moved on from Enosis,and they now consider it laughable that anyone might still wish for union with Greece...We on the other hand have actually achieved de facto partition,and seem to be quiet happy presenting part of our country and all of our political will to Turkey on a plate....We are happy to justify this by claiming that our personal security is at risk from some imaginary GC threat...We are prepared to be assimilated into the great Turkish sea,hence losing our unique identity as Turkish Cypriots,for fear of being discriminated against by the GC majority. It is all fear fear fear. Paranoia,paranoia,paranoia...Your minds are totally shut to any sensible discussion or even to the realities of today's changing global conditions.

Once again,I am not trying to trick you into anything. I have no bad intentions...I am trying to save you from yourselves. To stop you from becoming the willing participants in our own cultural and identity genocide..To stop you from selling out your country of birth,the only place on earth we can really call HOME...To stop you from betraying your own brothers and sisters,your countrymen and women,by siding with a foreign country you consider "Motherland". I know I am wasting my breath. Like sheep you will all follow each other over the precipice. Those of us who refuse to follow will not gloat over your disappearance. We will cry our eyes out for you. But you will never know it... :cry: :cry: :cry:

And we think the same of you....You are the blind leading the blind because you really think that the GC admin has moved on and has no intention of making the island solely Greek. THe "RoC" are constantly finding ways in which it can tie it self in with Greece, be it financially, politically or defensively. You see no danger in that for TCS?....They have taken out our language, our culture, our politics and our name from the island and you see no danger in that?

I have never said that we are not to blame as well for what happened in Cyprus but I am certainly not going to sit back and let these propagandists put all the blame on me so that they can get what is mine. Yes we have our share in the blame but it has been like getting blood out of a stone when it comes to getting GCs share of the blame accepted.

None of this, however, takes anything away from the fact that our democratic right in the Zurich agreement has been taken away from us at gun point and will not be returned. That is why we did not accept the Greek offer of wondering around in our own country as second class citizens whilst they wave their flag of victory in our faces and that is why we will not do it now. The high level agreement that was reached way back when, is now back on the table.....We shall see what comes out of that if anything.......Are you not prepared to wait and see where that is going before you hand over our country????....Why are you so keen for us to give everything away??....You accuse us for falling for propaganda but I accuse you of falling for the other sides propaganda hook line and sinker. You see Turkey as the ultimate enemy and we don't....No matter what happens there we can still live on our island and call ourselves Turks. There is no Cypriot to speak of. Not in the sense of the ideal that you put forward anyway.

You get angry when I doubt you but doubt me every day.....Who died and made you king of all knowledge. An entire people want something but you know best.....Who the hell are you to tell them what to want and call them sheep in the process.....Your insults are beyond endurance sometimes in that we, the TCs and the Turks are not capable of thinking for ourselves but you and Kikapu have cornered the market on that one. You are not just arguing with me and Murataga here but with every TC that decided that they will live in the TRNC/KKTC and not move to the "RoC". You, one man, are telling them, the educated and the meek, that you know best. Again...Who the hell are you....We have been fighting for our rights since the time that you accuse us of isolating ourselves but still we have not had our rights returned so you now want us to give in....Give it up boys...We have lost so we might as well give it all up for the GCs......Some of us have more fight than that Bir so don't hold it against us.

What you said about us and that the isolation is due to our own efforts is wrong.......Very wrong. The reasons I have given you and I am sorry that you got angry that I said that I don't trust you but what else am I to think.....You know why we didn't give up and you omitted that point out of the equation...It has been a tactic by the GC admin for decades.....Why join in?????WHY???
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:58 am

Zan wrote:And we think the same of you....You are the blind leading the blind because you really think that the GC admin has moved on and has no intention of making the island solely Greek. THe "RoC" are constantly finding ways in which it can tie it self in with Greece, be it financially, politically or defensively. You see no danger in that for TCS?....They have taken out our language, our culture, our politics and our name from the island and you see no danger in that?

I have never said that we are not to blame as well for what happened in Cyprus but I am certainly not going to sit back and let these propagandists put all the blame on me so that they can get what is mine. Yes we have our share in the blame but it has been like getting blood out of a stone when it comes to getting GCs share of the blame accepted.

None of this, however, takes anything away from the fact that our democratic right in the Zurich agreement has been taken away from us at gun point and will not be returned. That is why we did not accept the Greek offer of wondering around in our own country as second class citizens whilst they wave their flag of victory in our faces and that is why we will not do it now. The high level agreement that was reached way back when, is now back on the table.....We shall see what comes out of that if anything.......Are you not prepared to wait and see where that is going before you hand over our country????....Why are you so keen for us to give everything away??....You accuse us for falling for propaganda but I accuse you of falling for the other sides propaganda hook line and sinker. You see Turkey as the ultimate enemy and we don't....No matter what happens there we can still live on our island and call ourselves Turks. There is no Cypriot to speak of. Not in the sense of the ideal that you put forward anyway.

You get angry when I doubt you but doubt me every day.....Who died and made you king of all knowledge. An entire people want something but you know best.....Who the hell are you to tell them what to want and call them sheep in the process.....Your insults are beyond endurance sometimes in that we, the TCs and the Turks are not capable of thinking for ourselves but you and Kikapu have cornered the market on that one. You are not just arguing with me and Murataga here but with every TC that decided that they will live in the TRNC/KKTC and not move to the "RoC". You, one man, are telling them, the educated and the meek, that you know best. Again...Who the hell are you....We have been fighting for our rights since the time that you accuse us of isolating ourselves but still we have not had our rights returned so you now want us to give in....Give it up boys...We have lost so we might as well give it all up for the GCs......Some of us have more fight than that Bir so don't hold it against us.

What you said about us and that the isolation is due to our own efforts is wrong.......Very wrong. The reasons I have given you and I am sorry that you got angry that I said that I don't trust you but what else am I to think.....You know why we didn't give up and you omitted that point out of the equation...It has been a tactic by the GC admin for decades.....Why join in?????WHY???

Okey,Zan...We have to agree to disagree...And believe me i know where you are coming from...But please do not continue to misrepresent my position...I am not saying lets forget our Turkish heritage and become GC clones...I am saying lets put our Cypriotness first and demand that the GCs do the same. We can then sit down and talk between ourselves and agree on a return to our rightful place at partners in the Cyprus Republic of 1960...The beauty of this is we don't need anyone to solve our problem for us...Us Cypriots can solve it between ourselves...Once we agree on an orderly return,we can say goodbye to the settlers,invite people to return to their homes or accept a compensation package...But I am getting ahead of myself...lets deal with your points first...

RoC does not need to have Greece hold her hand any longer.They are in the same club (EU) and Cyprus can now stand on her own feet,at least financially and politically...Defense is another ballgame...Do you really blame the GCs for wanting close defensive ties with the country they consider their "Motherland"??? As far as they and the world are concerned
37% of their country is under foreign occupation by a power largely superior in military terms...And you cannot blame them solely for what happened in 1963/64...We were just as keen to walk away from the Republic as they were to see us off...And lets not forget,in 1964 Turkey actually put her signature to the UN Decision number 186...You know what that decision was??? That the administration of Cyprus would be left solely to the GCs till a solution could be found to the impasse...Yep,Ismet Inonu's government put Turkey's signature under that UN resolution...Look it up if you don't believe me...

So when you say the GCs have taken away our rights under the Zurich agreement,it is not the whole truth. And I believe in time to come,Christofias and the GCs will also come to realise that there will be no other way out for Cypriots but to return to that agreement and try with hindsight to make it work second time around...But will we agree to return??? As Kifeas rightly pointed out elsewhere,not very likely. in fact I would say definitely not...We have achieved Taksim,and we shall not be moved...What excuse will you have when Christofias removes all the Greek flags from the South and replaces the Greek national anthem???
What excuse will you have when he offers Talat the position of Vice President? and 3 ministers in the cabinet??? And invites the public servants to return to their jobs??? and agrees to set up the national guard 60-40 as in the agreements????

I don't think i am anybody special,Zan...I am using my democratic and human right to free speech...Is that too much to ask??? Through all my experiences in Cyprus during the 50s and 60s,and since then living in Austalia,Europe and Turkey and Cyprus,I have come to the present state of mind...In my maturity I have considered and reconsidered everything.
I believe passionately in what I am saying. And I will not stop saying it. I see my countrymen and women swimming in deep waters full of sharks,and I am sounding the alarm...That's all. I cannot come in and save you against your will...I cannot come and save you even if you will it...You are free to ignore my warnings and put up with the consequences..

And I never said our isolation was entirely our own making....I put you a scenario which i know to be true...That between 1968 and 74 it was our own people who were holding us prisoners in our enclaves and not the GCs...I was not talking about after 74,or the present....That is another story altogether...But let me leave you with a few more uncomfortable facts...In 1995 Turkey signed the agreement which allowed the RoC to begin membership talks with the EU...The payoff?Turkey was allowed into the EU Customs Union....In 1999 Turkey signed the agreement which allowed Cyprus to become a full member of the EU before a solution was found...The payoff???Turkey was given a date for full EU membership considerations...
And in 2003 Turkey signed off on the agreement which gave Cyprus full EU membership covering the whole island...The payoff???Turkey got a date to begin membership talks with the EU....I am not making these up,Zan...These are facts you can easily check...If you still think Turkey is in Cyprus to protect your interests,that is okey with me...But at least you are doing it turning a blind eye to these facts...And we all will know it... :( :(
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Postby zan » Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:35 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:And we think the same of you....You are the blind leading the blind because you really think that the GC admin has moved on and has no intention of making the island solely Greek. THe "RoC" are constantly finding ways in which it can tie it self in with Greece, be it financially, politically or defensively. You see no danger in that for TCS?....They have taken out our language, our culture, our politics and our name from the island and you see no danger in that?

I have never said that we are not to blame as well for what happened in Cyprus but I am certainly not going to sit back and let these propagandists put all the blame on me so that they can get what is mine. Yes we have our share in the blame but it has been like getting blood out of a stone when it comes to getting GCs share of the blame accepted.

None of this, however, takes anything away from the fact that our democratic right in the Zurich agreement has been taken away from us at gun point and will not be returned. That is why we did not accept the Greek offer of wondering around in our own country as second class citizens whilst they wave their flag of victory in our faces and that is why we will not do it now. The high level agreement that was reached way back when, is now back on the table.....We shall see what comes out of that if anything.......Are you not prepared to wait and see where that is going before you hand over our country????....Why are you so keen for us to give everything away??....You accuse us for falling for propaganda but I accuse you of falling for the other sides propaganda hook line and sinker. You see Turkey as the ultimate enemy and we don't....No matter what happens there we can still live on our island and call ourselves Turks. There is no Cypriot to speak of. Not in the sense of the ideal that you put forward anyway.

You get angry when I doubt you but doubt me every day.....Who died and made you king of all knowledge. An entire people want something but you know best.....Who the hell are you to tell them what to want and call them sheep in the process.....Your insults are beyond endurance sometimes in that we, the TCs and the Turks are not capable of thinking for ourselves but you and Kikapu have cornered the market on that one. You are not just arguing with me and Murataga here but with every TC that decided that they will live in the TRNC/KKTC and not move to the "RoC". You, one man, are telling them, the educated and the meek, that you know best. Again...Who the hell are you....We have been fighting for our rights since the time that you accuse us of isolating ourselves but still we have not had our rights returned so you now want us to give in....Give it up boys...We have lost so we might as well give it all up for the GCs......Some of us have more fight than that Bir so don't hold it against us.

What you said about us and that the isolation is due to our own efforts is wrong.......Very wrong. The reasons I have given you and I am sorry that you got angry that I said that I don't trust you but what else am I to think.....You know why we didn't give up and you omitted that point out of the equation...It has been a tactic by the GC admin for decades.....Why join in?????WHY???

Okey,Zan...We have to agree to disagree...And believe me i know where you are coming from...But please do not continue to misrepresent my position...I am not saying lets forget our Turkish heritage and become GC clones...I am saying lets put our Cypriotness first and demand that the GCs do the same. We can then sit down and talk between ourselves and agree on a return to our rightful place at partners in the Cyprus Republic of 1960...The beauty of this is we don't need anyone to solve our problem for us...Us Cypriots can solve it between ourselves...Once we agree on an orderly return,we can say goodbye to the settlers,invite people to return to their homes or accept a compensation package...But I am getting ahead of myself...lets deal with your points first...

RoC does not need to have Greece hold her hand any longer.They are in the same club (EU) and Cyprus can now stand on her own feet,at least financially and politically...Defense is another ballgame...Do you really blame the GCs for wanting close defensive ties with the country they consider their "Motherland"??? As far as they and the world are concerned
37% of their country is under foreign occupation by a power largely superior in military terms...And you cannot blame them solely for what happened in 1963/64...We were just as keen to walk away from the Republic as they were to see us off...And lets not forget,in 1964 Turkey actually put her signature to the UN Decision number 186...You know what that decision was??? That the administration of Cyprus would be left solely to the GCs till a solution could be found to the impasse...Yep,Ismet Inonu's government put Turkey's signature under that UN resolution...Look it up if you don't believe me...

So when you say the GCs have taken away our rights under the Zurich agreement,it is not the whole truth. And I believe in time to come,Christofias and the GCs will also come to realise that there will be no other way out for Cypriots but to return to that agreement and try with hindsight to make it work second time around...But will we agree to return??? As Kifeas rightly pointed out elsewhere,not very likely. in fact I would say definitely not...We have achieved Taksim,and we shall not be moved...What excuse will you have when Christofias removes all the Greek flags from the South and replaces the Greek national anthem???
What excuse will you have when he offers Talat the position of Vice President? and 3 ministers in the cabinet??? And invites the public servants to return to their jobs??? and agrees to set up the national guard 60-40 as in the agreements????

I don't think i am anybody special,Zan...I am using my democratic and human right to free speech...Is that too much to ask??? Through all my experiences in Cyprus during the 50s and 60s,and since then living in Austalia,Europe and Turkey and Cyprus,I have come to the present state of mind...In my maturity I have considered and reconsidered everything.
I believe passionately in what I am saying. And I will not stop saying it. I see my countrymen and women swimming in deep waters full of sharks,and I am sounding the alarm...That's all. I cannot come in and save you against your will...I cannot come and save you even if you will it...You are free to ignore my warnings and put up with the consequences..

And I never said our isolation was entirely our own making....I put you a scenario which i know to be true...That between 1968 and 74 it was our own people who were holding us prisoners in our enclaves and not the GCs...I was not talking about after 74,or the present....That is another story altogether...But let me leave you with a few more uncomfortable facts...In 1995 Turkey signed the agreement which allowed the RoC to begin membership talks with the EU...The payoff?Turkey was allowed into the EU Customs Union....In 1999 Turkey signed the agreement which allowed Cyprus to become a full member of the EU before a solution was found...The payoff???Turkey was given a date for full EU membership considerations...
And in 2003 Turkey signed off on the agreement which gave Cyprus full EU membership covering the whole island...The payoff???Turkey got a date to begin membership talks with the EU....I am not making these up,Zan...These are facts you can easily check...If you still think Turkey is in Cyprus to protect your interests,that is okey with me...But at least you are doing it turning a blind eye to these facts...And we all will know it... :( :(

You are not making them up but are interpreting them wrongly...."That the administration of Cyprus would be left solely to the GCs till a solution could be found to the impasse"..What you get from that and what I get seem to be two different things.....Is there not the words "Until" and "Impasse" in that sentence........ :roll: :roll: :roll:

And again you go on about us imposing isolation on our selves...In the face of what for gods sake...Murder???Persecution???Having our rights in government taken away from us....I spoke to a man my age whose father was muscled out of the government building by armed Greeks when he turned up for work....He did not have his own men do that to him.....FFS :roll: :roll: :roll:

You don't make sense when you ask for the Zurich agreement in one sentence and then say that we isolated ourselves in the next.....If you really want that to return then fight for that...It is the Greeks that have control over it but you chose to attack the TCs and Turkey to get it...How does that work???

You then go on not to blame the GCs for wanting protection from GReece and blame us for wanting the same from Turkey.....What the hell is all that about...How the hell do you come up with that sort of one sidedness.....You even fail to recognise that little old Cyprus needs Greece in the EU and the closer their ties the better....There is still the chance of full ENOSIS with Greece if PR is introduced into the EU where little old "RoC" will be the smallest player and lose it's veto......We know all about vetos now don't we....

So your mature deliberations have many holes as far as I am concerned so please try to see that others apart from yourself had done the deliberating also.........You have not got the monopoly on thinking Bir........I have the exact same feeling about what you are doing.....I cannot save the people if they go the wrong way and surrender their rights to the "RoC"..........And I will only weep when you destroy the power we have left by being silly. No one can negotiate from a weak position and you want us to make ourselves weaker in the process.... :roll: :roll: :roll:

As for the what ifs!!!!!!!When those what ifs become a reality then we can talk again....You have already admitted that the GCS WILL NOT LET US HAVE THAT POWER.......Then you do a U- turn and say what if........What if in deed!!! :roll:
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:16 pm

Enosis in CYprus has been achieved by the TRNC with Turkey. Same currency, same army, full Turkification of the north etc. Using the Enosis excuse in 2008 is nonsense.

What Bir is expressing is that he does not want to be swallowed up by mainland Turkish culture and it seems no one has thought of the possibility that being TC is perhaps being Turkish plus. That is how I see the status of GC, being Greek plus, more Greek than the mainlanders because flung out here in the easter Med we managed to retain elements of Greek culture that the mainlanders lost a long time ago. The same might be true of TCs and perhaps it is the reason that both "motherlands" tried (with differing success) to take us over.

I do not want Cyprus to become a district of Greece, in the way the TRNC is practically a district of Turkey. I am sure the vast majority of GCs feel the same way.

The other thing I notice is that most TC posters do not miss being Cypriots. To illustrate what i mean by missing being a Cypriot I will refer to a little incident with a Cypriot doctor from Famagusta who lives here in Greece since 1974.

"Doctor, what would you do if you won the lottery?" asks a mainlander

"I will buy a village" replies the doc.

"Why would you do that?"

"So when all you bastards go to your village at Easter time I can go to mine" replied the doc. If you cannot empathize with the doctor from Famagusta you are not a Cypriot.
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Postby zan » Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:44 pm

Nikitas wrote:Enosis in CYprus has been achieved by the TRNC with Turkey. Same currency, same army, full Turkification of the north etc. Using the Enosis excuse in 2008 is nonsense.

What Bir is expressing is that he does not want to be swallowed up by mainland Turkish culture and it seems no one has thought of the possibility that being TC is perhaps being Turkish plus. That is how I see the status of GC, being Greek plus, more Greek than the mainlanders because flung out here in the easter Med we managed to retain elements of Greek culture that the mainlanders lost a long time ago. The same might be true of TCs and perhaps it is the reason that both "motherlands" tried (with differing success) to take us over.

I do not want Cyprus to become a district of Greece, in the way the TRNC is practically a district of Turkey. I am sure the vast majority of GCs feel the same way.

The other thing I notice is that most TC posters do not miss being Cypriots. To illustrate what i mean by missing being a Cypriot I will refer to a little incident with a Cypriot doctor from Famagusta who lives here in Greece since 1974.

"Doctor, what would you do if you won the lottery?" asks a mainlander

"I will buy a village" replies the doc.

"Why would you do that?"

"So when all you bastards go to your village at Easter time I can go to mine" replied the doc. If you cannot empathize with the doctor from Famagusta you are not a Cypriot.

Depends on which CYPRIOT you are trying to sell us Nikitas.......I miss being a Cypriot but will not go out and buy any old CYPRIOT that I am being told is the genuine thing.......I think I made this point a thousand times to Miltiades who seems to think that a cheep version is as good as the real thing!!!
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:01 pm

Nikitas wrote:Enosis in CYprus has been achieved by the TRNC with Turkey. Same currency, same army, full Turkification of the north etc. Using the Enosis excuse in 2008 is nonsense.

What Bir is expressing is that he does not want to be swallowed up by mainland Turkish culture and it seems no one has thought of the possibility that being TC is perhaps being Turkish plus. That is how I see the status of GC, being Greek plus, more Greek than the mainlanders because flung out here in the easter Med we managed to retain elements of Greek culture that the mainlanders lost a long time ago. The same might be true of TCs and perhaps it is the reason that both "motherlands" tried (with differing success) to take us over.

I do not want Cyprus to become a district of Greece, in the way the TRNC is practically a district of Turkey. I am sure the vast majority of GCs feel the same way.

The other thing I notice is that most TC posters do not miss being Cypriots. To illustrate what i mean by missing being a Cypriot I will refer to a little incident with a Cypriot doctor from Famagusta who lives here in Greece since 1974.

"Doctor, what would you do if you won the lottery?" asks a mainlander

"I will buy a village" replies the doc.

"Why would you do that?"

"So when all you bastards go to your village at Easter time I can go to mine" replied the doc. If you cannot empathize with the doctor from Famagusta you are not a Cypriot.

He is my kind of doctor...I will visit him any time in his village,Nikitas.... :D
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:13 pm

Well, this True Cypriot was back in his country of Cyprus a year ago today after being absent for 43 years.

Can't wait to go back again in the near future.

Here are some memories.






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Postby zan » Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:28 pm

Did you have any pictures of the TRNC/KKTC??? 8)
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