denizaksulu wrote:DT. wrote:Eric dayi wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Zan wrote:If we do not want what they want then why are we still living in the TRNC/KKTC and not moving in droves to the south?????You seem to want what you want and not what the majority of TCs want and that IS a fact....
The rest is pure you in that you scream about losing our roots as TCs but then offer us the Greek roots and ask what is wrong with Hellenism What is wrong with being Turkish...The transition from Turkish Cypriot to Turkish must be easier than TC to GC!!!!!!!At least we have the same religion and the same heroes...You may like to worship the Greek gods but we don't.....What is wrong with that.
As I said...You really need to stop this hate of the mainland Turks....Your children are half of what you hate and have nothing to do with the Greeks.....Let it go mate!!!
There is nothing wrong with being Turkish. And for the umpteenth time,I do not hate the Turks... What I hate is this false dichotomy you all keep coming up with...We don't have to chose between becoming Turkish or becoming Greek or GC...We can chose to become Cypriots first,all of us,GC and TC alike....Dilimde tuy bitti Be Zan,soyleye soyleye....Precisely because we have the same language and religion with the Turks that we have no chance with them...They will swollow us whole....We cannot prevent assimilation with them...But with the GCs,precisely because we have different language and religion,we have every chance of preserving our ethnicity while committing ourselves to putting our country first...
Tell me one thing you damn bastard, you have a choice to become what ever the heck you want to but you will not and do not want to give the rest of us TCs the same choice and you talk about "democracy"?
FFS Bir, piss off and do what you want and live the rest of us to do what we want you stupid convert.
A friend of mine used to say "how can anyone be so stupid with only one head" now I know he was talking about twats like you.![]()
You call Turks of Turkey "foreigners" forgetting that your kids are half Turks so your own kids must also be "foreigners" to you as well then. With that much hate in your guts against Turks no wonder your wife left you and took you to the cleaners.![]()
Well done Eric, with your last sentence you've managed to do what all of us here at the forum thought it was impossible to. You found the way to go one more step lower.
Sadly I agree. Attacking nicknames is different from attacking family members. This is not right. Can we have some decorum please.
I am not attacking his family at all Deniz, just repeating what the twat has said himself.