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Why Are the Turkish Generals Suddenly Rushing to Cyprus???

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:02 pm

shahmaran wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
shahmaran wrote:That's funny Bir, because when Buyukanit AND Erdogan openly state that the army will gradually retreat once a lasting solution has been found, no one takes them seriously, but when certain high ranking officers come to the island everyone can quickly read all sorts of messages from their actions alone.

There is no winning with you people and your prejudices.

Could that be because we know what we are talking about?
That we are amazed that as soon as some new hope arises for a solution in Cyprus, the present Chief and the future Chief-of-staff of the Turkish Army rush over to tell us what is and what is not acceptable???

Could it be that ,living in a democratic country,some of us are totally bewildered what gives these generals the power to dictate foreign and international affairs policy to their own civilian government??? Let alone a "foreign" so-called government!!!

Yes you might know what you are talking about Birkibrisli, but then you might not. You do take a pretty perverse angle on the matter so anything is possible.

The army is the last resort against the people who would use democracy as an excuse to drive Turkey into the darker corners of politics, and i think the same goes for Cyprus and the "RoC".

Shahmaran, you cannot talk about democracy and the military meddling in political affairs of a country in the same breath..I know what you are getting at however...Democracy as it is practised in
Turkey is not democracy as understood by the West...In a true democracy the military are only concerned with national security. They have no say in the political running of the country...Do not look at Turkey and assume that all democracies must be like that...Modern Turkey was established by Ataturk with the help of the Army...Ataturk was not a democrat. He was a benevolent dictator...A truly rare being whose belief in himself and his dedication to the country he created surpassed any personal interest...He had no choice at the time to trust the fledgling secular Republic to the Turkish Army...He knew there was a real danger of the country falling apart after his departure...Turkey has been kept together at the point of the gun,at the expense of the human rights of many of her citizens...Despite the opposition forces largely galvanised by those who abuse people's faiths to achieve their political ambitions...The last resort in a democracy is the ballot box.Or it should be...Turkey will never become a democracy as long as the Army has so much political power. And without the Army Turkey will fall apart...Secularist blood will flow in the streets...The Kurdish people will go their own way...A truly nightmarish scenario...

We don't have to sit back and wait for all this to happen. We can embrace our Cypriotness and live in a true democracy...If we could only find the courage to return to our real identity,not hang onto the one imposed onto us by foreign interests... :( :(
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Postby halil » Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:05 pm

The General visited the martyrs’ cemetery in Bogaz yesterda as part of his contacts in the TRNC.
Signing the special book there, General Basbug said that martyrs had sacrificed their lives during the Turkish Cypriots’ struggle for existence to protect their independence, homeland and flag.
The General also stressed that the Turkish Armed Forces will continue to safeguard the Turkish Cypriot People’s rights and interests.

latest news .... about his visits
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:31 pm

halil wrote:The General visited the martyrs’ cemetery in Bogaz yesterda as part of his contacts in the TRNC.
Signing the special book there, General Basbug said that martyrs had sacrificed their lives during the Turkish Cypriots’ struggle for existence to protect their independence, homeland and flag.
The General also stressed that the Turkish Armed Forces will continue to safeguard the Turkish Cypriot People’s rights and interests.

latest news .... about his visits

What else do you expect the general to say,Halil???

I am here to put you all in your places??? To make sure the world knows who they have to deal with in Cyprus??? :roll:
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Postby zan » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:00 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Murataga wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
zan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
shahmaran wrote:That's funny Bir, because when Buyukanit AND Erdogan openly state that the army will gradually retreat once a lasting solution has been found, no one takes them seriously, but when certain high ranking officers come to the island everyone can quickly read all sorts of messages from their actions alone.

There is no winning with you people and your prejudices.

Could that be because we know what we are talking about?
That we are amazed that as soon as some new hope arises for a solution in Cyprus, the present Chief and the future Chief-of-staff of the Turkish Army rush over to tell us what is and what is not acceptable???

Could it be that ,living in a democratic country,some of us are totally bewildered what gives these generals the power to dictate foreign and international affairs policy to their own civilian government??? Let alone a "foreign" so-called government!!!

Can I just ask what you think Tpap is doing at the moment Bir????What is going on in the South do you think???.........Do you really believe that he is out of the picture and this whole thing with reunification is going to go smoothly with no tricks???......

You asked me to ask the GCs to return to the Zurich agreement and I have been doing so since then....Have you seen any changes that reinforce your views that they are happy to do so????......

They have Greece on their side and we have Turkey.....What the army are saying is that we are in these talks as equals and without the that recognition then the talks are starting off on the wrong foot. We are not asking for some Greek land but for part of our own country and a part in our own countries running. The whole point of their side is to show that we are the underdogs in the whole affair and the Turkish army are saying, WE are saying, that we are not...We are equals and that is that.

You really need to sort yourself out with this hate you have...It has been a long time since you got burned......Time to move on...As you keep reminding others...Except yours is personal!!!!!! :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

You got me all wrong,Zan...I do not hate anyone. I love my people, the Turkish Cypriots,and want them to survive and thrive...You are right about Papadop and right about the invitation to return to the London and Zurich agreements...But you are wrong about Turkey being on our side. Turkey is on her own side,using us as bait to advance her own interests...I know it is difficult to admit this for most of you. Some of you even truly believe that Turkey is looking after our interests...But if you look closely at what is happening in Cyprus,you will see that TCs have been stripped off everything,and are being treated as idiotic pests who must be tolerated for the time being...As I said to my reply to Kikapu the only thing that will save us is a return to the True Republic of Cyprus as founded in 1960...
Our GC cousins however are hell bent on keeping us out,and hence they are also digging their own graves...Turkey in the foreseeable future will be the dominant force in the region,and America will not hesitate to throw the GCs to the wolves if and when it comes to a showdown with the mighty and American-friendly Turkish Army...The worse for Cypriots is yet to come,my dear friend... :cry: :cry: :cry:

I see no need to reiterate our obvious ties to Turkey on historical, cultural and ethnic aspects.... But let`s leave all of that aside for the sake of the conversation:

I think you have a convoluted perception of international relations. There is nothing wrong or unethical about a country looking after her interests and any TC with a minimal awareness of the realities on foreign affairs knows perfectly well that Turkey is here for her interests. What you fail to grasp is that those interests and associated objectives align perfectly with ours` as Turkish Cypriots:

(1) Absolute assurance of our safe and secure existence on this island with our true identity as Turkish Cypriots

(2) Prevention of ENOSIS

(3) Prevention of the Hellenization of the island.

The bottom line is that we want what they want, and they want what we want. The rest is bs...

This is where you are wrong,Murataga....They want what they want and we want what they want too...

Please think about this again...How can we live as Turkish Cypriots when we are already outnumbered at least 2 to one by the settlers...Our political power and will totally subjugated. Our dialect extinguished,our tradtions and customs made irrelevant,our culture assimilated...If all is rosy in the trnc,then why are the children of most Turkish Cypriots are going abroad for study (mostly to the USA) and never coming back...???

Enosis has been prevented.Or it has been achieved anyway via the EU,depending on your point of view...And it has been achieved by the TCs via the trnc,if you look at it that way...Enosis is dead and buried,except in the heads of those who want to use it as an excuse to justify their own actions...

Prevention of Hellenism???? That is one thing that no power on earth can achieve...The overwhelming majority of Cypriots are ethnically Hellenic. You cannot bannish Hellenism unless you banish 80% of Cypriots from their own country. But what is so evil about Hellenism??? Why can't we live and let live??? Why can't we live with Hellenism as long as they are prepared to live with our ethnic Turkish roots??? Are we not capable,at the beginning of the 21st Century,to see our differences as richness instead of as threats...Is that it??? ARe Cypriots not capable of learning from their past mistakes??? Are we not capable of forgiving our past misdeeds??? Are our hearts closed to compassion and tolerance??? Are we so primitive as human beings in your opinion???

If we do not want what they want then why are we still living in the TRNC/KKTC and not moving in droves to the south?????You seem to want what you want and not what the majority of TCs want and that IS a fact.... :roll:

The rest is pure you in that you scream about losing our roots as TCs but then offer us the Greek roots and ask what is wrong with Hellenism :roll: :roll: :roll: What is wrong with being Turkish...The transition from Turkish Cypriot to Turkish must be easier than TC to GC!!!!!!!At least we have the same religion and the same heroes...You may like to worship the Greek gods but we don't.....What is wrong with that.

As I said...You really need to stop this hate of the mainland Turks....Your children are half of what you hate and have nothing to do with the Greeks.....Let it go mate!!!
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:41 pm

Zan wrote:If we do not want what they want then why are we still living in the TRNC/KKTC and not moving in droves to the south?????You seem to want what you want and not what the majority of TCs want and that IS a fact....

The rest is pure you in that you scream about losing our roots as TCs but then offer us the Greek roots and ask what is wrong with Hellenism What is wrong with being Turkish...The transition from Turkish Cypriot to Turkish must be easier than TC to GC!!!!!!!At least we have the same religion and the same heroes...You may like to worship the Greek gods but we don't.....What is wrong with that.

As I said...You really need to stop this hate of the mainland Turks....Your children are half of what you hate and have nothing to do with the Greeks.....Let it go mate!!!

There is nothing wrong with being Turkish. And for the umpteenth time,I do not hate the Turks... What I hate is this false dichotomy you all keep coming up with...We don't have to chose between becoming Turkish or becoming Greek or GC...We can chose to become Cypriots first,all of us,GC and TC alike....Dilimde tuy bitti Be Zan,soyleye soyleye....Precisely because we have the same language and religion with the Turks that we have no chance with them...They will swollow us whole....We cannot prevent assimilation with them...But with the GCs,precisely because we have different language and religion,we have every chance of preserving our ethnicity while committing ourselves to putting our country first...
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Postby Eric dayi » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:54 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:If we do not want what they want then why are we still living in the TRNC/KKTC and not moving in droves to the south?????You seem to want what you want and not what the majority of TCs want and that IS a fact....

The rest is pure you in that you scream about losing our roots as TCs but then offer us the Greek roots and ask what is wrong with Hellenism What is wrong with being Turkish...The transition from Turkish Cypriot to Turkish must be easier than TC to GC!!!!!!!At least we have the same religion and the same heroes...You may like to worship the Greek gods but we don't.....What is wrong with that.

As I said...You really need to stop this hate of the mainland Turks....Your children are half of what you hate and have nothing to do with the Greeks.....Let it go mate!!!

There is nothing wrong with being Turkish. And for the umpteenth time,I do not hate the Turks... What I hate is this false dichotomy you all keep coming up with...We don't have to chose between becoming Turkish or becoming Greek or GC...We can chose to become Cypriots first,all of us,GC and TC alike....Dilimde tuy bitti Be Zan,soyleye soyleye....Precisely because we have the same language and religion with the Turks that we have no chance with them...They will swollow us whole....We cannot prevent assimilation with them...But with the GCs,precisely because we have different language and religion,we have every chance of preserving our ethnicity while committing ourselves to putting our country first...

Tell me one thing you damn bastard, you have a choice to become what ever the heck you want to but you will not and do not want to give the rest of us TCs the same choice and you talk about "democracy"?

FFS Bir, piss off and do what you want and live the rest of us to do what we want you stupid convert.

A friend of mine used to say "how can anyone be so stupid with only one head" now I know he was talking about twats like you. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You call Turks of Turkey "foreigners" forgetting that your kids are half Turks so your own kids must also be "foreigners" to you as well then. With that much hate in your guts against Turks no wonder your wife left you and took you to the cleaners. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby zan » Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:08 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:If we do not want what they want then why are we still living in the TRNC/KKTC and not moving in droves to the south?????You seem to want what you want and not what the majority of TCs want and that IS a fact....

The rest is pure you in that you scream about losing our roots as TCs but then offer us the Greek roots and ask what is wrong with Hellenism What is wrong with being Turkish...The transition from Turkish Cypriot to Turkish must be easier than TC to GC!!!!!!!At least we have the same religion and the same heroes...You may like to worship the Greek gods but we don't.....What is wrong with that.

As I said...You really need to stop this hate of the mainland Turks....Your children are half of what you hate and have nothing to do with the Greeks.....Let it go mate!!!

There is nothing wrong with being Turkish. And for the umpteenth time,I do not hate the Turks... What I hate is this false dichotomy you all keep coming up with...We don't have to chose between becoming Turkish or becoming Greek or GC...We can chose to become Cypriots first,all of us,GC and TC alike....Dilimde tuy bitti Be Zan,soyleye soyleye....Precisely because we have the same language and religion with the Turks that we have no chance with them...They will swollow us whole....We cannot prevent assimilation with them...But with the GCs,precisely because we have different language and religion,we have every chance of preserving our ethnicity while committing ourselves to putting our country first...

We will not be allowed to Bir......That is the whole point......We will have to fight tooth and nail to secure a single right with them...History has taught us that and if you think that the 21st century is any different and we have become this magnificent creature that is going to allow others to breath then you are living in cloud cuckoo land. Thousands of those you wish to save will move out year after year. Why? Because it will be a Greek run monopoly with them coming first and foremost. That is the way it works. I would rather say I am Turkish than fight to be a Greek Muslim...They have no intention of letting our language be part of Cyprus or our culture for that matter.

Don't worry about the hair on your tongue.....I shave mine twice a day... :wink: :lol:
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Postby DT. » Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:21 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:If we do not want what they want then why are we still living in the TRNC/KKTC and not moving in droves to the south?????You seem to want what you want and not what the majority of TCs want and that IS a fact....

The rest is pure you in that you scream about losing our roots as TCs but then offer us the Greek roots and ask what is wrong with Hellenism What is wrong with being Turkish...The transition from Turkish Cypriot to Turkish must be easier than TC to GC!!!!!!!At least we have the same religion and the same heroes...You may like to worship the Greek gods but we don't.....What is wrong with that.

As I said...You really need to stop this hate of the mainland Turks....Your children are half of what you hate and have nothing to do with the Greeks.....Let it go mate!!!

There is nothing wrong with being Turkish. And for the umpteenth time,I do not hate the Turks... What I hate is this false dichotomy you all keep coming up with...We don't have to chose between becoming Turkish or becoming Greek or GC...We can chose to become Cypriots first,all of us,GC and TC alike....Dilimde tuy bitti Be Zan,soyleye soyleye....Precisely because we have the same language and religion with the Turks that we have no chance with them...They will swollow us whole....We cannot prevent assimilation with them...But with the GCs,precisely because we have different language and religion,we have every chance of preserving our ethnicity while committing ourselves to putting our country first...

Tell me one thing you damn bastard, you have a choice to become what ever the heck you want to but you will not and do not want to give the rest of us TCs the same choice and you talk about "democracy"?

FFS Bir, piss off and do what you want and live the rest of us to do what we want you stupid convert.

A friend of mine used to say "how can anyone be so stupid with only one head" now I know he was talking about twats like you. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You call Turks of Turkey "foreigners" forgetting that your kids are half Turks so your own kids must also be "foreigners" to you as well then. With that much hate in your guts against Turks no wonder your wife left you and took you to the cleaners. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Well done Eric, with your last sentence you've managed to do what all of us here at the forum thought it was impossible to. You found the way to go one more step lower.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:28 pm

DT. wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:If we do not want what they want then why are we still living in the TRNC/KKTC and not moving in droves to the south?????You seem to want what you want and not what the majority of TCs want and that IS a fact....

The rest is pure you in that you scream about losing our roots as TCs but then offer us the Greek roots and ask what is wrong with Hellenism What is wrong with being Turkish...The transition from Turkish Cypriot to Turkish must be easier than TC to GC!!!!!!!At least we have the same religion and the same heroes...You may like to worship the Greek gods but we don't.....What is wrong with that.

As I said...You really need to stop this hate of the mainland Turks....Your children are half of what you hate and have nothing to do with the Greeks.....Let it go mate!!!

There is nothing wrong with being Turkish. And for the umpteenth time,I do not hate the Turks... What I hate is this false dichotomy you all keep coming up with...We don't have to chose between becoming Turkish or becoming Greek or GC...We can chose to become Cypriots first,all of us,GC and TC alike....Dilimde tuy bitti Be Zan,soyleye soyleye....Precisely because we have the same language and religion with the Turks that we have no chance with them...They will swollow us whole....We cannot prevent assimilation with them...But with the GCs,precisely because we have different language and religion,we have every chance of preserving our ethnicity while committing ourselves to putting our country first...

Tell me one thing you damn bastard, you have a choice to become what ever the heck you want to but you will not and do not want to give the rest of us TCs the same choice and you talk about "democracy"?

FFS Bir, piss off and do what you want and live the rest of us to do what we want you stupid convert.

A friend of mine used to say "how can anyone be so stupid with only one head" now I know he was talking about twats like you. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You call Turks of Turkey "foreigners" forgetting that your kids are half Turks so your own kids must also be "foreigners" to you as well then. With that much hate in your guts against Turks no wonder your wife left you and took you to the cleaners. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Well done Eric, with your last sentence you've managed to do what all of us here at the forum thought it was impossible to. You found the way to go one more step lower.

Sadly I agree. Attacking nicknames is different from attacking family members. This is not right. Can we have some decorum please.
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Postby Eric dayi » Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:34 pm

DT. wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:If we do not want what they want then why are we still living in the TRNC/KKTC and not moving in droves to the south?????You seem to want what you want and not what the majority of TCs want and that IS a fact....

The rest is pure you in that you scream about losing our roots as TCs but then offer us the Greek roots and ask what is wrong with Hellenism What is wrong with being Turkish...The transition from Turkish Cypriot to Turkish must be easier than TC to GC!!!!!!!At least we have the same religion and the same heroes...You may like to worship the Greek gods but we don't.....What is wrong with that.

As I said...You really need to stop this hate of the mainland Turks....Your children are half of what you hate and have nothing to do with the Greeks.....Let it go mate!!!

There is nothing wrong with being Turkish. And for the umpteenth time,I do not hate the Turks... What I hate is this false dichotomy you all keep coming up with...We don't have to chose between becoming Turkish or becoming Greek or GC...We can chose to become Cypriots first,all of us,GC and TC alike....Dilimde tuy bitti Be Zan,soyleye soyleye....Precisely because we have the same language and religion with the Turks that we have no chance with them...They will swollow us whole....We cannot prevent assimilation with them...But with the GCs,precisely because we have different language and religion,we have every chance of preserving our ethnicity while committing ourselves to putting our country first...

Tell me one thing you damn bastard, you have a choice to become what ever the heck you want to but you will not and do not want to give the rest of us TCs the same choice and you talk about "democracy"?

FFS Bir, piss off and do what you want and live the rest of us to do what we want you stupid convert.

A friend of mine used to say "how can anyone be so stupid with only one head" now I know he was talking about twats like you. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You call Turks of Turkey "foreigners" forgetting that your kids are half Turks so your own kids must also be "foreigners" to you as well then. With that much hate in your guts against Turks no wonder your wife left you and took you to the cleaners. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Well done Eric, with your last sentence you've managed to do what all of us here at the forum thought it was impossible to. You found the way to go one more step lower.

No one can go as low as you and most of the Greeks/GCs in this forum Daft Twat.

You are the scum of the earth and Bir and kick-a-poonokio have joined you in the gutter with their hate for anything Turkish.

His wife did take him to the cleaners and his kid being half Turkish must be according to his rumblings "foreigners" to him.

He is a pity full twat and his wife should take him to court for being such a moronic racist and calling his own kids "foreigners". :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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