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Why Are the Turkish Generals Suddenly Rushing to Cyprus???

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:34 am

zan wrote:...You have no idea how your own mind works let alone...

I guess free-cyprus' doctrine took its toll... :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:45 am

zan wrote:..You did not suffer the traumas at that age so how the hell you can be so cock sure that if you cannot remember then I can't is beyond all intelligent thinking..

I don't just spout things out for the heck of it Zan, I DO put a lot of though in my writings and that’s exactly why I dispute it as hinted to Deniz…
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Postby zan » Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:49 am

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
humanist wrote:whatever dude

No not what ever but...Read the story of Cyprus and what happened when I was a small boy and then what happened when you were a small boy and come up with something better than your one track mind......

That’s right Andrea, the story about a cute curly boy selling matches who heard a couple of shots ring out during a hunting season and though it was WWIII is already taken! :roll:

Having gone through the terrible ordeal of a war, why dont you understand another three year olds traumatic experience.

Because I was 9.5 during the war and I know the difference between a 9.5 year old's versus a 3 year old's memory!

Back to that story again. Your suffering is (I am not disputing) was greater than Zans. Yeh, right. Only he (Zan) and his parents can know their suffering.

What is it that you (plural) think that it is only the GCs who suffered?
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :twisted:

I am merely disputing Zan's ability to recall events at age 3! Something devastating happened to me at age 3, equivalent if not worse than Zan's alleged experience, yet I had to be informed of the details later in life by someone else...

One shouldnt underestimate a 3.5 yr old childs intelligence and memory even if supplemented by grown-ups.

Supplemented or implanted? Therein lays the mystery... :?

Another thing for your information.....My parents hardly spoke of Cyprus to me...My father told me a few stories about rolling down hills in a great big tractor wheel and how they first ever got to eat Beef because the only cow in his village feel down a hill and broke its legs so they had to kill it.....So my dear expert on everybody else's feelings......All I ever heard were good stories to grow up with.....I now know why they never spoke to me of the extreme difficulties they faced and that was because of the dreams and the terrified little child that they didn't want to terrify any more. My mother was always over protective of me and I resented her for it for a long while because it was suffocating...I am still too afraid to ask her the reason but I have made up my mind that that may be the reason. I do not want her to live through it again so I will not ask.....

make of this what you will...I don't really care......
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:57 am

This is my last post for tonight...

Three-year-olds have very little memory for past events and do not understand "yesterday" and "tomorrow" the way adults do. They often repeat activities or may do and undo actions such as putting a puzzle together. These sequences are important to later understandings of change and consistency.
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Postby zan » Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:11 am

Get Real! wrote:This is my last post for tonight...

Three-year-olds have very little memory for past events and do not understand "yesterday" and "tomorrow" the way adults do. They often repeat activities or may do and undo actions such as putting a puzzle together. These sequences are important to later understandings of change and consistency.

You are doing it again...think things through man :roll: :roll: :roll: A three year old does not have memories of the past.......I am not three any more you golon......I have a memory of the past.........Are you really this inept or are you just playing with me....? :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby humanist » Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:10 am

Your contradicting yourself, you cliam we havent lost anything then you say we will get it back when we give into your demands??

yeap thats me another contradicting Cypriot. Not that your objective to look at what Zan said and I was merely responding to his comments.
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:37 am

Kikapu has ranked the photo of the Tekke in Larnaca first in his holiday snapshots, as a true Cypriot would.

I enjoy the horrified look on the faces of some mainland Greeks when I include the Tekke in my list of important religious sites in Cyprus. I am not at all religious but can perceive the spirituality of that place. Most Cypriots feel the same way I am guessing.
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:48 am

humanist wrote:VP
Your contradicting yourself, you cliam we havent lost anything then you say we will get it back when we give into your demands??

yeap thats me another contradicting Cypriot. Not that your objective to look at what Zan said and I was merely responding to his comments.

So in other words you are just contradicting yourself just to be a "contradicting Cypriot". In short, you are talking shite. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:14 am

Murataga wrote:Firstly, the only thing that came out of the U.N. with a number 186 in its title about Cyprus in 1964 was Resolution 186, adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 4 March 1964. This resolution was abopted unanimously by the 11 members of the council (5 of whom were permanent):

1) Bolivia 2) Brazil 3) China — Permanent Member 4) Czechoslovakia 5)France — Permanent Member 6) Ivory Coast 7) Morocco 8 ) Norway 9) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics — Permanent Member 10) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland — Permanent Member 11) United States of America — Permanent Member

Turkey was NOT a member. So, contrary to your accusation above, not only did the Turkish government NOT sign this resolution, in fact, it COULD NOT sign it because she was not a member.

Secondly, in that Resolution, reference was made to the ‘Government of Cyprus’ against the protestations of the Turkish side. That government had become non-existent because of the GC side’s destruction of the 1960 Constitution and its armed onslaught on the TCs. However, this mattered very little to the West, which was more interested in maintaining stability in the Cold War era, than protecting TC rights and the rule of law. The UN was used merely as an instrument to get international approval for this policy. It should also be noted that what was then regarded as stability in the short term, proved to be instability in the mid- and long-term.

Thank you for that information,Murataga...
I am happy to concede that my information might have been wrong...
I read it in Afrika's online edition some time ago. From memory the journalist's name was Ulker Fahri...

Since you didn't contest it,I take it that the rest of the information (About Turkey's agreements in 1995,99,and 2003 for Cyprus to join the EU) was correct...I took it from the same article...Do you have comments on Turkey's motivations regarding those agreements????
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:30 am

Zan wrote:You really are a nasty piece of work at times GR..Your world is a small psrt of what goes on in this world and you think you know it all.....You have no idea how your own mind works let alone projecting your insensitive views on what I remember or what I went through...My brothers and sisters were older than me and they went through hell but had the ability to remember in the normal way...My memory kept it self locked away for years......I had terrible night sweats and dreams throughout my childhood an d wet the bed This will give those children of the damned like Sotos some ammunition)until I was 11 years old because of those dreams.....I then had a break down a few years ago where I had even more vivid dreams that turned out to be memories...Now...As the GR that you are and your inability to think things through...You did not suffer the traumas at that age so how the hell you can be so cock sure that if you cannot remember then I can't is beyond all intelligent thinking.....I hit myself on the thumb with a hammer the other day..Did you feel that you moron???? How long ago did you stop learning GR...You are just like those old men that are going to drive their children crazy because you know it all and they will never know as much as you.....What a prat you are mate.....

Some child-psychologists believe that the brain starts recording sounds and emotions from the time the baby is in his/her mother's womb...
A 3-year-old might not remember the actual events but his emotional memory would record them,and his subconscious would process them for sure...And there is no way of telling how the individual would be affected.
Some not much, others profoundly. Zan no doubt suffered from some kind of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome,and is brave enough to acknowledge it and admit its horrible effects publicly...It takes guts to come out and reveal so much of yourself in a forum like this...I salute you,mate... 8)
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