Xybadog wrote:Hi
Can someone please help with a question I have about the Greek language?
I'm over in Cyprus later in the year and am currently learning Greek language on audio course.
However the word I am being told is the Greek for "Hello" i neither Yassoo or Yassas (which I was already aware of).
It sounds, phonetically, like Hee-eretay, but the H is quite harsh so could be Shee-eretay.
Anyone any ideas? Thanks

HELLO Xybadog
"Yasoo" it means hello when you talk to one person
"Yassas" it means hello again

but is the polite way or when you say hello to two or more people

(the way you write them phonetically is so funny but good for you for trying to learn Greek) its written very weird but the kind of hello end with an o after the t so it will be Hereto...kind of! Which means I salute you
And finally teh "Sheeeretay" it sound more Cypriot way...The sound of the proper Greek h/ch in Cypriot dialect becomes sh
By the way if the sound -ay is more like "aee" like a for apple and ee for pee that means that someone else salute you...like "O Petros sas heretay" =Peter salute you(plural)
Hope that doesnt confuse you but help you understand the difference.