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Cabaret, Gentlemens club.

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Re: Cabaret, Gentlemens club.

Postby webbo » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:34 pm

purdey wrote:Are these places deemed to be respectable in Cyprus. Should they be on the main tourist roads in Cyprus.
Am I old fashioned or are these places run by human trafficers, and frequented by the dregs of society...

No doubt there will be no replies to this post, who would want to be associated with such places, unless of course it is incognito or after dark !!

From what I have been told, some of these establishments are definitely seedy and bordering on brothels! Not needed IMHO!

They are all over the island (open your eyes O) beside bakeries, general shops and even schools! You must not travel at night as they are all lit up!!

A lot of the ladies are from the Eastern European block and maybe do not know what they are letting themselves in for when they first start

Fact of life, men have been leching after women since time began, is never going to stop!!

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Postby webbo » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:37 pm

tessintrnc wrote:
Oracle wrote:
purdey wrote:Pull the other one Phoenix...if you want Laura Ashley material ring Mr Timmins at the Curium Palace hotel in Limassol. He imports every fabric known in the trade.

.... is this above board? :?

Sounds a bit fishy to me .....


Oracle, it's strange............I never picture you in floral, always tweed and brogues :wink:

............or a good Barbour jacket and wellies..................... :lol: :lol:

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