There cannot be a democracy where you have political parties. With a democracy, you vote for what an individual stands for without his having to toe a party line. If Blair or Howard or Bush or Sharon or Chirac or Schroeder or Papadopolous or whoever says snap your fingers, everyone snaps their fingers, no matter what the issues are (we saw that here a year ago

Also, true democrats representing the people would be a LOT more intelligent than those who do not think but just blindly follow the party line, mainly because the latter are incapable of thinking. I'm convinced that over 90% of the elected must have an IQ below the average, starting with Bush. So today's "democracy" is really an oligarchy of the mentally near-retarded. In fact, if they were more intelligent, the candidates would not even stand for election.
The nearest you can find to a democracy in the developed world today is in Switzerland, but even that has flaws. Firstly, the politicians and, above all, the sovereign people are sufficiently intelligent that they have consistently refused to join the EU. Secondly, there is a three tier system of government, communal, cantonal and federal. The most power goes to the commune (which also raises the most taxes), so that everything that it is possible to rule at a communal level is done so. The elected therefore are in touch with the people and meet them in the bistrot every night. The cantonal authorities are weaker and mainly supervise the uniformity of the communes; e.g., to make sure all the communal schools follow the same curriculum, within laid-down limits. The federal is there only for things that cannot be regulated at a lower level, such as money, foreign affairs, customs, military etc, and they receive only a small part of the taxes. A communal politician is therefore more useful than a federal one who is there only for the ego-trip. Some smaller cantons still do their cantonal and communal voting by a show of hands of the whole population (in other words, they have only an Executive body but no legislative body other than the whole adult population meeting in a Landsgemeinde) -- THAT is near-democracy.