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"Christofias accepted all the Turkish conditions"

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby unitedwestand » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:59 pm

Piratis wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:Bananiot speaks the truth. You lot just don't get it do you? You are all guilty of crimes against the TCs. You have all been found guilty and have been sentenced accordingly. Everything that's happened and will happen from here on are part of this punishment.

If you cant do the time don't do the crime. I hope you have all learnt your lessons and will not commit these crimes ever again.

And who found us guilty? You? The biggest criminals of earth?
You invaded our island, you kill 10s of thousands of us, you oppress us for 3 centuries, then you make a small brake, and then you start again the crimes with killing even more 1000s, ethnically cleansing 100s of thousands and stealing our lands, and then you have the nerve to call us guilty? What is our crime? That we want our freedom in our own island from the invadors of your kind?

Here is who are the guilty criminals who commit illegalities:

RESOLUTION 541 (1983)

Adopted by the Security Council
on 18 November 1983

The Security Council,

Having heard the statement of the Foreign Minister of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus,

Concerned at the declaration by the Turkish Cypriot authorities issued on 15 November 1983 which purports to create an independent state in northern Cyprus,

Considering that this declaration is incompatible with the 1960 Treaty concerning the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus and the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee,

Considering therefore that the attempt to create a "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", is invalid, and will contribute to a worsening of the situation in Cyprus,

Reaffirming its resolutions 365(1974) and 367(1975),

Aware of the need for a solution of the Cyprus problem, based on the mission of good offices undertaken by the Secretary-General,

Affirming its continuing support for the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus,

Taking note of the Secretary-General's statement of 17 November 1983,

1. Deplores the declaration of the Turkish Cypriot authorities of the purported secession of part of the Republic of Cyprus;

2. Considers the declaration referred to above as legally invalid and calls for its withdrawal;

3. Calls for the urgent and effective implementation of its resolutions 365(1974) and 367(1975);

4. Requests the Secretary-General to pursue his mission of good offices in order to achieve the earliest possible progress towards a just and lasting settlement in Cyprus;

5. Calls upon the parties to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General in his mission of good offices;

6. Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and non-alignment of the Republic of Cyprus;

7. Calls upon all States not to recognise any Cypriot state other than the Republic of Cyprus;

8. Calls upon all States and the two communities in Cyprus to refrain from any action which might exacerbate the situation;

9. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council fully informed.

Adopted at the 2500th meeting by 13 votes to 1 against (Pakistan) with 1 abstention (Jordan).

And thats just one of them.

Oh my God. I'm not getting into this shit with you. Piratis, you should be in a straitjacket.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:19 pm

What happened "unitedwestand"? You come here to accuse us that we are all guilty of crimes but when you are presented with the facts you eat your words?

We never ventured out of our island to harm anybody my friend. It is you who kept invading us, occupying our lands and killing Cypriots by the 1000s.

Here, I present you the "crime" of GCs:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

How did those "criminal" Cypriots and all those that came after them dare to commit the "crime" of fighting for their freedom from their foreign oppressors?? Good that those "nice" Turks have always been quick to punish the "evil" Cypriots for their crimes. :roll:
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:23 pm

Piratis wrote:What happened "unitedwestand"? You come here to accuse us that we are all guilty of crimes but when you are presented with the facts you eat your words?

We never ventured out of our island to harm anybody my friend. It is you who kept invading us, occupying our lands and killing Cypriots by the 1000s.

Here, I present you the "crime" of GCs:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

How did those "criminal" Cypriots and all those that came after them dare to commit the "crime" of fighting for their freedom from their foreign oppressors?? Good that those "nice" Turks have always been quick to punish the "evil" Cypriots for their crimes. :roll:

200 years ago vs 45 years ago, your crimes are more recent, you are therefore more guilty of division.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:25 pm

Piratis wrote:What happened "unitedwestand"? You come here to accuse us that we are all guilty of crimes but when you are presented with the facts you eat your words?

That appears to be the case with this character all over the forum. Like so many before him, he thought he knew Cyprus only to discover that most of what he knew was manufactured rubbish… his disappointment must be great.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:29 pm

No VP. You are the ones who always started the crimes. In 1751 (and even earlier when you raided and destroyed our towns), in 1821 (and everything in between), in 1958 when you started the intercommunal conflict against us, in 1974 when you again invaded our country, and in 2008, the most recent of all, where you criminals continue to illegally occupy our lands.

Basically every single generation of Cypriots for the last 4+ centuries has suffered from the criminals of your kind who kept invading our island.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:36 pm

Piratis wrote:No VP. You are the ones who always started the crimes. In 1751 (and even earlier when you raided and destroyed our towns), in 1821 (and everything in between), in 1958 when you started the intercommunal conflict against us, in 1974 when you again invaded our country, and in 2008, the most recent of all, where you criminals continue to illegally occupy our lands.

Basically every single generation of Cypriots for the last 4+ centuries has suffered from the criminals of your kind who kept invading our island.

And you had nothing to do with the above shit is that what you are telling me? you were the cause and your claim about us starting the trouble in 1958 is also false, there are TCs who can remember the events which the GCs used against the TCs, can you tell me what happened in Bogaz the region between Nicosia and Kyrenia???? Do you want to meet an old TC who remembers everything you did, or the woman who's husband was taken and murdered by you ho so European GCs leaving her alone to bring up 5 children on her own. Both sides suffered but the litmus paper which set off the explosion was your enosis shit, so start analysing inwards and you may get a few answers to why we do not trust your application of democracy and human rights towards TCs.
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Postby unitedwestand » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:48 pm

Piratis wrote:What happened "unitedwestand"? You come here to accuse us that we are all guilty of crimes but when you are presented with the facts you eat your words?

We never ventured out of our island to harm anybody my friend. It is you who kept invading us, occupying our lands and killing Cypriots by the 1000s.

Here, I present you the "crime" of GCs:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

How did those "criminal" Cypriots and all those that came after them dare to commit the "crime" of fighting for their freedom from their foreign oppressors?? Good that those "nice" Turks have always been quick to punish the "evil" Cypriots for their crimes. :roll:

Fact, OJ Simpson is innocent, undeniable fact. You, GR, Oracle Sotos Kifeas and the rest of you fanatics will learn your lesson at the end of this year. You will scream "BANAIYAMOU why is this happening to us, we are the victims we are innocent please help" But no one will hear or care about your cries, everybody now knows the truth, you copying and pasting the shit that you do is superseded by the truth, maybe not on paper, not yet anyway but embedded in peoples minds. Right from the top (UN,EU USA GB etc) to the man on tye street. You keep denying as much as you like but you are no OJ Simpson. your only a handful of murdering bastards that have been caught in the act.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:48 pm

VP, when you loose the argument you remember your manufactured propaganda.

In the 50s we were fighting against the colonialists for our freedom, in the same way we had fought our Ottoman oppressors before. We didn't attack you. But you attacked us and started the inter-communal conflict because the British promised you that if you helped them to oppress our revolution they would grand you benefits on our loss.

Yes in that conflict you lost some 100s of people and we lost some 100s too. But how can you blame us for it when it is you who started it. (as always)

Here is the British video again (not what the sister of my grandmother supposdedly said, but what your friends the British say)

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:50 pm

Viewpoint wrote:...your claim about us starting the trouble in 1958 is also false, there are TCs who can remember the events which the GCs used against the TCs, can you tell me what happened in Bogaz the region between Nicosia and Kyrenia????

On the night of 7 June shortly after 10 p.m. a bomb explosion outside the Turkish Press Office in Nicosia set off the worst outbreak of racial strife which the island had seen since British rule. The explosion served as a time signal and an excuse for Turkish rioters to invade the Greek sector of the old town. The Greeks sounded the alarm by pealing the church bells; in the violent clashes which took place, two Greeks were killed and much Greek property was ransacked or destroyed by fire. ... %2758.html

How many eggs can your face take? :?
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Postby Piratis » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:51 pm

unitedwestand wrote:
Piratis wrote:What happened "unitedwestand"? You come here to accuse us that we are all guilty of crimes but when you are presented with the facts you eat your words?

We never ventured out of our island to harm anybody my friend. It is you who kept invading us, occupying our lands and killing Cypriots by the 1000s.

Here, I present you the "crime" of GCs:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

How did those "criminal" Cypriots and all those that came after them dare to commit the "crime" of fighting for their freedom from their foreign oppressors?? Good that those "nice" Turks have always been quick to punish the "evil" Cypriots for their crimes. :roll:

Fact, OJ Simpson is innocent, undeniable fact. You, GR, Oracle Sotos Kifeas and the rest of you fanatics will learn your lesson at the end of this year. You will scream "BANAIYAMOU why is this happening to us, we are the victims we are innocent please help" But no one will hear or care about your cries, everybody now knows the truth, you copying and pasting the shit that you do is superseded by the truth, maybe not on paper, not yet anyway but embedded in peoples minds. Right from the top (UN,EU USA GB etc) to the man on tye street. You keep denying as much as you like but you are no OJ Simpson. your only a handful of murdering bastards that have been caught in the act.

:roll: if you know the "truth" then why you don't post the facts instead of just repeating the empty anti-Greek Cypriot slogans they taught you at your school in order to excuse the illegal occupation of our country?
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