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Maronite Elections in Kormacit

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Maronite Elections in Kormacit

Postby turkcyp » Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:00 pm

This last Sunday. Maronites living in Kormacit elected their muktar (village mayor) also. Out of 112 Maronites living in Kormacit, 74 of them had voted. And the only person running for mukthar, İlias Papas, got 72 of the votes. (Two voted deemed invalid). The rest of the Maronites in the Korucam, did not participate in the election weither they were sick or they were backing the mokhtar (Cucukis), appointed by RoC without any election among the Maronites living in Korucam. RoC had never decalred any mukhtar in Kormacit before last year announcement of elections in Kormacit. With the possibility of Maronites choosing their own muktar, RoC choose to appoint a mukhtar for Maronites.


This is the first election of Maronites in Kormacit in the last 31 years. Lat year TRNC government also cleared the restrictions of Maronites who had moved to south of Cyprus from Kormacit to come and claim their property in Kormacit as well. Prior to last year any Maronites that moved to south could not claim their property in Kormacit. But starting from last year, even if they still live in south they can claim their property in Kormacit and register it under their name as well. It is said that after this many old Maronites hat still live in Kormacit choose to transfer all their property to their kids that are currently living and working in south, so that in the case of their death their kids would not have hard time claiming their properties. I do not know the extent of applicability of the property issue yet though. I think they are some problems with it which are being sorted out right now.

Also hear say in the north is that TRNC government is also planning to make the same easement policies on the GCs living in Karpasia as well. Accepting their pre-74 deeds and registering their property in the north as theirs, and in the next possible elections they will be given an opportunity to vote for their own mukhtar.

I think these are very positive developments in the north, that deepens the democracy in the north.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:35 pm

that deepens the democracy in the north.

That must be one of the biggest jokes ever.

Democracy is supposed to mean that in a direct or indirect way the citizens of a country govern their own country. In the case of north Cyprus, the majority of the citizens were kicked out, and they were replaced by citizens of another country.

"TRNC" and democracy are two contradictory concepts. As long as "TRNC" exists, democracy in north Cyprus will not exist.
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Postby turkcyp » Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:11 pm

The RoC Government refuses to recognise elected Kormakitis mukhtar ... 3&cat_id=1

'Government Spokesman Kypros Chrystostomides echoed Demetriou’s comments, saying, “there is an illegal community leader in Kormakitis, who of course cannot be recognised by the Cyprus government.”...

Who knows may be RoC soon will start telling us TCs who are leader should be too. They are doing it to Maronites, and we all know in the eyes of RoC TCs are no different than Maronites.

Who knows may be the whole last Sundays election was a sham in the eyes of RoC, and you may never know T.Pap. may come nad keep on insisting that he want to negotiate with Denktas because he is the community leader in the eyes of RoC.

Man they are sinking everyday....

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Postby garbitsch » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:58 pm

The independent organisation of "Freedom House" does not aggree with your arbitrary statements Piratis. For them, North Cyprus has been a "free state" for the last four years: ... cyprus.htm
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Postby Piratis » Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:11 pm

"Freedom House"

Who? Was that one of the 100s sites I opened a couple of days ago on my server?
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Postby erolz » Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:42 pm

Piratis wrote:
"Freedom House"

Who? Was that one of the 100s sites I opened a couple of days ago on my server?

A longer history then than Cyprus has as a sovreign nation.
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Postby garbitsch » Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:28 pm

I also use Freedom House as a good source for my masters study. So do the professors in my university. Well, Piratis might know better than them.
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Postby cannedmoose » Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:41 pm

garbitsch wrote:I also use Freedom House as a good source for my masters study. So do the professors in my university. Well, Piratis might know better than them.

And it's one of the few American 'freedom monitor' organisations that actually monitors the US itself and highlights concerns... so they deserve some respect.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:48 pm

And it's one of the few American

Aren't they the ones (along with the British) who are trying to split Cyprus and give half of it to the Turks?
Yes, their history is long and well known.
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Postby garbitsch » Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:40 pm

So, you didn't like this organisation, because it is based in US? What a logic!
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