denizaksulu wrote:Filitsa wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Filitsa wrote:icon
In keeping with the object of the game, for each of the words above, what is a literary term that names a type of figurative language?
Indulge me just this one time?
Hypo................................hieroglyphs?/a glyph? Perhaps others know better I'm sure.
Nice try, Deniz.
icon - onomatopoeia
iconography - hyperbole
I went on memory. I remembered the word 'glyphs' were used to desribe the Aztec/Mayan graphics designed/carved in stone.
I think that neither of terms above are suitable to the words you have offered for consideration, nor do I think that there is one literary term which encapsulates 'Figurative Language' since such language is so diverse.
Perhaps I am mistaken but I cannot see any connection between 'Icon' and 'Onomatopoeia', it just does not 'Sound' correct (IMHO).
Maybe others know better.
Back on topic................. Rye.