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TCs.. You know when someone is a GC/Greek when....

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TCs.. You know when someone is a GC/Greek when....

Postby xxNilxx » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:09 pm

You can tell when someone is a Greek/Greek Cypriot because...

1) They speak so loud that kendi aralarinda beraberken o zone tabakasi delinir!!!
2) They just add an 'aki' to the end of the word and it becomes a GREEK word.
3) The only thing they know how to do with 100% ambition and determination is criticize and make propaganda about turkish cypriots and turks. (especially to foreigners)
4) Whenever they see a TC, they go on and on about their houses and north and then say 'so what are we going to do about the cyprus problem'
(like we are politicans and going to solve it)
5) At least one member of their family say 'Tourkos kalos mono nekros' (best turk is only dead turk)
6) When they address their friends by saying 'mou' then they are 100% Greek :D
7) They don't drink raki, they drink OUZO
8) At least one member of their families wheres black or a day or even their whole life when a relative died.
10) They think that Greeks invented everything :shock: and that no other nation could even come close to being as good as a 'Greek'
11) They are extremely fanatik wherever they go
12) At least 700 people are expected to their wedding
13) They just can NOT except 'No' for an answer
14) When you say that you are a Turkish Cypriot and they look at you in the unbelievaby shocked and disgusted face .. like this.. :shock:
15) They are nice to you but then say BELLOS TOURKI (crazy turk) behind your back..

16) They just can NOT get enough of Turks wherevr they go they find a turk to argue with.. (BIG LOVE)
17) When TC and GC . Turks and Greeks share many common and similar cultural things eg. being tavli/tavla .. and similar food... but they COMPLETELY deny it and say it is GREEK
18) and that EVERYTHING is GREEK...
19) They all secretly believe 'KIPROS EINAI ELINIKA' (Cyprus is Greek) ...
20) When they sad 'I' to a Turkish word and it becomes a GREEK word .. eg portokal is now a GREEK word .. portokali.

Almost 100% right and funny thing is Turks and Greeks still CAN NOT get away from eachother...must be big love :roll:
Last edited by xxNilxx on Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby RebelWithoutAPause » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:11 pm

Turks are jelous of Greeks - fullstop lol.
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Postby xxNilxx » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:14 pm

Greeks are jealous of Turks. Full stop.

come admit it it's 100% TRUE. :D
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Postby xxNilxx » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:15 pm

neyinizden kiskanalim bre deli gavur?? haha hepsiniz delisiniz zaten.

what should we be jealous about, the fact that you are POLI trellos ??? if you were clever you would have listened to Makarios and this island would have been greek before 74.. if you were not crazy there would have been a solution for cyprus.. you just do NOT want peace.

you love your 'ELLAS' to much.
Last edited by xxNilxx on Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby xxNilxx » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:16 pm

you just can NOT accept that all those things were TRUE.. (and it writes that Greeks can NOT except anything anyway) :D so i'm very accurate.

avti ine i moni alithia....

anyway... KIBRISLI TURKLER... 100% right deyil??!
Last edited by xxNilxx on Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby boomerang » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:20 pm

touti arkepse na mas pezi moutsio :lol:
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Postby RebelWithoutAPause » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:22 pm

Turks have always coverted Greek lands.

They are jelous the rich history of the Greek people and try their best to discredit it.


Besides what ive always wanted to know is that why Turks try to portray themselves as secular when they look to Ataturk as their god??

...and why do Turks wank over the Turkish flag so much?
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Postby xxNilxx » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:23 pm

Ataturk is the Turkish God..
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Postby xxNilxx » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:24 pm

if you don't already know why... go and research him and find out... you can only wish for a man like him for ELLADA.

haha these people can never accept the truth :roll: besides get over it, it's just your habits.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:28 pm

What is the purpose of this nonsense? :roll: :?: :?: :?: :?: :roll:
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