STOP!!! STOP criticizing Turkey.
1) Dunyanin EN GUZEL memleketidir
2) They saved you
3) They provide FOR YOU
4) They send 'TRNC' billions of pounds every year
Turkey is the most beautiful country ve bir cok avrupa ulkelerden COK daha zengindir. ELLAS(yunanistandan) daha zengindir
Turkey is a country that has so much natural resources kimseyi istemezler, avrupa gereksiz.. Umit stop criticizing Turkey. Turkiyenin turizmi is on a BOOM, ve her sene Turkiye daha da zengin olur ve daha cok gelismeler olur.
Turkiyeyi cok karistirirlar... ELLADA provides money for PKK terrorists to bomb Turkey. SO many countries try to stir Turkey up, bir yandan musluman araplar, bir yandan Amerika, bir yandan gavurlar...Nobody wants a guclu Turkiye... and bir yandan nankor kibrisli turklernan (KKTC)ugrasir adamlar... AND THEY ARE STILL ON TOP, BU KADAR KARISTIRMAYNAN VE ZORLUKLARNAN, THEY ARE STILL ON TOP .
Tessekur edecemize, necin elestiririk!