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TCs.. You know when someone is a GC/Greek when....

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Postby zan » Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:36 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
DT. wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
DT. wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
DT. wrote:
xxNilxx wrote:Why are you getting Mustafa Kemal Ataturk involved in this?? We never get Makarios involved in anything.

it is not true at all and thus very far from funny....<< quote

are you seriously?? this is not true? most of those posts is true unfortunetly :evil:

WHats not true about him being a drunk paedophile?

Even if true, a supposedly cultured and civilised person as I assumed you are should know better. Another disappointment. We all know his love for Raki, whats the big deal. Anyone seen him drunk. So what, your gripe is you have a sore memory.
The next topic might be a cloaked papas.

Thats funny Deniz....after 12 pages of posts about taking the piss out of GC's you decide to get sensitive on page 12 when ataturk is mentioned.

I am dissapointed mate, not you.

I mightneedle some people for their comments, but taking the piss out of leaders, I have not done (on this forum) yet. If need be, there is plenty smut around.

whats so special about leaders? Are they worth more to you than taking the piss out of someone personally?

I disagree with the logic there.

Far from defending Mustafa Kemal (his achievement talk for themselves), I am one of those who is angry at him at allowing Cyprus to be ceded to the British in 1923, Lausanne. No, he was not perfect. No man is perfect.
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Postby xxNilxx » Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:40 pm

WHats not true about him being a drunk paedophile? << quote

I NEVER said it wasn't true, I admit he had an alcohol problem which is why he died, from liver poisoning or something like that.. At least we ADMIT things .. unlike YOU
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Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:47 pm

He NEVER had an alcohol problem ! He just enjoyed his drink !!
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:50 pm

miltiades wrote:He NEVER had an alcohol problem ! He just enjoyed his drink !!

Hi Miltiades, How is Yianni?
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Postby xxNilxx » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:55 pm

He NEVER had an alcohol problem ! He just enjoyed his drink !! << quote

unfortunetly he enjoyed his drink a little too much :( :cry:
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Postby umit07 » Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:22 am

denizaksulu wrote:
xxNilxx wrote:10 sene daha yasasaydi .. Islam diye bir dini completely silecekdi Turkiyeden ve bugun Turkiye musluman olmayacakti..
Sadece 10 sene daha yasasaydi :cry:

30 sene daha yasasaydi COOOK seyleri degistirecekdi..COK!
keske.... :(

Belki de.

Fakir fakirleştikçe , zengin daha da zenginleştikçe , ülkede orta sınıf diye bir kesim olmadığı takdirde bir bok değişmez Türkiye'de.

In 5 years the number of billonaries in Turkey increased for 8 to 22!!!
But the country ain't getting any richer!!
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Postby xxNilxx » Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:32 pm

STOP!!! STOP criticizing Turkey.

1) Dunyanin EN GUZEL memleketidir
2) They saved you
3) They provide FOR YOU
4) They send 'TRNC' billions of pounds every year

Turkey is the most beautiful country ve bir cok avrupa ulkelerden COK daha zengindir. ELLAS(yunanistandan) daha zengindir
Turkey is a country that has so much natural resources kimseyi istemezler, avrupa gereksiz.. Umit stop criticizing Turkey. Turkiyenin turizmi is on a BOOM, ve her sene Turkiye daha da zengin olur ve daha cok gelismeler olur.

Turkiyeyi cok karistirirlar... ELLADA provides money for PKK terrorists to bomb Turkey. SO many countries try to stir Turkey up, bir yandan musluman araplar, bir yandan Amerika, bir yandan gavurlar...Nobody wants a guclu Turkiye... and bir yandan nankor kibrisli turklernan (KKTC)ugrasir adamlar... AND THEY ARE STILL ON TOP, BU KADAR KARISTIRMAYNAN VE ZORLUKLARNAN, THEY ARE STILL ON TOP .


Tessekur edecemize, necin elestiririk! :evil: :evil: :evil:
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