denizaksulu wrote:Eric dayi wrote:Selena79 wrote:it is not true at all and thus very far from funny....
It's true and is seriously hilarious, just read some of the postings from Greek/GC posters who claim that ALL TCs speak Greek.
I came accross that too. I couldnt stop laughing. Maybe true with TCs whose lived in mixed villages/towns(Limassol). That would include a mature age of 30/40 plus.
Those born after 1974 and live in the north, it would be a diiferent thing.
Unless, the poster who made that claim is talking about the TCs who stayed behind in the south. Perhaps they think they are the only TCs around.
Maybe they do think that and that's what makes it hilarious.
When I was in the TRNC two years ago one of my cousins told that
a GC came to where he lived and started talking to him in Greek. My cousin tried to tell him that he can't understand a word he is saying but the
GC guy just kept talking to him in Greek. Right at the end when the GC guy realised he wouldn't get anywhere in Greek he started talking to my cousin in near enough perfect English. It turned out he was asking for directions.
My cousin asked him why he talked to him in Greek when he can speak English, the GC guy just said "you are a Cypriot and must be able to speak Greek". I think it was at this point when my cousin told him to f-off. He must have got the message and got in his car and did just that.