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We’re (GCs) the ones who need a settlement fast

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby RebelWithoutAPause » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:06 pm

What about the Blacks in France, the Indians in the UK, the Turks in Greece, The Turks in Bulgaria, ask them about how the EU protects their human rights under EU law, you are talking about a body of nations who do not have a task force or any infrastructure to deal with conflicts, they need 205 meetings just to buy a pen, noway will we protect our human rights and the GCs will manipulate the situation to benefit their own community, you dont face this risk so you must at least accept that the safeguards we demand are vital to any solution. If you have no intention of using your numerical advantage then you should have no objection to addressing our concerns by putting in place safeguards which according to you will never be necessary as the GC excude an adminstration that is democratic and protects everyones human rights irrelevent of their ethnic origin.

Go on VP...tell us what you know about the Blacks in France, the Indians in the UK, the Turks in Greece and the Turks in Bulgaria??? For starters, I would say the Indians in the UK have got it pretty good and im sure most of them would agree. Now what about the Blacks in France VP? Tell us about them? Are you talking the African Blacks or the Carribean Blacks?

To be honest, i have no intention of taking a dickhead like you seriously nor waste my time constructing a decent reply for, you are simply nor worth it, the only thing you are good for is to ruin a debate i was having with someone else. You can make whatever you like out of it, wont change the fact that you are a racist cunt and i have no reason to discuss anything with you

HA! LOL You have got to be kidding me right???...and what makes you think people are having a serious debate with YOU when they reply to one of your posts??? For starters you've never even read a shread of history unless its written in Turkish, like your split personality buddy VP too.

The "indigenous" debate has been going on here way before you brought your sorry arse in so as they say, if you have nothing constructive to add then shut the fuck up and listen, alright sunshine?

Why waste constructive conversation on ignorant morans who think history started in 1963? lol. I gave you the short and to the point reply that you can only understand - i'll save the 'constructive' to those that deserve it.

...and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE quit with the accusations of racism and human rights abuses! Its clear to see that you dont have a clue what these terms mean. You even made racist comments about black people and the Hip Hop culture, yet you call ME racist LOL. I suppose you believe in what your god Ataturk says eh? That one Turk equals the world and the rest dont matter.

Now go wank over your picture of Ataturk and clear the mess up with your Turkish flag.
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Postby RebelWithoutAPause » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:09 pm

You answer reveals you are a moron and not even worth answering as long as people like you exsist ther will never be a solution, you are the problem.

Thats ALL you two can say isnt it - 'Oh your not worth answering'...because really and truly you dont know WHAT to say lol. Please Shah and VP - hit us with some legit knowledge instead of "Oh your not worth replying to".
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Postby unitedwestand » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:21 pm

Elvis was a hero to most - but he never meant sh*t to me

Anybody that says the above about Elvis is not worth the time of day. He meant a hell of a lot to a lot of people around the world.

What contribution if any have you made to our planet RW? Do you have any idea how insignificant you may be?
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Postby RebelWithoutAPause » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:31 pm

Anybody that says the above about Elvis is not worth the time of day. He meant a hell of a lot to a lot of people around the world.

Elvis was just the acceptable white face to exploit black music of that time. Besides, your only giving VP and Shah an excuse to side-step my questions.
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:41 pm

You have questions mamas boy? I thought you were just rapping away your usual crap that doesn't actually mean anything. I dont actually bother reading anything you write that would take longer than 2 seconds.

First of all, if you want me to answer you a) ask real questions b) don't put words in my mouth c) don't make assumptions about what i might or might not think or know about the matter you know nothing about me c) stop initiating cheap racial attacks d) basically just stop being a general little student no body likes students, they stink, they are cheap and they think they know everything only to graduate and find out that they are not worth shit!!

Oh and e) change your avatar because Public Enemy is just lame :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:19 am

shahmaran wrote:
Piratis wrote:On the other hand the Kurds are the native people of the area called Kurdistan, and existed there long before the Turks came. The Kurds didn't steal the land they inhabit from the Turks. An example similar to the Kurds would be the Tibetans.

Where do you come up with this rubbish Piratis, is there some kind of an unwritten law that suggests "first come first serve" or have you done a genetic research to trace back the "natives" of certain lands, because according to you GC's are supposedly also meant to be the "natives" of Cyprus, yet we know that is utter crap.

In other words your entire argument, once boiled down, is based on an assumption you have mustered up in your own time which has absolutely no real scientific nor historical basis and you use it to give people priority rights to geographic locations. So according to you should Turks go back to central Asia and claim their "rightful" lands back?

People move around, fight, conquer, settle, fight more, travel more, go extinct, get assimilated, etc. this is just human nature, it means nothing at the current argument.

Apparently you are stuck in the middle ages and you believe that it is still fine to invade, conquer and steal the lands of others.

This might have been the norm in the past, but the Nazis who continue to support such ideas today are called criminals, not "natural". If we go by your kind of mentality then we should also classify rape and having sex with under age children as "natural" as well.

Why can't you finally progress in the 21st century and accept democracy, human rights and try to control your animal instincts? The era when the Turks could advance by using just their conquering skills is now over. Keeping that kind of mentality today not only doesn't help you, but on the contrary it has consequences which far outweigh any benefits you might have from the land grabs.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:41 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:VP, Cyprus, like every other Greek territory and island, has been fighting to become part of a Greek state since the Greek revolution of 1821. Some territories where liberated soon after the revolution, and some others many decades later, some of them as late as the 1940s.

Are you telling me that it was illegal for Cypriots, and for Greeks in general, to fight against their rulers for freedom just because Turks had transferred parts of their population on our territories? Are you telling me that it was legal for Cyprus to be part of the Ottoman and British empires against the will of the Cypriots, but it was illegal to be part of the Greek state which is what the great majority of Cypriots themselves wanted??

And if Cyprus became part of the Greek state then which of your human rights would be violated? Nobody would physically harm you, nobody would send you to jail, nobody would take your land.

The fact is that after you oppressed us for centuries, then in the 1950s you collaborated with the British, and you started a conflict against us, in order to continue to deprive us from our freedom and self determination.

Today we are not talking about enosis or anything like that. We made that compromise in 1959. But we are not going to compromise our human rights, democracy and our lands, so you can have even more gains on our loss. Your minority should accept that they had enough gains on our loss already, and that there is no chance to achieve peace if you insist for further gains of land and power on our loss.

You claim you gave up the dream of enosis in 1959, then what was 1974 and the underhand tactics of 1963 onwards which deprived us of our human rights, why were you not fighting for my human rights back then please forgive me for not believing you when you are going around peddling human rights for all now that you have lost yours due to a situation you admit you contributed to.

Democracy must as you say take into account the needs of all the population, this was the biggest mistake of the GCs and falls short of the posts you have supplied in this thread yourself you tried to side track us and turn Cyprus into Greece, we are also indigenous to Cyprus and we will never give up our right to live here as equals, we tried this in 1960 but you had other plans for our future, just as you hate and detest the idea of being united to Turkey we feel the same about Greece, this I am sure you can understand. Our struggle was in direct retaliation of your dream to gift Cyprus to Greece with or without its TC population, your claiming that our rights woudl have been protected makes me laugh as there is enough evidence eg Crete to prove what the likely outcome of the TCs woudl have been but of course you will never understand this as you are not a TC and your life would not have been in the balance.

VP, I ask you again: No Greek territory or island should have been liberated because Turkish minorities where formed there? It is fine for Cyprus to be part of the Ottoman or British empires but not fine to be part of the Greek state which was the democratic wish of the Cypriot people?

Answer these questions please.

You also talk about what happened to some Turks in other Greek islands. Why don't you say about what happens of the Greeks of Asia Minor as well?

Beyond this, yes, I understand your concerns. You having concerns though doesn't mean that us wanting to be finally be liberated and unite with the free Greek state, like it happened to many other Greek territories and islands, was not our right.

In the 50s we fought against the colonialists, and you are the ones who started the conflict against us. We didn't ask for any human rights violations against you, but your taksim (partition) demand involved the killing and ethnic cleansing of 100s of thousands of Greek Cypriots.

So don't try to blame the inter-communal conflicts only on GCs when in fact you are the ones who started it and you have an equal share of responsibility for it.

Had you not insisted on partition and on unfair gains against us, then we could have easily negotiate a solution where Cyprus would not unite with Greece, but at least it would be a normal democratic country like all the rest. The same holds true today, but now, just like then, you continue to insist on gains on our loss and the effective partition of Cyprus into "Greek" and "Turkish" as well as the violations of our human rights. We on the other hand do not ask for union with Greece, neither we want any gains on the loss of your human rights.
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Postby zan » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:14 am

Piratis wrote:VP, Cyprus, like every other Greek territory and island, has been fighting to become part of a Greek state since the Greek revolution of 1821. Some territories where liberated soon after the revolution, and some others many decades later, some of them as late as the 1940s.

Are you telling me that it was illegal for Cypriots, and for Greeks in general, to fight against their rulers for freedom just because Turks had transferred parts of their population on our territories? Are you telling me that it was legal for Cyprus to be part of the Ottoman and British empires against the will of the Cypriots, but it was illegal to be part of the Greek state which is what the great majority of Cypriots themselves wanted??

And if Cyprus became part of the Greek state then which of your human rights would be violated? Nobody would physically harm you, nobody would send you to jail, nobody would take your land.

The fact is that after you oppressed us for centuries, then in the 1950s you collaborated with the British, and you started a conflict against us, in order to continue to deprive us from our freedom and self determination.

Today we are not talking about enosis or anything like that. We made that compromise in 1959. But we are not going to compromise our human rights, democracy and our lands, so you can have even more gains on our loss. Your minority should accept that they had enough gains on our loss already, and that there is no chance to achieve peace if you insist for further gains of land and power on our loss.

Why do you constantly talk crap?????What happened on Crete and other islands and even on the mainland :roll: :roll: :roll:

Besides...TCS...Stop acting like a minority....If you do then you are accepting that we are not owners of our own country......We cannot gift the island to the Greeks because they say so. We are only a numerical minority and that is it...We are equals politically and as Cypriots.....History is the only thing we need worry about.....That is what demands that we have special conditions that demand that ordinary conditions cannot be maintained.
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Postby humanist » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:20 am

Zan that is the best thing you have said in two years. " TCS stop acting like a minority". No one wants a gif of anything Zan. The whole country is here to share.
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Postby zan » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:27 am

humanist wrote:Zan that is the best thing you have said in two years. " TCS stop acting like a minority". No one wants a gif of anything Zan. The whole country is here to share.

that is the only thing I have said in two years......You have argued against it constantly.....Do you agree with the last part as well?????
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