greek.god wrote:There is an EU directive which states that students enrolled in schools or universities in EU states are authorized to work regardless of nationality. Cyprus refuses to allow them to they are protesting. Why does the initial poster refer to it as a "black protest".
Does he/she have something against people of color?
God, how I forgot how people take things the wrong way in Cyprus-Forum. I saw Asian people, darker than normal Cypriots, protesting for their freedom in Cyprus, where somewhat 10 years ago most of them did not even live here. Cyprus is a long devided country that has yet to see it's freedom. Anyway, the Cypriot law is the law in Cyprus, if you don't like it there is always planes.
LENA wrote:Greek-god, I think Sega said colour because he did not know their nationality and did not want to write Indian or TC in case he was wrong (he explain that in his first post).
At some point is not nice for the students that are poor and want to be educated not to be able to work but on the other hand as Bill said most of them comes for the money they can earn working here and not the education. Few years ago we had lots of students enrolled to Cyprus college that did not have to attend to classes and present themselves as students but they were working. I am not sure if Cyprus college changed their policies but i guess government is trying to do something about it.
A friend of mine from Pakistan was asking me if he is able to work as a student and when I ask him if he finally decide what he was going to study he said not yet but they told him that he could work which for him was more important and he wanted to know if its true or not.
Thanks LENA, it's always good to here some sense.
My personal beliefs are, if your here for education, then you should be here for education. Not some mass business plan. You need the laws permission for that. You prove the point that many from India/Pakistan come to countries not for education but for the wealth/money associated with that.
GorrillaGal wrote:i started reading this thread and it just makes me sick. it is ok for people with money to come visit, but god forbid should they want to get a paying job? and what is this about aurpairs and sunday help being mistreated. why ever would the very hospitiable cypriots mistreat someone of a "lower class"? i remember in my visit, eating in resturaunt, across from some GC couple, with what appeared to me an aupair or some kind of housekeeper. she looked asian. and she looked hugely unhappy, supressed, in emotional pain. it was a very sad sight indeed.
Are you not from the USA? Stop judging other countries when yours is far worse when it comes to issues for foreign worker equiring work permits, not to mention it's mistreatment of minorities and poorer classes. If anything makes the world sick is the United States of America, not Cyprus. GG you seriously have problems, your mentality is all screwed up. To be honest I have more pressing things to do that talk to people who simply won't comprehend.